Mr. Ma's words made the Tencent executives at the meeting look at each other. Everyone doesn't know how to speak at this time and say that we plagiarize. Isn't this tantamount to hitting everyone and Mr. Ma in the face and saying that news reports and public opinion deliberately discredit each other? It's really unconscionable.

Fortunately, Liu Zhiping, the second in charge of Tencent, could speak, which timely alleviated the embarrassing atmosphere in the conference room. I just heard him say:

"We benefited in every way we did some products in the past. We did learn and reference to our competitors. We just called for the essence and the dross. This is a way of thinking and attitude for making products. In the past, our Tencent products could win the competitors in all fields, and also showed the correctness of our thinking and methods.

Now the reason why the media wantonly accuse and discredit us for plagiarism is that we have moved the interests of some people, such as Huizhong and 360. Now we have brazenly started to do the right thing with Tencent.

Therefore, they deliberately discredit us for plagiarizing in order to seize the heights of public opinion. This is a very despicable and shameless means of commercial competition! "

Liu Zhiping's words made many executives here twitch in the corners of their eyes inexplicably. The second leader is the second leader. The Kung Fu on his mouth is also beyond people's reach.

Mr. Ma glanced at him and didn't speak again. Of course, he understood in his heart that what Liu Zhiping said was nothing more than to make things right. Whether Tencent's products were copied or not was clear to every executive present, including Mr. Ma, but could he admit it face to face? No!

If these senior executives admit Tencent plagiarism face to face, it is tantamount to taking the blame of the media and comprehensively negating Tencent's past achievements. Tencent's products and software identified as plagiarism are bound to collapse across the board!

You admit you plagiarized, so you say you can't change it? Whether to change or not, if you want to change, Nuo Da's Tencent product line will face the risk of complete shutdown. There is no way. Who let Tencent really can't find several products that have been completely made by itself!

Mr. Ma regretted what he had just asked in a moment of anger, but since the words had been asked and Liu Zhiping had come to an end, he didn't intend to ask any more questions. At the moment, whether Tencent copied or not, Tencent didn't copy!

What Tencent needs to do now is to deal with the public opinion crisis and fight back against Huizhong and 360, the planners behind the public opinion. Since they want to go to war, let's fight!

Ma and the executives of Tencent don't believe that Huizhong and 360 are just ordinary companies. They can compare with the coverage of Tencent media and the power of QQ pop-up window covering hundreds of millions of users in the lower right corner of the computer desktop!

"Are you ready for the release of your public relations department? Try to review it several times to ensure that there are no problems!" Mr. Ma turned to Dai Yuxin, the person in charge of the public relations department.

"I've been ready for a long time. Now I have the fifth edition, and it's also a copy of the whole manuscript that I'm going to let you and everyone review again!" Dai Yuxin walked to the projector in the conference room while talking and put out the whole manuscript that has been revised five times by the public relations department.

The theme of this release, as Dai Yuxin said before, is to characterize the news and public opinion about "Tencent plagiarism" as the malicious smear of competitors, which is the solution given after discussion by their public relations department.

At present, the public opinion of "Tencent plagiarism" can not be suppressed. Therefore, the method that the public relations department intends to adopt is to shift the contradiction and make the focus of netizens' attention from "Tencent plagiarism" to the competition between Huizhong, 360 and Tencent.

The senior executives looked at the draft put up by Dai Yuxin and talked with each other. More than half an hour later, they pointed out several points to be modified and supplemented. In the general direction, there was no change!

Dai Yuxin finished his notes and hurriedly contacted the subordinates of the public relations department to modify them. According to the final decision made by President Ma at the meeting, this manuscript will be sent to all QQ computer online users in the form of QQ pop-up window at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. According to the current daily online number of QQ, this number will exceed 100 million!

In other words, tomorrow morning, 100 million QQ users will see this release of Tencent through the pop-up window, which is much easier and easier than Huizhong and 360, which take time and effort to call on all kinds of news media to spread news. This is also the most powerful media of Tencent. All Internet companies in China, including bah, are most afraid of Tencent, Tencent's media coverage and distribution capacity is too strong!

At 10 o'clock the next morning, when Fang zhe was in his office and saw the QQ pop-up window in the lower right corner of the computer desktop, an indescribable smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Did Tencent start to fight back? I'm waiting for you to fight back!

"Clarification statement on Tencent's major online public opinion defamation"

"Since yesterday afternoon, a large number of false news and rumors have appeared in some online media to discredit our company's" plagiarism "of other Internet company products. These news reports have been maliciously fabricated and spread, which has had a serious and bad impact and consequences on our company's image.

Here, our company resolutely clarifies and declares that all relevant news and reports are fictitious and maliciously fabricated. All products of our company are independently developed or obtained the corresponding agency right, and have complete legal copyright.

We hereby solemnly declare that we will investigate the relevant companies and responsible persons who deliberately spread rumors and discredit our image, and reserve the right to investigate their legal responsibilities!

We hope that relevant enterprises and companies will stop spreading rumors and discrediting our company as soon as possible, and all media and individuals who publish and disseminate relevant false reports will immediately delete relevant news, otherwise our company will also reserve the right to investigate their legal responsibilities! "

The content of this QQ pop-up window is only a few hundred words. However, many QQ users who see this content have completely blown the pot!

"NIMA, Tencent has a thicker skin than the Great Wall. All relevant news and reports are false and maliciously fabricated! Are all the news I saw before false?"

"It has complete legal copyright. Sure enough, no wonder Tencent is still so arrogant!"

"Today, I can fully understand a sentence: trees will die without skin. People don't want face and are invincible in the world!"

"For relevant enterprises and companies, why doesn't Tencent directly say Huizhong and 360? Look at the websites that resist Tencent's plagiarism, Huizhong openly admitted that they did it!"

"He dares to say by name. He can't say it at all. In addition to Huizhong and 360, there are a lot of sina, Netease, Sohu, Phoenix and so on. Basically, in addition to Tencent's media, all media have reported Tencent's plagiarism. Hey hey, they also deleted it immediately. The melon eaters expressed their curiosity. Ma Zong and Tencent dare to be enemies with the whole Internet industry!"