Yu'e Bao is an internet financial product to be launched by Alipay.

Alipay or wechat payment users who open yu'e Bao can transfer their balance in Alipay or wechat payment or funds from bank cards to yu'e Bao and enjoy the investment income of yu'e Bao. To put it bluntly, yu'e Bao is equivalent to a current deposit on the Internet and enjoy the current interest of yu'e Bao.

The name and service as like as two peas of the previous generation Alipay launched, the name of Fang zhe specifically named this product as balance treasure, and also from the naming inertia of the customary match with previous generations, from WeChat to Hua Bai and then to the balance treasure.

In the past, Alipay, who launched the balance of treasure, has been born unhappily because of the premature rise of pay and WeChat payments. Until now, it has been learning to make products after paying the bills, let alone what financial products to launch.

The document in Fang Zhe's hand is a policy instruction document. In the document, the regulatory authorities have approved and approved the launch of yu'e Bao by Alipay. The last obstacle to the launch of yu'e Bao by Alipay has been removed!

"It's time to kill the bank!" Fang zhe muttered, looking at the instruction document in his hand.

On June 12, Alipay and wechat payment officially announced the launch of yu'e Bao, a financial product!

At the beginning, many Alipay users and wechat users saw that Alipay and wechat officially launched financial products, scolded Alipay and wechat for their deterioration, and even began to sell financial products.

Because in the past, many people had the impression that all kinds of financial products sold at the bank counter had always been cheating products. From time to time, there would be news on the Internet that who bought the financial products of which company, and finally lost his underpants.

In the impression of many ordinary people, financial management = cheating = liar!

However, since this financial product is launched by two national software, Alipay and wechat, many users still click on the product introduction of yu'e Bao based on trust and curiosity.

Starting from 1 yuan, there is no upper limit, the daily income is 2.24 yuan per 10000 yuan, and the seven-day annualized yield is 8.2%!

Many people with a little financial knowledge were stunned at these figures.

From 1 yuan? This should be the lowest starting investment amount of financial products in history. If you deposit at the bank counter or financial company in case of one or two, people are not rare to introduce you to financial products.

Without a ceiling, this fool knows what it means.

The daily income per 10000 yuan is 2.24 yuan. Many users who don't often deal with banks and interest don't understand what this number means. Instead, they think that the income per 10000 yuan a day is only 2.24 yuan, which is too little!

When you see the next seven-day annualized yield of 8.2%, those who don't understand are more confused, but those who understand are shocked and speechless!

The seven day annualized rate of return is almost equivalent to the annual interest rate of the bank, with a yield of 8.2%, which means that 10000 yuan can earn 820 yuan a year from yu'e Bao!

Too little? If you compare this figure with the current interest of several major banks or even the death interest of three or five years, you will understand what this figure means.

Nowadays, the average current interest rate of several major domestic banks is 0.35%, the one-year dead interest rate is 2.75%, the three-year dead interest rate is 4%, the five-year dead interest rate is 4.75%, and the annual interest rate of yu'e Bao is 8.2%, which is more than 1.5 times higher than the five-year dead deposit interest rate.

Even, according to the loan interest rate of many banks, the loan interest rate within 6 months is basically within 6%, and the loan interest rate in three to five years will not exceed 7%. In other words, even if you borrow from the bank and deposit yu'e Bao, you can still earn a price difference!

Therefore, many people were shocked and doubted. Many people were wondering whether Alipay had mistaken the interest rate of yu'e Bao, such as saying a bug, which would make a big joke!

Unfortunately, after they verified with Alipay and wechat officials, they got the answer: Yes, the last seven-day annualized yield of yu'e Bao is 8.2%!


Now many brave users with a little financial knowledge are crazy. They have transferred the balance in their Alipay and wechat payment to yu'e Bao. Even many brave users have put forward their bank deposits and transferred them to yu'e Bao!

Those who are brave and hungry are timid. Since this is a product of Alipay and wechat, even if it goes wrong, can they still default?

Cheng Guang, an it otaku who has just worked in Pudong New Area of Jianghai city for less than three years, flashed a light in his head when he looked at the annualized rate of 8.2% on yu'e Bao.

With a try mentality, Cheng Guang opened yu'e Bao and transferred 100 yuan to it.

If it is settled daily according to the rules of yu'e Bao, theoretically, the total amount in his yu'e Bao account should become 100.02 by tomorrow!

The next morning, Cheng Guang, who got up early in the morning, saw that the total amount on his yu'e Bao turned into 100.02 yuan. A bold idea began to sprout in Cheng Guang's heart.

For three consecutive days, Cheng Guang deposited 320000 yuan into yu'e Bao from his savings to borrowing money from his parents, relatives and friends!

In these three days, he has been staring at the annualized rate and daily income of yu'e Bao. From 0.02 of 100 yuan deposited on the first day to 26.9 of 120000 yuan deposited on the second day, and then to 320000 yuan deposited on the third day, the daily income of yu'e Bao has also become more than 70 yuan. If it can be accumulated for a month, the income will be as high as more than 2000 yuan, which is equivalent to one quarter of his monthly income!

Terrible, too much interest, too much money! Cheng Guang finally realized how high yu'e Bao's income was. It's hateful that he borrowed only 320000 from his relatives and friends. If he could borrow enough 1 million, the monthly interest would be more than 6000 yuan. He could make money just lying down without going to work!

Seeing the annualized rate of 8.2% on yu'e Bao, Cheng Guang suddenly turned on his mobile phone and checked the bank loan interest rate. When he saw that the ordinary bank loan interest rate was less than 6%, a bolder idea began to form in his mind!

Across the country, there are not a few people as smart as Cheng Guang or even smarter than him. However, compared with these decisive smart people, most ordinary users are still cautious and skeptical about yu'e Bao.

"The annualized rate of yu'e Bao is higher than the bank loan interest rate. There won't be any pit in it?"

For several days, this question has been hung on the home page of Zhihu. There are thousands of answers at the bottom. Millions of people have visited this question. It can be seen that many people pay close attention to yu'e Bao.

"I don't know if there is a pit. Anyway, my cigarette money today was bought from yesterday's yu'e Bao income!"

The number one answer is more than 20000.