Both in the past and in this life, it is well known that Alibaba and JD do not deal with each other. The logo of tmall, Alibaba's core platform, is a cat and JD's logo is a dog. The dispute between the two is also jokingly called the dispute between cats and dogs in the industry.

Cats and dogs have always been enemies, so even Fang zhe lamented that their two families are natural enemies.

President Liu of JD often diss Alibaba and President Ma on various occasions. Although President Ma is generous, he sometimes alludes to JD and President Liu.

Now, Mary's question, although it sounds a little like adding fuel to the fire, is right in General Ma's mind.

With an inexplicable smile on his face, Mr. Ma said, "I think China's No. 1 e-commerce stock depends not on words, but on hands. It can't be said that whoever speaks badly and who is listed in the United States first is the No. 1 e-commerce stock.

To be listed, we Alibaba had been listed in Hong Kong in 2007, but later we withdrew from Hong Kong for strategic development.

Alibaba's listing in the United States this time is not to compete for the title of the first share of e-commerce, but to bring tangible benefits to American investors and investors and share the historic development opportunity of China's 1.3 billion population market.

It can be said that investing in Alibaba means investing in the future of China's e-commerce industry and China's future. I believe calm investors will make their own accurate judgment.

As for whether JD will surpass Alibaba, I dare not talk nonsense. I believe that as long as we Ali people do well, it is difficult for JD or any other competitors to surpass us, at least in terms of e-commerce market share and Gmv transaction volume.

If the e-commerce industry ushers in any historic major changes or opportunities in the future, I believe that only then can Alibaba be a real challenger and competitor! "

President Ma didn't seem to respond positively to Mary's two questions, but he seemed to respond to them everywhere. In his answer, he didn't directly belittle his competitors like President Liu Jingdong, but used his past practice to raise the pattern to a higher level, and then implied that the vision and pattern of his competitors were not enough.

I don't know how many times better than Mr. Liu's remarks. In China on the other side of the ocean, Mr. Liu Jingdong, who is watching his old rival's listing live, was also so angry that he directly fell his teacup.

Fortunately, Mary didn't ask Jingdong any more questions. President Ma had no excuse to satirize Jingdong. The few tea cups left in President Liu's office were finally saved.

"Mr. Ma, let me ask you one last question. As far as I know, more than 90% of Alibaba's business is in China. After Alibaba's listing in the United States, do you have plans and plans to develop outside China and fully internationalize? If so, what do you plan to do?"

Mary's question is of great concern to all investors and investors who have invested or intend to invest in Alibaba. President Ma's answer is likely to affect and change their investment intention. Therefore, President Ma's answer is also very cautious:

"Since its establishment, Alibaba has been determined to do global e-commerce business. The Alibaba B2B platform we first launched has many international buyers and customers. Four years ago, we also set up C2C platform express for overseas buyers.

Although this platform can not be compared with overseas well-known e-commerce platforms such as eBay and Amazon, its development potential is huge. In recent years, while comprehensively transforming and moving, we are also vigorously promoting e-commerce business in developing countries or sub developed countries such as Southeast Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

In addition, last year, tmall, the core e-commerce platform of Alibaba, also accepted Huizhong's investment. Over the past year, tmall and wechat launched a new social e-commerce exploration, which has made a lot of contributions to our performance growth.

In the future, alibaba will join hands with Huizhong, who has been quite successful in internationalization, and strive to do more international exploration in the e-commerce industry. I believe Fang will not be stingy to help Alibaba grow into a real international giant! "

Mr. Ma finally looked at Fang Zhe. Mary also pointed the microphone at Fang Zhe and asked:

"Mr. Fang Zhe, is it convenient for you to accept my interview?"

After seeing Fang zhe nodding, Mary continued to ask:

"I'll ask you about Ma and Alibaba later. I heard that you and your wife have just returned from their honeymoon. How was your honeymoon trip? Do you have anything interesting to share with us?"

Fang Zhe and Feng Xue looked at each other, and they implicitly remembered the scene that they backhanded touched their navel in the hotel.

Fang Zhe told Mary Mary tiktok, laughing at the little story. She was still smiling at the tremor. It was only in the domestic fire, and the Mary, who was an American, could not understand the way she touched her belly button.

"I interviewed president Ma just now. I think you heard that President Ma believes you will not be stingy to help Alibaba grow into a real international giant. Do you agree with him? If you agree, what methods and means do you and Huizhong intend to use in the future to help Alibaba achieve full nationalization?"

Fang zhe looked at President Ma and said:

"I agree with him that Huizhong and I will help Alibaba strive to achieve full internationalization, which is based on Huizhong's identity as a shareholder of tmall, the friendship between President Ma and me and our faith in keeping watch and helping each other among enterprises born in China.

As for methods, Huizhong has many international experiences and lessons that can be used as learning materials for Alibaba's internationalization. The rookie network, a logistics company jointly invested and established by us and Alibaba, will also strive to improve the navigation capacity of international trade in the next few years, help express and other cross-border e-commerce, and better carry out international trade. "

Fang zhe didn't go on here. Although there are still many international cooperation between Huizhong and Ali, it is obvious that Fang zhe doesn't want to disclose too much for reasons of business confidentiality and reducing the hostility and vigilance of traditional overseas e-commerce enterprises such as Amazon.

Mr. Ma glanced at Fang Zhe and understood what idea he had in mind.

Mary did not continue to ask deeply. He asked Fang zhe the last question in today's interview: "which company is more optimistic about JD and Alibaba?"

Although Fang Zhe is naturally more optimistic about Alibaba, Huizhong is also one of the major shareholders of JD. Fang zhe will not be foolish enough to give President Liu Jingdong the opportunity to be careful to hate himself. Therefore, he can only give a polite answer:

"Both companies are equally optimistic! Huizhong has shares in both companies. If both companies can maintain their original intention and develop their core competitiveness, I believe both companies can have a good future."

Mary didn't get her own satisfactory answer. She could only hum twice and stop talking. As Fang Zhe, she naturally couldn't ask too much, otherwise Fang zhe would be unhappy and she might be fired by her boss tomorrow.