The finals of dota2 international invitational tournament ended. However, the name of Ig team has become a household name in the e-sports industry and even many ordinary people.

"Five young people made $10 million overnight just because they did it!"

"No future playing games? Ig team has something to say!"

"The average age of Ig team members who won the TI2 championship is less than 21 years old? Why are they so young!"

A variety of online news and headlines make the news about Ig team and Ti2 finals noisy.

On the day after the end of the competition, a heavy news released by Huizhong official made the storm of public opinion more violent, and even stirred the situation of the global game industry!

The source of this news is an announcement posted by Huizhong on the world's official website, official microblog and twitter. The title of the announcement is "relevant announcement on the strategic cooperation agreement between Huizhong and WCG (world cyber games).

The announcement said that after careful consideration and careful investigation and consultation, the Organizing Committee of Korea International e-marketing company, the former WCG organizer, decided to transfer the organizational and hosting rights of WCG to the WCG International Organizing Committee jointly invested and established by Huizhong company, Korea International e-marketing company, Ubisoft, Gameloft and more than a dozen large game companies around the world.

Among them, Huizhong company accounts for 51% of the shares of WCG International Organizing Committee and will directly lead, organize and operate WCG related events in the future.

At the same time, the newly established WCG International Organizing Committee decided to comprehensively and thoroughly reform the competition mechanism of WCG from the 13th WCG next year. The main contents of the reform include:

1、 By adjusting the selection mechanism of WCG events, the WCG International Organizing Committee will consider the entertainment, leisure and functionality of the items to be selected. It is no longer limited to the selection characteristics of previous WCG projects that prefer heavy games or host games, including classic leisure games such as Tetris and snake, which are also included in the selection of competition items.

2、 Adjust the game equipment restrictions of WCG events, including computers, game consoles, game consoles, mobile electronic devices, etc., which can be used as game equipment of corresponding events. After this adjustment, whether computer games, host games or mobile games will be included in the selection of WCG events.

3、 Adjust the project mechanism of WCG events, divide all WCG projects into national projects, Continental projects and global projects, and set corresponding project selection standards.

Among them, the national project requires the project to operate in its operating country for at least one year, and the monthly active number of the project in the last 6 months shall not be less than 5 million!

Continental projects require the project to operate on the geographical continent where it operates for at least two years, and the number of monthly active people of the project in the last six months shall not be less than 10 million!

The global level project requires the project to operate in three geographical continents and above for at least two years, and the monthly active number of the project in each continent shall not be less than 10 million in the last 6 months, or the monthly active number of four or more continents shall not be less than 5 million!

For other special projects, the total number of users of this project in the world has exceeded 100 million!

In the past, WCG competitions were held according to global specifications, but in fact, many projects have great differences in popularity in different countries, and even do not operate at all, which also makes it difficult for both spectators and contestants to find the focus of WCG competitions.

After this adjustment, WCG events can not only effectively screen out unqualified projects in project selection, avoid some projects from being unpopular, but also well adjust and allocate resources, so that each project can get a good heat and development.

4、 It is the condition adjustment required by the participants. WCG competition will be divided into individual competition and team competition. The participants require healthy earth life aged 0-200 years, and non living bodies such as robots and artificial intelligence are prohibited from participating!

When netizens and media reporters saw this WCG reform content, many people were directly amused!

PI, WCG officials are too PI! Also 0-200-year-old earth life, this is the rhythm that men, women, young and old, people, ghosts and dogs can compete!

This official announcement, which is too skinny to be skinned, made many netizens and the media share this announcement happily, which directly led to the fact that less than half a day after the announcement, it was on the front page and popular search of major real-time news, game news and even entertainment news all over the world, setting off a hot discussion among netizens all over the world!

"Is there any mistake? WCG handed over the right to host to Huizhong. After that, is there only Huizhong game left in WCG's competition?"

"Don't open your mouth upstairs. Do you think WCG's past projects are good? Which big company sponsored more than which project?"

"WCG has long been in decline. If it can catch the Huizhong line, it will smoke on its ancestral grave!"

"Yes, I feel that WCG will be closed in two years. I didn't expect to be saved by Huizhong now!"

"I really admire Huizhong's courage to take over the mess of WCG. I have to say, Fang Zhe, Huizhong and Ig!"

"Look at the announcement. It seems that there are games such as Tetris and greedy snake in the future WCG competition. It's fun to think about it!"

"Yes, I used to think that the WCG competition was tall. I've never heard of those games. Now if I'm more greedy than snake, I can reach the finals as an expert who can score 1500 points in one game!"

"0-200 year old life on earth, has Huizhong found aliens?"

"Poof, you're still 200 years old. Don't find a bastard to compete!"

"I really want to see if there are animals participating in the competition. If so, I must see it!"

"150 years later, I reached the WCG Tetris finals. My opponent is my grandson's grandson's grandson's grandson's deskmate, the second child younger brother born by his father's colleague's wife's sister-in-law!"

Compared with the ridicule and hot discussion of netizens, the global game manufacturers in the game industry are deeply touched, especially those who do not know in advance and are not lucky to become WCG investors, such as Sega in Japan.

"Baga, since Huizhong united so many game companies to invest in the establishment of WCG International Committee, why didn't our company receive the invitation, or even have the right to know?" Li Jianzhi, President of Sega, angrily said at the board of directors.

Many Sega executives at the bottom looked at each other. Didn't you say that the enemy of the enemy is a friend? As long as you have a good relationship with Tencent, it is equal to attacking Huizhong?

Who would have thought that now he lifted a stone and hit himself in the foot!