"The richest man of the party leads Qualcomm and SMIC to reach unprecedented cooperation!"

"Fang Zhe is the matchmaker? Qualcomm will hand over 50 million chip OEM orders to SMIC!"

"Shock! Fang zhe made a move, and the spring of the domestic chip industry is coming!"

"For the first time in the domestic chip industry, SMIC will OEM mainstream commercial mobile phone chips!"

"Fang Shoufu has made chips? Let's see how powerful this newly established Xinsheng fund is!"

"Fang zhe got involved in the chip industry and became the third largest shareholder of SMIC!"

CCTV news, CCTV finance, people's daily, Xinhua news agency, global times, UC headlines, today's headlines, wechat news, Beijing News, sina finance, etc. all kinds of news media push these news information to netizens all over the country in a very short time.

Netizens across the country who saw these news also fried the pot one after another.

"Thank God! I've been shouting on the Internet for so many years, and Fang's richest man has finally made a chip!"

"Fang's richest man! SMIC international! Domestic chip industry!"

"The richest man is the richest man. He orders 50 million chips. SMIC has been forced for so many years, and finally looks forward to spring!"

"My lover is a hero in the world. One day he will step on colorful auspicious clouds and marry me with a large order of 50 million chips!"

"Fang Zhe is a cow. Even Qualcomm has to kneel down and call Dad!"

"Fang zhe has a dark belly and quietly becomes the third largest shareholder of SMIC! What I want to say is, why not the first largest shareholder?"

"TSMC, do you panic?"

Netizens all over the country are talking and excited, especially many people who hate the domestic chip industry. Fang zhe began to make chips. The domestic chip industry that has not improved for a long time has ushered in spring and hope!

That night, in the news broadcast program of CCTV channel, it specially spent 3 minutes to briefly broadcast the signing ceremony. Fang Zhe's handsome face and calm answer once again conquered many middle-aged and elderly women who didn't surf the Internet.

"It is understood that in addition to the cooperation agreement that facilitated the signing ceremony, Simson fund will also invest US $2 billion, equivalent to nearly 14 billion yuan, in SMIC in the next six months to help SMIC transform and upgrade its existing production lines and expand production capacity, as well as the introduction of talent training and top chip technology talents.

In addition, we also learned from relevant national departments that the national integrated circuit industry investment fund jointly funded by several state-owned asset investment funds, central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, led by relevant government units, will be established in the next few months.

At that time, hundreds of billions of relevant funds and hundreds of billions of local government and enterprise funds will flow into the domestic chip industry to provide sufficient ammunition for the development of relevant enterprises and industries.

Some critics believe that this time, the domestic chip industry will usher in a real spring! "Haixia, the host of the news broadcast, broadcast this passage in a calm and magnetic voice.

Many local government leaders, business leaders, industrial investment fund managers and many investors who pay attention to the news broadcast and listen to the policy direction every day suddenly realize that a huge opportunity and outlet are coming!

Early the next morning, stocks and funds of various domestic chip industries, from SMIC to Ziguang Guowei, began to rise all the way!

Qualcomm and SMIC joined hands, and the news that Fang zhe became the third largest shareholder of SMIC bombed the mainland media and Internet users.

At TSMC's headquarters on the other side of the bank, Zhang Zhongmou, the godfather of Baodao semiconductor, who has been out of the mountain for the second time in his eighties, sat in an armchair in the office and quietly examined several TSMC executives standing in front of him.

"If chips can be made by throwing money, TSMC will not get to where it is today. After all, the mainland is the second. As long as there is the United States, the mainland can't even buy the most advanced machines. How can we make the most advanced chips?

Just take a look at this kind of news. I don't know how many times this kind of news has been made in the mainland. Spring comes one by one. A Doo who can't help is a Doo who can't help. "

Zhang Zhongmou told several TSMC executives in a flat and relaxed tone that these people had been with themselves for so many years, but they didn't expect to be calm and steady enough in case of trouble.

"Yes, chairman, I also agree that the chip industry in mainland China can't afford it. Ah Dou, we don't have to worry too much.

But I think SMIC just took a large amount of orders that should belong to us. If we don't say so, it doesn't seem that we are afraid of him. Next time we encounter such a thing again, everyone thinks that TSMC is easy to bully and wants to rob meat from our jobs.

So I think we should find a way to beat SMIC and resolutely stop this from happening again, "an executive explained.

Other executives nodded and agreed. Zhang Zhongmou thought for a moment and said:

"This time, I think there are too many coincidental factors. Qualcomm hopes that the mainland will let go of the antitrust case, which will make SMIC cheaper. After a while, I don't believe Qualcomm will be willing to take the trouble to cooperate with SMIC.

However, to be on the safe side, we have to put pressure on Qualcomm. If this happens again, we make chips for them and always arrange them behind apple. I don't believe Qualcomm doesn't know the importance.

In addition, I think we can build more factories in front of SMIC's factories on the mainland. Even if we can't eat its market, we should also grab its talents. The lion and the rabbit still make every effort, even if SMIC can't catch up with us,

We should also delay its development! "

In a few words, the wily Zhang Zhongmou decided on a strategy to deal with SMIC. In his opinion, although the mainland clamors fiercely, it has to make a big question mark about how much effect it can play.

As for Fang Zhe and Xinsheng fund, who led the cooperation and became the third largest shareholder of SMIC international, Zhang Zhongmou didn't mention it. In his opinion, this young man who made such great achievements by virtue of luck is really lucky enough to think that he can make chips by doing the Internet? Funny!

Zhang Zhongmou and TSMC disdain and respond to Fang Zhe and SMIC. Fang zhe doesn't know, and he doesn't think about these for the time being. Now he is sitting on the board of directors of SMIC, talking or playing games with the directors representing the other two major shareholders of SMIC!

"President Fang, I admit that you have the ability and means to get so many SMIC shares and bring so many orders to SMIC. I and other board directors, on behalf of the shareholders behind me, welcome you to join and thank you for your contribution to SMIC.

However, this cannot be the reason why you do not transfer your shares in proportion.

The big fund is invested and established by several departments above and several national prefix funds and enterprises. You should be very clear about its background. Not to mention you, even Datang obediently gave up some shares, not to mention you? "

Luo Zhiqiang, director of Datang Telecom, the largest shareholder of SMIC, sent a message to Fang Zhe.