"Is the personal cloud really so promising?" this is a question in the minds of the bosses of many domestic Internet companies.

At the same time two years ago, google cloud was established and won 10 million users in just one and a half months, triggering a shock in the domestic Internet industry.

Since then, well-known Internet companies in China, including Sina and 360, have begun to pay attention to and get involved in the field of personal cloud computing. To put it bluntly, they are learning Baidu cloud and opening various online cloud disk services such as 360 online disk and Sina online disk.

In the past two years, although the industry has been developing rapidly, each company has accumulated a certain number of users. For example, the number of users of Baidu cloud, the earliest one, has exceeded 100 million.

However, two years later, neither Baidu cloud nor other Internet companies doing personal cloud have basically found a more suitable business model.

Up to now, the few paid services provided by companies are to spend money to expand the upper limit of personal cloud space and increase the speed of uploading and downloading files.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the things that make the bosses of Internet companies regret.

Over the past two years, in order to grab new users, companies have engaged in activities such as sending a few G's to registered accounts and inviting friends to send a few G's, which directly leads to that most users have enough cloud disk space.

On average, each user doesn't even use 1% of the space limit. To expect users to use the space limit, they don't know how long they have to wait, let alone spend money to expand the space limit.

Similarly, most users only use the online disk for the convenience of storing some movie seeds or learning materials. Many of them are very active in saving and collecting, but they rarely open, download or learn. Those who are willing to download don't care about the download speed at all. They can download as soon as they can, but they can't pull down. I just don't need to learn, What a good excuse!

This bleak reality has made all the bosses of Internet companies who have entered at the beginning have a question mark in their hearts. Can this thing make money? They have never seen a lot of businesses that make money at a loss!

Over the past two years, every Internet company's personal cloud business has been losing money. Many bosses secretly scolded google president Li: "what about the 100 billion dollar market?"

The unclear profit model has gradually cooled down the promising personal cloud business. Even many small Internet companies that follow the trend have begun to cut this business and withdraw from the field of personal cloud computing.

However, in this context, Baidu, as the number one player in the domestic personal cloud field, bucked the trend and announced that it would invest another 10 billion yuan in Baidu cloud!

I don't understand. I really don't understand. This is the idea of a lot of Internet company bosses who follow the trend and engage in cloud disk, including President 360 Zhou, President Cao of sina and President Ding of Netease.

Many of them are both confused and secretly happy. Has Baidu found a good personal cloud business model? Doesn't that mean that your personal cloud business can also "learn" and start making money? Is it too late to start another wave of activities to register and send cloud disk space?

In fact, President Li of Baidu has a hard time saying that no matter whether Baidu cloud business can make money in the next few years, he must gamble and spend the money, because the trend of the global Internet industry in recent years is the mobile Internet, and Baidu's transformation to the mobile Internet industry is not smooth, It has become the culprit of Baidu's depressed stock price and not favored by investors. Baidu urgently needs to find a new growth engine, a concept favored by shareholders and investors, and this concept is cloud computing.

Although the domestic personal cloud industry has changed from popular to not optimistic in the past two years, in foreign countries, thanks to Microsoft's good performance in the cloud office field, the personal cloud is still optimistic by investors and investors, and Baidu, which is listed in U.S. stocks, also needs this optimism. As soon as the news that Baidu invested another 10 billion yuan in Baidu cloud was announced, Baidu's share price rose by 7%, The book value has increased by tens of billions of yuan!

President Li of Baidu also plans to learn from Microsoft abroad and earn back this 10 billion yuan investment from the cloud office field!

Just in September, google cloud announced that Baidu cloud invested in Jinshan cloud under domestic Jinshan software company at the price of 1.02 billion yuan, accounting for 51%. At the same time, the two companies reached a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly expand the domestic office cloud market. As soon as the news came out, the bosses of domestic Internet companies understood that Baidu's 10 billion yuan was to play like this!

Office cloud can be regarded as both personal cloud business and Enterprise Cloud business. In foreign countries, Microsoft has directly established its own office cloud business on the basis of its office series software that dominates the office field.

For example, for many business white-collar workers who often use office software such as word, Excel and PPT, as long as they use the same Microsoft account, they can use, edit and save their relevant documents stored in the cloud anywhere, anytime, anywhere. For a large number of office workers who have used office for many years abroad, Is a very convenient and intimate function.

It is also because of the huge number of office users that support the rapid development of Microsoft's personal cloud and Enterprise Cloud business, but is this routine feasible in China?

Baidu's cooperation with Jinshan cloud focuses on Jinshan's domestic office software WPS series similar to office. It hopes to copy Microsoft's routines and brilliance overseas through WPS series, but it's a little naive in the view of Fang zhe who learned this news!

As Microsoft's housekeeping products, office series has developed and accumulated for more than 30 years. It can even be said simply and directly that Microsoft has only two core products, windows operating system and office software. After more than 30 years of development and iteration, office has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the global market and has become synonymous with office software.

Relying solely on office software licensing and services, Microsoft makes a net profit of US $67 billion, equivalent to RMB 45 billion, every quarter, that is, three months. In contrast, the quarterly revenue of Jinshan's WPS series is less than RMB 100 million.

In the field of domestic office software, Jinshan's WPS series has a market share of less than 30%, while the rest is a large number of pirated office software and other software.

Considering the differences in the positive piracy concept and payment of users at home and abroad, Fang zhe almost asserted after hearing the news that Baidu's 10 billion yuan has a 99% probability that it will drift away, and the remaining 0.10% may be a miracle!

Although Fang zhe was not optimistic about Baidu's stupid move, he did not express any opinions. Now Baidu and President Li basically fell into the same track as in previous lives. They became anxious and blind because of the poor transformation and mobility.

In the previous life, Baidu first spent $1.9 billion to buy 91 assistants, then claimed to spend $20 billion on o2o, and then allinai. It can be said that this is not only the anxiety and blindness of google president Li, but also Baidu's money and willfulness. After all, as an Internet search engine that almost dominates the domestic market, google still makes a lot of money.

Fang zhe doesn't want to comment on Baidu's practice, but many people want Fang Zhe to comment. For example, the 360 week general manager who specially invited Fang Zhe to dinner for this purpose!