On September 1, the opening day of most students in China, the atmosphere was dignified in the conference room of Yanjing Huizhong headquarters that morning!

"President Fang, our company has no office in Malaysia. The only office in Southeast Asia is in Indonesia. Now Liu Jie, the head of the Indonesian office, has rushed to Malaysia to deal with the matter!" Sun Huifang, the head of Zhongle page tour platform, reported the latest progress to Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe nodded and sun Huifang reported to him, which was one of the reasons why he rushed back to Yanjing from Shenzhen overnight. Just yesterday afternoon, the Malaysian multimedia Committee, similar to the domestic * * * * identity, suddenly announced that Huizhong's Zhongle page tour platform was banned in Malaysia. The reason for the ban was that there was a game on the Zhongle platform, They are suspected of insulting and smearing local religions and undermining national unity and harmony.

As soon as the ban came out, Malaysia could no longer access the Zhongle platform. Affected by this, hundreds of thousands of users of the Zhongle platform in Malaysia could no longer log in to the Zhongle platform, let alone play games on the platform!

"Has the matter been found out?" Fang zhe asked with an eyebrow.

"It's clear that this game is developed by our platform's overseas operation team and a treasure island game company acting at the end of last month. It's called the battle of the gods.

In the game, there are scenes of fighting between the gods of eastern and Western countries, such as Buddha, Jesus, Athena and so on, so Malaysia thinks that this game is suspected of insulting and smearing the local religion! "Sun Huifang explained.

"Gods fight?" Fang Zhe's eyebrows are heavier. Gods and religion have special significance in any country and region. They are also one of the most sensitive issues in cultural fields such as games, movies and TV dramas.

It's OK for the game company in Baodao to play such a game foolishly. The overseas operation team of Zhongle signed the game and let it go on the shelves. Is it all right to do when you're full or out of your mind?

"Well, we've taken this game off the shelf all night." looking at Fang Zhe's unhappy look, sun Huifang quickly added.

Fang zhe looked at her blandly and said, "deal with it yourself and give me an explanation later! That's it, next!"

When sun Huifang listened to president Fang's words, her eyelids jumped fiercely. At the same time, her heart was relieved. Although the big boss was only 23 years old, she was in a high position and in charge of a large company like Huizhong. Her bearing had been slowly developed. President Fang asked her to deal with it first instead of directly talking about the company's handling, which showed that he still trusted himself very much. This is the reason for her relief.

President Fang asked her for an explanation, which showed that president Fang was dissatisfied with her and the overseas operation team she managed, which was why her eyelids jumped fiercely.

Although Ma Fang banned the Zhongle platform, in the final analysis, it was because she and her overseas operation team were lax in the audit and supervision of the game on the shelf agent and operation. Fang could not be held accountable to any treasure island game team. This pot naturally fell on her and her overseas operation team.

Sun Huifang decided to organize a management meeting of the overseas operation team immediately after the high-level meeting to thoroughly investigate the matter, not to mention president Fang. Even she felt that the main responsibility for the matter lay in the dereliction of duty of the operation team.

Nowadays, the business of Zhongle platform is all over the world, and the Games operated in different countries and regions are also very different. Hundreds of page games are on the shelves every month. If the operation team can't manage which games can be signed and which can't be signed, they don't have to do it at all!

While sun Huifang thought in her heart, the conference room has entered the next topic, which also involves Southeast Asian countries.

Just a few days ago, some news media in Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand and other countries reported that several mobile software, 91 assistants, cleaning masters and WiFi master keys released by Huizhong overseas a few months ago were suspected of secretly installing applications, maliciously withholding fees and stealing users' mobile phone traffic, Stealing the privacy data and files in the user's mobile phone and maliciously stealing the WiFi password of others' home have seriously damaged the user's mobile phone security and public security.

I don't know whether it's a rumor or it's true. Several media quoted each other and reported that some mobile phone users who installed the cleaning master had inexplicably disappeared the photos, songs, videos and other files on their mobile phones.

Some users who have installed 91 assistants also reflect that their telephone charges and traffic will always be deducted inexplicably, and the behavior of users obtaining other people's WiFi password through WiFi master key is labeled as theft and theft by these media!

What's more, a 91 assistant mobile phone user in the Philippines leaked the bank card password in the mobile phone Notepad. It is said that the user just downloaded an application from the 91 assistant at that time, and then the mobile phone went black, like poisoning.

When he went to the mobile phone repair shop and asked the maintenance personnel to help open the mobile phone, he found that there were several more notification messages about stolen bank cards on the mobile phone. The users who saw these messages fainted directly at that time. It is said that they still lie in the hospital and don't wake up.

Various reports directly point to the three products of 91 assistant, cleaning master and WiFi master key, and these media also call on the relevant regulatory and law enforcement departments of the local government to take action as soon as possible to permanently remove and ban these three rogue applications, and collect people from the Chinese companies developing and operating these three applications to issue fines and claims, Recover justice for the lost local users!

"President Fang, that's the case. In fact, these reports were reported as early as a few days ago before you went to Shenzhen, but it was only reported by an Indonesian media at that time. After our operation team noticed it, we wanted to contact this media to investigate the specific situation and report to you after mastering the situation.

However, after our team contacted the other party, the other party said that they would cooperate with our investigation. As a result, the next day, several influential media in many countries, including Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, began to report on the matter. We realized that the matter was probably not that simple! "

The speaker is Xiong Jun, now the head of the mobile Internet business department. He is the producer of 91 assistant. After Huizhong acquired 91 assistant, he and the whole 91 assistant team were dug up by Fang Zhe.

Since the establishment of the mobile Internet business department at the beginning of last year, Fang Zhe, the original direct person in charge, has slowly handed over most of his work to Xiong Jun and other promoted cadres.

Wechat is independent of the mobile Internet business unit. Therefore, the main business and products of the mobile Internet business unit at this stage are a pile of tool mobile Internet products in the "toolbox strategy" formulated by Fang Zhe, including early input method, 91 assistant, cleaning master, WiFi master key and email assistant approved at the beginning of the year, Huizhong self-developed products such as mobile cloud synchronization assistant and Baidu mobile browser cooperating with Baidu.

Now 91 assistant, cleaning master and WiFi master key have an accident with three products at once, and the outbreak time is still so concentrated. Fang Zhe always feels that, I'm afraid, as Xiong Jun said, things are not so simple!