When talking about wechat, Fang zhe could see a trace of fatigue and fatigue on jobs' face. However, jobs still insisted on hiding this fatigue in front of Fang Zhe.

It's rare for him to meet such a speculative person as Fang Zhe. Even if the secretary arranged that the meeting time between him and Fang zhe was only one hour, he still pushed off the work plan and schedule and planned to chat with Fang zhe until he had fun!

As the helmsman of a world-class company such as apple, jobs's vision and mind are naturally unparalleled. As early as cook told him that Huizhong was interested in seeking financing from apple, he figured out the reason!

As one of Huizhong's important partners, apple can also roughly judge Huizhong's profitability and development from the revenue of various mobile games operated by Huizhong on the app store.

In short, this Chinese company gradually moves from China to the world. It doesn't need money. Every quarter alone, apple remits up to $300.4 billion to Huizhong's App Store mobile game revenue! Not to mention Huizhong's global page tour business and steam China.

The two most profitable businesses in the Internet industry are advertising and games. I'm afraid few companies in the world can surpass Huizhong's ability to make money in the game business.

However, now, Huizhong is not only making a lot of money in the game business, but also growing bigger and bigger. The mobile Internet business that Huizhong has been investing in and laying out has gradually begun to make profits and grow rapidly from the early feeding stage.

For example, Huizhong's very famous 91 assistant in the world gives 91 assistant considerable living space and growth opportunities because of the simplicity and various aspects of Google's original app store.

Including mobile phone skin changing, setting ringtones, traffic free download applications, cloud storage application data and other functions not available in Google's native Android Market have become one of the many reasons why users download and install 91 assistants. In addition, Huizhong also spent a lot of money to cooperate with major mobile phone manufacturers around the world. 91 assistants are pre installed when the mobile phone leaves the factory!

Therefore, 91 assistant currently occupies the market share of Android phones in the world, second only to the original Android Market, and is also the largest third-party Android App Store in the world. Even in China, where Google and Android Market are banned, 91 assistant monopolizes more than 90% of the market share of Android phones.

Today, the number of smartphone users with 91 assistant installed in the world has exceeded 120 million. Such a large number of users also makes 91 assistant the third largest application distribution channel in the world after Apple Appstore and Android Market. Whether it is to help other companies promote and distribute their applications or draw money from the application flow on 91 assistant on the shelves, Is a considerable income.

The proportion between Appstore and Android Market is 30%, while 91 assistant only needs 20% or even 10%. 91 assistant adopts different pumping strategies for different applications. In principle, 91 assistant supports small and medium-sized application or mobile game developers. Only the application and mobile game at the head of revenue are the main objects of 91 assistant for hand cutting wool.

Even so, these application developers and mobile game developers who make a lot of money on 91 assistants are still working with 91 assistants. Gaine has less money for 91 assistants than Appstore and Android Market.

Moreover, 91 assistant supports and promotes various applications or mobile games with great efforts, and the promotion is also very accurate. It conducts intelligent recommendation through big data research on users' personal preferences. In addition to fixed lists such as leaderboards, 91 assistant recommended applications seen by each user are different. This recommendation mechanism is a bit similar to the way that today's headlines recommended news in previous generations.

In the past two years since its global promotion, 91 assistant has turned losses into profits as early as the end of last year, realized profits, and contributed nearly US $30 million in surplus profits to Huizhong every month.

In fact, if it were not for the rapid development and expansion period of 91 assistant, most of the revenue profits would be used to pay mobile phone manufacturers to pre install and support applications on the platform, and the profit of 91 assistant would far exceed this figure.

If in the future, the number of users of 91 assistants can increase tenfold to more than one billion, and the development enters a mature period, and the cost is greatly reduced, the revenue capacity of 91 assistants will be unimaginable.

You know, in 2013, google spent $1.9 billion to buy 91 assistant. At that time, the user coverage of 91 assistant was only in China. Even so, the annual income of 91 assistant at that time also exceeded $300 million!

Apple's app store and 91 assistant belong to the same application distribution channel. Theoretically, the two belong to a competitive relationship. Therefore, jobs also knows a little about the development of 91 assistant.

But in fact, neither apple nor jobs think that their Appstore and 91 assistant are competitive, because the biggest difference between the two application distribution channels is that the main businesses belong to different mobile operating systems, which is like a natural wall, separating the possible hostile competitive relationship between the two.

Although 91 assistant also provides application management services for IOS devices such as iPhone and iPad, it has little impact on the Appstore. On the contrary, 91 assistant has a strong competitive relationship with Google's Android Market, the first application distribution channel of the Android camp. Apple, jobs cook and other Apple executives are very happy to see that 91 assistant can compete with Google they hate!

Therefore, seeing through the current Huizhong needs to take advantage of the situation and find an umbrella around the world, Steve Jobs is very happy to meet Fang zhe!

"Mr. jobs, three years ago, you led apple to release the iPhone and redefined the smart phone for the world. Today, smart phones and mobile Internet have become popular and prosperous all over the world.

I know that apple under your leadership specializes in making better smartphones and consumer electronic devices, and does not involve mobile Internet business deeply, but I believe you can see the great potential of our wechat and mobile Internet! "

With the deepening of the chat, Fang zhe can feel that Steve Jobs has long intended to allow apple to invest in Huizhong. When he chats with himself, he may just want to know his development plan for Huizhong in the future and the interests of apple after investing in Huizhong.

More than an hour later, when Jobs said, "I'll let cook follow up on this personally!"

Fang zhe understands that Apple's investment is ready!

On the morning of November 15, another month after Fang Zhe and others returned to Yanjing, several top global capitals and companies that had negotiated the investment agreement with Huizhong signed a formal investment agreement with Huizhong at Yanjing International Convention Center after completing their due diligence!