As early as the beginning of this year, Huizhong had launched wechat payment and red packets derived from wechat payment in China.

At present, only the Chinese version of wechat has these functions, but the English version and other international versions do not. The reason is very simple. It is more difficult to get through mobile payment abroad than to re-establish a Huizhong.

In China, the technical support behind wechat payment is Alipay separated from Huizhong. Because Alipay is a purely domestic funded third-party trading platform, it won the third-party payment license in China and allowed to engage in mobile payment and other businesses.

However, there are different online payment tools in foreign countries and regions, and because mobile payment involves the extremely important financial system of each country, it is extremely difficult for foreign companies to enter.

Just like in China, only domestic funded third-party payment instruments can win the payment license. In Europe, America and other developed countries, the supervision of the financial system is more strict.

Therefore, under the strategy of saving the country by curve, if wechat wants to realize mobile payment in overseas areas, it has become one of the best ways and choices to cooperate with various existing overseas payment tools and payment companies. PayPal, the largest third-party online payment tool in overseas areas, has become Fang Zhe's preferred goal.

Mobile payment is an important part of wechat's transformation from social communication tool to platform, and it is also an important basic service function for wechat's construction from platform to ecosystem in the future. Therefore, even if Fang zhe knows that there are many difficulties and may even fail, he still has to work hard. In Fang Zhe's view, the development track of wechat in this life is far different from that in previous lives, Now the history of wechat is written by ourselves and Huizhong!

At more than 21 p.m. EDT on October 4, Fang Zhe's special plane landed at San Francisco International Airport.

On the way from the airport to the Clement hotel in Silicon Valley, Li Wen, who accompanied Fang Zhe in the car, took out an iPad from his bag, connected it to the Internet and handed it to Fang zhe sitting in the back row:

"President Fang, this is the video of Apple's new iPhone 4S launch this morning."

Fang Zhe, who was closing his eyes and refreshing himself, opened his eyes when he heard the speech and ignored Li Wenju's iPad in the air. Instead, he turned and looked out of the window. Under the gorgeous night lights, all kinds of English signs and foreigners with different skin colors on the street gave Fang Zhe a strange feeling.

"What is the meaning of a great cause in the face of death?" Fang zhe thought wildly in his mind.

Without exception, Fang zhe thought of jobs. If history had not changed, jobs would leave the world tomorrow!

Looking at Fang zhe with little interest, Li Wen knowingly took back the iPad. In the past, president Fang was very concerned about Apple's press conference. Even if he didn't have time to watch the complete video, he would understand the main contents of Apple's press conference. In president Fang's own words, apple is the main founder and leader of mobile Internet and smart phones, All determine the development direction of the whole industry.

Li Wen, who took back the iPad, suddenly remembered a very important thing. He said, "Oh, by the way, the new CEO cook who took office two months ago presided over the press conference. It seems that it is true that it is rumored that jobs' physical condition may..."

Fang zhe didn't answer Li Wen's words. He recalled his three meetings with jobs, two in Silicon Valley and one in China. No matter how arrogant, paranoid and selfish jobs was in his life, his contribution to the world was obvious to all. Therefore, in Fang Zhe's view, he can be regarded as a great man of this era.

But even a great man, at the end of his life, is no different from ordinary people. All this is meaningless to the world, the long history of human civilization and even the broader universe. Compared with himself, as an unprecedented reborn person, even if he makes earth shaking undertakings in his life, he can't escape in the end.

However, life is like a book. If you read the ending directly, everything will look dull and meaningless. All the meaning and value are found in the process of reading.

Fang Zhe, who has been reborn for more than three years, has long become extremely determined. Instead of thinking about the meaning of life and philosophical principles, it's better to think about how to persuade PayPal to cooperate with Huizhong, and even think about what to eat at night!

The next morning, Fang Zhe, who was still sleeping in, was awakened by a burst of rapid telephone sound and connected the phone. Li Wen came across some anxious voice: "president Fang, did you get up? I just got the news. Mr. jobs of Apple died early this morning!"

Although he was prepared, Fang zhe was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the news.

Hang up Li Wen's phone. Fang zhe takes a shower and comes out to pack up. When he sees Li Wen, Huang Siyi and others, Fang Zhe is no different from usual.

Fang zhe remembers that in his previous life, he knew the news of jobs' death. He just looked at it as an ordinary science and technology news, and didn't even leave a comment.

However, in this life, Fang Zhe and jobs will have a feeling of forgetting their years. They are also "young and promising", and have similar topics in the mobile Internet industry. In addition, the identity of zhe who died once and jobs's fight against cancer for many years, they can also talk about their values and outlook on life.

However, Fang zhe has no sorrow for the death of jobs. At most, he has some regrets. He regrets the death of a genius. In Fang Zhe's heart, all these things that he can't change are fate!

"All his life, arrogant, paranoid, selfish, but..."

"I met Mr. jobs three times..."

"Really, I still can't eat kaygetsu's sashimi, but the taste of tempura shrimp is still the same!" Fang Zhe, who had lunch at the kaygetsu Japanese restaurant near Menlo Park in Silicon Valley, posted such a microblog after deleting it twice in a row. He met Steve Jobs for the first time two years ago and had a meal at this restaurant.

The death of jobs caused a huge shock in the global technology industry. Celebrities such as U.S. President Barack Obama, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Google founder Larry Page, Dell founder Michael Dell, and even domestic celebrities such as two horses and one Li, President Lei and teacher Li expressed their condolences through various channels.

Jobs left, but this era did not end. The next morning, the figures of Fang Zhe, Li Wen and other entourages appeared at the PayPal company headquarters in mountain view city, Silicon Valley!