Things have to start from the 23rd of last month, that is, on November 23, the official of the Ministry of Railways officially announced that the national passenger railway lines have fully supported online ticket purchase, and users can log in to 12306, the only official ticket selling website under the Ministry of Railways to buy tickets!

As soon as the news came out, netizens from all over the country cheered and boiling, especially some young people who worked outside all year round. They ran around telling each other that they could finally buy train tickets online after so many years. They no longer have to queue up at the railway station and worry that they can't buy train tickets home!

From the media to public opinion, they have vigorously praised the intimate service and function newly launched by the Ministry of railways. Many netizens commented on the Internet, "after so many years, our administrative department has finally kept pace with the times!"

In an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters, a leader of the Ministry of Railways said, "we will launch this website before the end of the year, hoping to make it easier for our people to buy tickets and go home for the New Year!"

As the leader said, with the approaching of new year's day and Spring Festival holidays, wandering netizens all over the country began to pour into 12306 website to buy train tickets home.

On the morning of December 21, Dong Dacheng, a professional screenwriter who has been drifting North in Yanjing for nearly five years, got up early, turned on the computer, prepared to taste fresh, and bought train tickets online for the first time.

Dong Dacheng, whose hometown is in Northeast Linji Province, has the biggest headache at the end of each year, which is to "grab" the train ticket home for the Spring Festival. He thinks of the past few years, he has to queue up for an hour or two every time he goes to the railway station to buy a ticket, enduring the coldest wind in Yanjing in winter. Even so, he still couldn't grab a ticket once and didn't return home until new year's Eve.

As a Beipiao, Dong Dacheng deeply knows that the train tickets home at the end of each year are not bought, but robbed, because there are too many people who want to buy tickets home!

Fortunately, Dong Dacheng saw on the news that he could buy train tickets online one month in advance. Today, he plans to buy train tickets on January 21 and the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. This time, he finally doesn't have to queue up at the station and freeze outdoors for one or two hours!

At 7:55, Dong Dacheng opened Baidu's 12306 official website, which ranked first.

The refresh button in the upper left corner of the browser keeps turning. Dong Dacheng is also curious to know what the official ticketing website looks like.

One, two, three, four... After more than ten seconds, the website is still blank. Dong Dacheng frowns slightly. Is his network broken?

Dong Dacheng looked at the network logo in the lower left corner of the computer. There was no problem.

He clicked on the hao123 navigation website that searched 12306 before, and clicked Sina. Com. A new web page popped up. In a moment, Sina. Com, which is full of news, loaded it. It seems that his network is OK.

Dong Dacheng switched back to his 12306 website, and the refresh button in the upper left corner was still turning around!

Dong Dacheng pressed the F5 refresh button several times, and the page was still blank. He closed the page and reopened it. The result was the same as now!

I'll go. My computer won't be infected with a virus! Dong Dacheng looked at the lower left corner of the computer. It had become 7:59. He was a little anxious because the train tickets would be on sale at 8 o'clock!

Dong Dacheng quickly opened the 360 in the lower right corner and gave the computer a physical examination. 100 points!

It seems that his computer should not be poisoned. Dong Dacheng, who has used 360 for several years, is still very recognized for 360's protection of computer security.

Dong Dacheng ordered and refreshed the 12306 website several times in a row, and even closed and reopened it several times during the period. The page is still blank, and there are two or three times. The page will become an error prompt of English letters.

Watching the time change from 8:00 to 8:05 and 8:10, Dong Dacheng's heart gradually grew angry and cool. Anyone who can't open a website for more than ten minutes will be angry. What's cool about his heart is that I'm afraid the train ticket has been robbed at this time!

At 8:18, Dong Dacheng, who had clicked the refresh button hundreds of times in a row, was surprised to find that the website was refreshed.

Although the website was loaded slowly. It took more than ten seconds from the 12306 website logo at the top of the website to the complete web page, Dong Dacheng was very surprised. He hurriedly clicked on the ticket query on the home page. On January 21, he went from Yanjing to Linji Siping (city).

As soon as the query button was pressed, the whole web page was refreshed. Dong Dacheng was very happy. The Internet speed was very fast. However, when his eyes saw that there were no words behind the full screen, his inner happiness disappeared in an instant!

It has been refreshed more than a dozen times, and the remaining tickets on the page show nothing. If you turn forward for two or three days, the remaining tickets are still none. Dong Dacheng is anxious. He knew he would have bought tickets earlier. Now he can't buy tickets on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and the tickets on the 26th and 7th of the twelfth lunar month have been sold out. Later, it is a little too late on the new year's eve of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. If you move forward too early, you must ask for several days off to deduct your salary.

The more I think about Dong Da Cheng, the more angry he is, if he doesn't suck up the website, and how can he not get tickets?

At this time, there are not a few netizens as angry as Dong Dacheng all over the country. Many of them encounter all kinds of problems in the process of purchasing tickets on 12306 website, from unable to enter the website to unable to log in to the account, from refreshing the remaining tickets to always failing to submit orders, to payment failure and even repeated payment, Make complaints about the whole network.

"12306 is a broken website. I can't get in after refreshing it dozens of times!"

"Login failure, login failure, login failure, login failure, you don't let me buy a ticket if you don't log in, I always fail to log in to me, 12306, you are cruel!"

"I opened the 12306 website at 8:00 and brushed the remaining tickets from Yanjing to Jianghai for 5 minutes. I dare to ask which website in the country has a card better than 12306."

"Shit, I submitted the order for more than ten minutes, and finally told me that the submission failed!"

"No ticket, no ticket. You always show that you have 1 remaining ticket and can't buy it. Are you sick at 12306?"

"Who is worse than me? I bought a ticket and deducted my money twice!"

"Sure enough, this kind of government website is more and more rubbish. It seems that I have to queue up at the railway station to buy tickets."

On this day, due to the influx of a large number of online ticket users, 12306 website was paralyzed for more than a dozen times, so that the official operators of 12306 website had to work overtime and even lay a floor in the company to maintain the server for 24 hours.

The server hangs, restarts, hangs again, restarts again.

On the Internet, news and topics about the paralysis of 12306 website are also constantly spreading and fermenting.