Fang zhe has decided that Huizhong will no longer continue to invest in increasing shares. Whether it is for the better development of Xiaomi in the future or to take care of general Lei's mood, of course, the most important thing is for Huizhong's investment in Xiaomi. He really gets the greatest return as he told the outside world!

Millet round B financing valuation, Huizhong finally gave a valuation of $2 billion, and Fang Zhe's heart threshold is as high as $10 billion. The reason is definitely targeted!

In Fang Zhe's view, Xiaomi, which has its own rebirth, has a great leading advantage in addition to launching Xiaomi mobile phones a year earlier than its previous life. More importantly, Fang zhe knows enough about Xiaomi's future.

In previous lives, Xiaomi made mistakes, such as late offline layout, Fang zhe can help it correct. In previous lives, Fang zhe can use the core selling points of many other mobile phones and the leading edge of black technology to experiment with Xiaomi!

In the next 10 years, no, in the next 20 years, Fang zhe has a clearer understanding and planning for the planning and development of Xiaomi than President Lei, the founder of Xiaomi.

From 3G, 4G to 5g, Internet of things and smart home, Xiaomi with Fang Zhe's participation will certainly have broader development prospects and potential than Xiaomi in previous generations. It will compete with Samsung for the position of the leader of the global Android mobile phone camp, compete with apple, and fight the era of 5g, smart home and Internet of things!

Fang Zhe is looking forward to all this!

In the eyes of outsiders, the mocking Fang Zhe and Huizhong went crazy and gave Xiaomi a valuation of $2 billion or even $10 billion. Hehe, the well frog can't talk to the sea!

The time has come to the end of 2010. In the past year, the mobile Internet has been thriving all over the world, and a variety of mobile Internet companies have sprung up.

Among them, many have made some achievements in previous lives, and many have achieved success. For example, they are fleeting, short-lived, and soon end after they become famous. Of course, the most of them are a pile of unknown small start-up companies like the quicksand of the Ganges River, I don't know when to rise or decline!

Entrepreneurship has always been a matter of near death. Thousands of troops have crossed the single wooden bridge, and those who can survive are the winners!

In the past year, Huizhong investment department and Zhongying capital have continuously invested in unicorns and small giants that have been successful in previous lives and have just been founded in this life. At the same time, Huizhong itself, as a startup company with the most potential and investment value in the world in the era of mobile Internet, in addition to continuously expanding the cash cow of game business, has made great contributions to the layout of cloud computing, The rapid development and cultivation of wechat, which is regarded by Fang zhe as the core of Huizhong in the future, has made Huizhong the most dazzling star start-up company in the world!

When making the plan at the beginning of the year, Fang zhe determined that the most important thing for Huizhong this year is to develop wechat. From the global promotion of wechat in March to the breaking of 100 million wechat users in August, it has attracted the attention of the world's top capital, so that Fang Zhe and Huizhong have to hold their legs through financing to escort the development of wechat in the next few years. Now, Wechat, which has opened up in the world, also has a geometric growth rate of users in the world.

From the end of August to the end of December, the total number of wechat users in the world has exceeded 200 million, reaching more than 212 million. Among them, the total number of wechat users in China has exceeded more than 40 million, and overseas, there are more than 170 million users!

With the increasing number of wechat users, the snowball effect is becoming more and more obvious. The number of daily and monthly new users of wechat is rising. On average, there are more than 1 million registered wechat users worldwide every day! New users every month, nearly 30 million!

Even so, as the helmsman of Huizhong, the richest man in China and the richest young man under the age of 30 in the world, Fang Zhe and boss Fang still feel that the development speed of wechat is too slow!

Fang zhe feels slow because over time, more and more large companies and many entrepreneurs who see the potential of wechat, which means that wechat faces more and more competitors.

Fang Zhe is not afraid of start-up companies, because Fang zhe knows that when wechat users reach the current scale, they have little chance, unless social software such as Momo and tantan in previous lives catch the wrong door and cut into segments such as stranger social networking.

Fang Zhe is worried that large companies, whether Tencent, the domestic social overlord, mysapce, Facebook and even Microsoft's MSN, are increasingly aware of the potential of wechat.

Therefore, after seeing that even if they update mobile QQ, some senior executives within Tencent still can not stop the rise of wechat, many people have made a fresh start to make a pure mobile Internet social software like wechat!

Therefore, Fang zhe decided that we must expand the leading edge of wechat as soon as possible and leave our competitors far behind!

Since the middle of December, a huge and complex traffic subsidy plan has been slowly launched among wechat users around the world!

The reason why this traffic subsidy plan is huge and complex is that it involves the cooperation between Huizhong and dozens of communication operators large and small around the world, but in fact, simply put, this plan is a simple and crude traffic subsidy plan.

There are no restrictions on countries and regions around the world. All newly registered wechat users can get 50-500m free traffic for free. In addition, after registering wechat, they can get an additional traffic of 50-100m by binding email, mobile phone number and other behaviors. Every time a good friend is invited to open wechat, they can get an additional traffic subsidy of 10m-50m, The upper limit of additional traffic per wechat user is 1g!

Old users who have registered wechat can also participate in the activity of inviting friends to open wechat traffic, in addition to enjoying a 20% discount on traffic packages within half a year!

This wechat traffic subsidy activity covers dozens of countries and regions around the world. Because the operators, traffic charges and so on in each country are different, the whole activity is also extremely huge and complex. Of course, the most important thing is to burn money!

On average, Huizhong needs to subsidize 10 yuan for each newly registered wechat user and 50 yuan for each old user within half a year.

In other words, in addition to subsidizing more than 10 billion yuan and nearly 1.2 billion US dollars for more than 200 million registered users, Huizhong will need to spend 6 billion yuan, nearly 600 million US dollars for every 100 million increase in wechat users in the next six months!