Wechat is on fire, completely on fire. It is on fire all over the world. The influx of more than 20 million users a week makes this software instantly climb to the top of the free app download list and social app download list in major app stores.

With the tens of millions of registered wechat users inviting their families, friends, relatives and classmates to register through address books, the number of new registered users of wechat is rising every day.

When product managers in the Internet industry are still analyzing the differences and core competitiveness of wechat from those chat software in the past, wechat users have gradually become fond of various functions and features of wechat, including registering accounts with email, mobile phone number or any combination of letters, importing contacts into the address book as friends with one click, and voice calls, Rich expression pack system and another killer function of wechat version 2.0, circle of friends!

If wechat version 1.0 without a circle of friends is a pure chat tool, then wechat version 2.0 has completely evolved into a social software. Users can publish and browse their own and other people's dynamics in the circle of friends. On the surface, it looks no different from talking about dynamics in Facebook or QQ space.

However, users who have used wechat have found that the biggest feature of wechat's circle of friends lies in its "circle of friends" attribute. Not only my friends can't see my news, but I can also limit that only some specific users can see or can't see all or one of my news through a variety of permission settings, In the current community where Facebook and QQ space are flooded with dynamics, it is simply a clear stream.

In addition, wechat's simple group building and group chat methods can form a group by simply selecting several friends and pulling them. By sending an invitation to a friend, he can directly join the group.

There is also the unique two-dimensional code mechanism of wechat. To be honest, before the emergence of wechat, most ordinary users did not know what the two-dimensional code was. Even if there is my two-dimensional code label in wechat's personal information, most users did not notice its existence.

However, many users still noticed the wechat QR code. These users sent their QR code to their Facebook, MySpace, QQ space and other social platforms in the form of pictures. People who also installed wechat can directly scan the code to add them as friends. Of course, except that a few users feel that this function is new, Most people think this function is very chicken ribs. It's just adding friends. It's not necessary to be so tall!

Many old users of wechat also feed back to the operation team of wechat, believing that such a function is unnecessary.

However, the operation team has no more explanation than the thanks to the users. The two-dimensional code is associated with the official account number, subscription number, especially mobile payment, O2O and so on. The functions and uses of various mature China Mobile Internet ages before the past are abroad. The two-dimensional code is not popular, but Fang zhe still keeps WeChat in this function. Anyway, it has no impact on users. If you keep it, you first popularize the concept of QR code to users in advance.

From the previous life to the heyday of mobile Internet in 2018, the product thinking of China's mobile Internet industry has surpassed that of foreign countries, including Facebook, Google and other large companies, which are learning from domestic Tencent, wechat and so on to form an ecological closed loop.

The reason why Facebook didn't perform these functions as early as wechat can only be said that it was too easy for Facebook to rise, and the foreign banking system and credit card system were too developed. Just as many government departments in Europe still work with paper mail, they established a mature social system prematurely, but they iterated more slowly in the face of emerging things, It is also the main reason why China's product thinking, popularity and achievements in the field of mobile Internet exceeded those abroad in previous generations.

China builds new houses from a flat land, while foreign countries tear down old houses and build new ones. It is natural to see at a glance which is better or faster.

As for whether wechat can finally establish an ecosystem similar to that in China abroad, Fang Zhe is not fully sure. Now, the emergence of Huizhong wechat represents a major change in history. Fang Zhe is also looking forward to what kind of pattern the global mobile IM field will eventually become in the future!

The update of WeChat 2 version, besides voice chat, friends circle, group chat and two bit code, like other functions of Tencent WeChat, who were nearby, what the official account subscribe to, and Fang zhe did not consider adding them. These functions must be put in one by one. If they are put in all of a sudden, it is not only the copy of WeChat's competitors. Wechat's own development is also easy to fall into a bottleneck.

Huizhong's sudden full resource promotion of wechat has not only alerted domestic Internet enterprises, but also foreign social giants such as Facebook and MySpace.

Thanks to the help of the previous happy series games, today's MySpace has not declined to transform and sell itself at this time, as in previous lives. Today's MySpace is still inseparable from Facebook. Mysapce also sees another way to beat Facebook from the development of the previous happy series games, that is to vigorously develop social games.

Over the past year, hundreds of different social games have been settled on the MySpace open platform. Apart from the most game player, the most active user, the other awesome social games developed by other overseas companies have contributed more than half of the revenue to MySpace.

Today, MySpace has more than 350 million users worldwide, and Facebook is better than it, with more than 400 million users. However, the battle between Myspace and Facebook in the social field is not a winner take all situation as in the previous life. On the contrary, because mysapce and Facebook have found their own business priorities and development directions, the difference between them is becoming stronger and stronger.

Although on the positive side, the two still have a major relationship based on social networks, in terms of business content, MySpace is more and more like the overseas version of Zhongle platform, and the active players of MySpace are more and more inclined to game users.

Facebook, after being tossed by Huizhong, Zynga, the page game giant he cooperated with in the United States, also did not develop because of a lawsuit with Huizhong and several popular games in previous lives were robbed by Huizhong. Now it is just a small game company with only dozens of people, surviving by playing some games that touch the edge.

Therefore, the operation focus of Facebook has gradually changed from the previous game open platform to personal information flow, and its revenue focus has also changed from the previous game sharing to advertising services relying on information flow.

In Fang Zhe's opinion, this is an early awakening of Facebook. After 10 years in his previous life, the popularity of global social games slowly cooled down, and the focus of Facebook's revenue at that time slowly shifted to advertising services. However, mysapce robbed more than half of his users in this life, and Facebook's development became a little "malnourished" "I'm afraid it's impossible to develop into a giant with more than 2 billion users overseas in the previous life!