"Ah Zhe, how are you? I think you have only one third of your blood left. Do you want me to pick you up!" the fat man shouted on the voice channel.

"We" Fang zhe just wanted to speak, when he heard the roar of a large truck engine.

Fang zhe looked up. It was the big blue truck he had seen from the telescope before.

If you wait for the big truck to stop in front of you, the players on the car will easily find yourself lying in front of the supply box. At that time, you will die!

Fang zhe was thinking that the sound of crackling bullets hitting the car's iron sheet sounded again. Obviously, the players in ambush around also saw the big truck. They seemed to want to do the same thing and planned to blow up the car!

At this moment, Fang zhe quickly got up and ran to the mountain bike parked there after the Yingying rookie player hung up a few meters away.

Three steps, five steps and seven steps, finally a player found Fang zhe who got up again.

"Hit the man who picked up the airdrop just now and don't let him run away!" the player in ambush nearby shouted on the voice channel.

Other players who are fighting big trucks also continue to notice Fang zhe preparing to escape. They quickly turn their fire to destroy Fang Zhe, because everyone knows that Fang zhe may have picked up the supply box.

Get in the car, start, step on the accelerator to the end, and run along the s-route!

Fang zhe did a continuous operation without hesitation. The crackling sound of bullets in his ear and the flashing red special effects around the computer screen all prompted Fang Zhe's other players to hit him.

Fortunately, before that, most players' firepower was concentrated on the newly arrived big truck, and Fang zhe was also wearing level-2 A and level-2 helmet. Therefore, Fang zhe finally left the vision of most players and returned to the top of the mountain. It was safe for the time being!

"I'll go, ah Zhe, you're really playing with your life!" the fat man said admiringly, noting that Fang Zhe's blood volume was less than one tenth and his helmet and armor were nearly scrapped.

"Boom ~ ~ ~" a roar of the engine sounded in my ears again. Fang Zhe and the fat man who had just stopped changed their faces at the same time.

Behind him, the big truck that attracted fire for Fang zhe was running from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Not far from it, the car that failed to pick up the air drop first also chased in this direction.

"These guys, don't give up!"

Feng Xue's mouth tucked up a sentence, and quickly sat down with the fat three people make complaints about Fang Zhegang's mountain bike.

Step on the accelerator again. Fang zhe drives his mountain bike all the way forward. Now he has only a little blood left. If he doesn't open the distance, he can easily be killed by the other party.

"The truck runs slowly on the mountain. We specially take the mountain road!" the fat man sitting in the co driver's position warned.

Fang zhe listened and walked along the bumpy mountain roads. The mountain bike is called mountain bike, which is just suitable for the terrain over mountains. Several people galloped all the way, and the trucks and cars behind them pulled farther and farther.

At this time, in the cockpit of the big truck chasing Fang Zhe, a player in the co pilot's position said, "monkey, forget it! These people are so refined that they specialize in mountain roads, and our car can't catch up!"

"Madder, I'm just angry. I've attracted a wave of fire for these grandchildren!" the driving monkey looked at the big truck with only 60% durability. Now, who knows if he can pick up an airdrop with this durability.

Although the monkey complained, the steering wheel in his hand had begun to turn and didn't intend to chase Fang zhe again.

However, as soon as he turned and turned half, he found that the mountain bike they had been chasing in front stopped!

"Lying in the trough, these SBS stopped, and we hurried to kill them!" the monkey nagged and hit the steering wheel back in his hand to chase Fang Zhe and them.

On the mountain bike that stopped, Fang zhe quietly aimed at the big blue truck coming in this direction with the newly equipped AWM.

"Ah Zhe, there's a..." the fat man just wanted to ask. Feng Xue gave him a Shh gesture.


After a low sniper shot, the speeding car in the distance suddenly stopped. Then, a body and a green box fell out of the driver's seat.

"Yeah!" Feng Xue and Yingying cheered, and the fat man stood stupefied.

"NIMA, can you still play like this?" the fat man felt that his game world outlook seemed to be refreshed. He never thought that in a game, a player could blow his head with a sniper across the car glass!

When did the details of the game do so well? I remember many gunfight games he played before. The car glass can't be broken at all. Even if it can be broken, you need to shoot first to break the car glass, and then shoot again to kill people.

"Not bad!" Fang zhe said softly.

What he praised was not his own awesome shooting skills, but the Jedi survival project team. Indeed, he did his best to do all the details in the game as required. Since bullets can pass through the car glass to kill a person in reality, why not in the game?

The Jedi survival, developed by Huizhong, can be loved by so many players, and even create an industry miracle that 5 million players rush for the internal test quota. The detailed design in the game is absolutely crucial to attract many players.

Behind the stopped truck, the captain driver of the same car who had caught up with him saw the green box falling out next to the truck, and his mind was blank for a moment.

"Lying trough, this is the great God who shot stupid head before!"

As soon as he hit the steering wheel, he quickly turned a corner and drove away, "it's terrible. Even the driving driver can shoot in the head at such a long distance. We must stay away from the great God!"

When the truck stopped, Fang zhe had time to take medicine from his backpack to replenish blood, but he just put on two bandages and suddenly heard Feng Xue shout:

"No, the truck is moving again!"

Fang zhe hurriedly got up and looked into the distance. Then he breathed a sigh of relief because he saw the car restarted and drove away in a different direction.

The player who sat in the driver's seat instead of the dead monkey on the truck was even more frightened and kept saying, "don't hit me! Don't hit me!"

In the next game, Fang Zhe's team has become a frightening presence for nearby players. Quietly, your teammates may suddenly fall to the ground. As players with a little experience know, there is likely to be a "sniper God" equipped with sniper gun silencers around!

The four of Fang zhe were hiding on a lush hillside. The fat man and Yingying were hiding behind a big stone. Feng Xue was lying behind a big tree in front of Fang Zhe, while Fang zhe himself was wearing auspicious clothes and lying on the grass with dense vegetation.

"Three circles! It seems that we are really a circle of destiny here!" the fat man said in the voice channel. Since they came to the hillside to hide, every time the poison circle was refreshed, it was a safe area, so they didn't bother to change places.

Below the hillside is a large town. At this time, many players from all over the map are hidden, and some unlucky players have become the ghost of Fang Zhe.

"There are 9 players! That is to say, there are at least 5 people besides us!" Yingying looked at the remaining number in the upper left corner of the computer and said.