A "proposal of Tencent to resolutely resist violent and bloody Games", through the sharp media coverage and communication mode of QQ pop-up window, instantly made netizens all over the country care about steam China and the Games in steam China defined as "bloody and violent" by Tencent media and relevant experts.

Although Ma Zong and the top management of Tencent know that this time is tantamount to making a free advertisement for Huizhong steam China, Tencent finally decided to do so, because they believe that as long as the public opinion against bloody and violent games in steam China can be formed on the Internet, especially if it can attract the attention and support of some official media, steam China will not be closed and removed from the shelves, It is bound to be severely punished and rectified.

In doing so, Mr. Ma and Tencent's Public Relations Department wanted to shift the focus of netizens' attention and suppress the noisy "Tencent plagiarism" news before, and to break the so-called "justice" image formed by the public opinion against Tencent plagiarism before Huizhong, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

As long as Huizhong itself is not clean, Huizhong and Tencent are half weight. Even if netizens hate Tencent plagiarism, they will not like Huizhong who makes "black money".

Most ordinary people and regulatory authorities in China have always been relaxed and tight about video games. The earliest video games entered China, whether it is a small overlord game console or a host game, basically belong to the state of arbitrary development of regulatory gaps.

But later, because many teenagers were addicted to video games, the regulatory authorities began to tighten their attitude towards video games. Many parents, educators or experts even regarded video games as the "spiritual opium" of the new era. Therefore, more than a decade ago, China's game industry was tepid.

Until the popularity of computers and the Internet, most enlightened parents, experts and scholars also realized that video games were not a scourge. Moderate playing video games could not only be leisure and entertainment, but also develop intellectual training talents.

Slowly, the game industry has developed again. At this time, the regulatory authorities turn a blind eye to the industry. As long as they work and develop within the system and rules, the regulatory authorities will not be deliberately embarrassed.

In the past two years, with the birth of national games such as happy farm and Plants vs. Zombies, many netizens who have never been in contact with the game have become mild game users, and Chinese people's acceptance of the game is becoming higher and higher.

However, most netizens and parents can only accept the mild games such as happy farm and fighting landlords or the online games that do not contain violence or blood. However, most netizens and parents can't accept the games such as "road to survival 2" sold on steam China, which contain terror, violence and blood, Especially those parents who have children playing games at home!

Therefore, when Tencent launched this wave of public opinion offensive on the Internet, the focus of netizens' attention was soon transferred to the violent games and other related news on steam China.

Although some sober minded people can see that Tencent deliberately retaliated against Huizhong, so what? The wind of public opinion has changed. The melon eaters who supported Huizhong against Tencent's plagiarism have begun to diss Huizhong, accusing Huizhong of making "black money" and scolding Huizhong for having no bottom line, Lian fangzhe, China's youngest billionaire and founder of Huizhong, who was originally worshipped by many people, has also been labeled as a shameless profiteer who earns money without conscience.

The strong wind of public opinion has changed, and the non Tencent media naturally can't pretend to ignore it. Although the previous public opinion of "Tencent plagiarism" hit Tencent, their most hated and feared competitor, the media naturally deviated from the gathering side.

But now, adhering to the principles of media justice and cardinal right and wrong, or being wise and self-protection, the media should report the relevant news impartially even if they do not directly turn their faces and turn their spears against Huizhong. Only a few media that have a good relationship with Huizhong or have a deep hatred with Tencent have defended Huizhong and steam China.

And netizens, again because of this wave of public opinion of "resisting violent and bloody Games", have set off a new wave of saliva and debate on the Internet.

Sina netizen my son wants to go to Tsinghua: "Huizhong's conscience is really eaten by dogs. No matter what theme games dare to operate and earn so much black money, I don't know if Fang zhe will have nightmares when he goes to bed at night!"

Sohu netizen tasting the years: "Huizhong is really a little over this time. My son asked me for money to buy Games in steam China two days ago. I thought it would be summer vacation anyway, so it's good to let him relax. Unexpectedly, there was" the road to survival "in steam China Such a violent and bloody game. You should have known that there is such a game. I will never let my son spend money to buy it. Now I have asked him to unload steam China and never let him play Huizhong's games again! "

Netease netizen life is like tea: "how can I hear my son say that he can't play the game of survival at all? It seems that there is some adult certification on steam. Not all adults can't play this kind of bloody and violent game!"

"My boy stole my ID card to register steam China account last month. He passed the adult authentication, but I found out when Huizhong sent a text message to my mobile phone for verification. I think Huizhong is also a conscientious enterprise. At least he didn't let minors play these games!"

"Why don't minors play? My daughter borrowed their classmate's brother's account and didn't play the same. Two days ago, her mother found out that she was playing the road to survival. She was so angry that she locked the computer in the grocery room. Originally, buying a computer for her child was for her to learn. Who would have thought she was playing such a messy game!"

"I don't think the government should allow this kind of game operation. What are the benefits of this bloody and violent game to players? Adults may have to learn bad, not to mention sneaky minors!"


For a time, there was a large area of online criticism against the violent and bloody games on Huizhong and steam China. With the expansion of public opinion, another thing that Ma and Tencent executives expected to see also happened.

At more than 10 a.m. on May 19, the people's daily Sina Weibo published an editorial on "creating a harmonious network environment and resisting bad online games such as bloody violence".

Soon, relevant official media, including Xinhuanet, CCTV news, the Communist Youth League and so on, published or forwarded similar editorials or relevant news. For a time, steam China, which has just operated in China for less than three months, and the company behind him, were pushed to the top of the wind outlet of public opinion!