Gu Yongqiang was slightly surprised when he heard Fang Zhe's question. How did he know he met Wang Wei? And what's the purpose of his appointment?

Gu Yongqiang thinks that his meeting with Wang Wei is very secret. Even if many senior executives inside Youku don't know about it, Fang zhe mentioned it just when he met. Is his purpose related to Tudou?

"President Fang, to tell you the truth, I did meet Wang Wei several times recently. We have a very good personal relationship and often make an appointment to have dinner together!"

Gu Yongqiang didn't hide it from Fang Zhe. He guessed that Fang zhe must have known something since he asked so directly. If he deliberately deceived him, he might make enemies with Fang Zhe and Huizhong.

Indeed, Gu Yongqiang at the moment is very worried about Fang Zhe's feelings, because he and Fang Zhe, Youku and Huizhong are not of the same order of magnitude at all. Otherwise, Fang zhe asked him to meet at the club near Huizhong, and he came here. Among them, it means "summoning" a little.

When Gu Yongqiang was wondering whether Fang zhe really knew something, Fang zhe directly gave him the answer: "so, your two companies have planned to merge?"

"Bang Dang"

Gu Yongqiang failed to grasp one of the tea cups he had just picked up, overturned on the table, and a full cup of tea spilled on the table and flowed down the corner of the table.

Fortunately, Fang zhe was sitting at the other end of the table and the tea was not poured on him.

Gu Yongqiang made amends and asked the waiter who had been waiting nearby to clean up. When the table was cleaned up again, Gu Yongqiang said:

"President Fang, the industry says that you are far sighted and have bright eyes. I thought it was a little incredible before. Today I know that you have reached the state of iron mouth divine calculation and divine anticipation!"

Gu Yongqiang said something half boasting and half holding, which can be regarded as resolving his embarrassment of overturning the tea cup before.

Fang zhe smiled and didn't speak. Gu Yongqiang wondered what Fang zhe was thinking, so he simply asked:

"Mr. Fang, don't sell off. If you have anything to do, you can directly say that if Youku and I can help, I will try my best to help."

Gu Yongqiang's attitude towards each other's philosophy is very respectful. As a professional manager, he has a very smooth life.

"In that line, I won't sell off with you. I believe you know more about the current environment of the domestic video industry than I am a layman. Iqiyi supported by Baidu and Tencent video under Tencent are at the peak of the sun. They are competing with each other. I believe you have a hard time with Tudou and other video websites, so I think it's time to reshuffle the industry Wait. "

After Fang zhe said this, Gu Yongqiang understood Fang Zhe's meaning and his purpose. Obviously, Fang Zhe and Huizhong may intend to become shufflers in this industry!

Gu Yongqiang was not in a hurry to talk. He thought carefully about the current industry situation and the conversation between Fang Zhe and now. He asked whether he had met Wang Wei and whether Youku planned to merge with Tudou. In this way, Huizhong supported and even intended to promote the merger of the two companies.

To figure this out, Gu Yongqiang looked around. Not far away, Fang Zhe's Secretary Li Wen and the waiter of the club were at a distance from the two and could not hear their conversation.

Then Gu Yongqiang took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind and opened his mouth to bring together his idea of the merger of Youku and Tudou.

Gu Yongqiang said it very carefully. When did he start to have this idea? He informed Fang Zhe of his several meetings with Wang Wei, the preliminary conditions negotiated by both sides and the current progress.

Gu Yongqiang's behavior not only surprised Fang Zhe, but also had a full affection for him. Gu Yongqiang was willing to confess such a confidential matter to him. Obviously, the other zhe had enough trust, or he had recognized Fang Zhe's identity as a shuffler in the video industry in advance.

From Fang Gu Yongqiang's conversation, Fang zhe also understood why the two companies that had reached a merger agreement in their previous lives did not develop according to the historical track in this life.

It turned out that the business of the original three Internet giants bat had been affected to a certain extent due to the emergence of Fang Zhe and Huizhong.

In particular, Tencent, in steam China, an agent of Huizhong, hit the cash cow of Tencent's game business. Later, it preempted the release of wechat and stifled the opportunity of Tencent's transformation into the mobile Internet. Tencent's development was much worse than in the previous life, and its investment in Tencent video was not as large as in the previous life, This has also indirectly led to the development speed and shuffle speed of the domestic video industry, which is less than half a beat slower than that in the previous life.

According to Gu Yongqiang, now he and Wang Weicai have preliminarily agreed on the common goal of the merger of the two companies. As for the detailed plan of the merger, both of them are still in further discussion. The merger agreement can not be signed until the end of this month or the beginning of next month as soon as possible. Since both companies are listed companies, the negotiation process between the two sides is extremely confidential, Except for a few big shareholders of the two companies, even the senior management of many companies do not know.

Fang zhe smiled after hearing Gu Yongqiang's story. It seems that when he plans his future according to the memory of his previous life, he must take into account the influence of himself and Huizhong on these things, otherwise he may make a mistake of a thousand miles.

However, with regard to the merger of Tudou and Youku, Fang zhe knows that apart from the difference in time, there should be no other variables. Tudou, like in previous lives, stubbornly listed in U.S. stocks in August last year under the condition of continuous losses. On the day of listing, its share price fell by more than 10%. Since then, Tudou's share price has also fallen all the way, This directly promoted Wang Wei and Tudou's shareholders to urgently want to merge with Youku.

To say merger is actually to sell for cash and never quit. With the increasingly fierce war in the domestic video industry and the faster and faster shuffling speed, the shareholders of Wang Wei and Tudou can only lose their money.

Gu Yongqiang was so sincere that Fang zhe didn't hide any more. He directly informed him of his intention to promote the merger of Tudou and Youku and control the merged company.

Gu Yongqiang was grateful to Fang zhe for his kindness, but he still struggled like the founders of other companies to be controlled or acquired

"President Fang, do you have to control our merged company? I mean, do you have any other options?"

"Alternative?" Fang zhe raised his eyebrows and said playfully:

"There are two, one is to acquire your merged company, the other is"

Fang zhe deliberately paused for a moment before slowly saying, "we'll make a video website ourselves!"