"Well, brother Li, I'm wrong, I'm wrong! I missed the point! Go on!" the new couple quickly apologized. It's obvious that he has been scolded many times by the boss in the past two months, and he has learned a lot.

Brother Li looked at him and didn't intend to say it, but he really couldn't bear to show off. After all, the old man who gathered people attended the annual meeting last year, and the new man in front of him, he, didn't!

Brother Li's face was full of smiles again. He said: "Let me tell you, last year, our company held an annual meeting in Pangu hotel. At that time, there were not many people in our company, just more than 200 people. In that case, our company also wrapped a whole hall with prizes for Nokia N95 mobile phones. Half a person was stacked at the door. Do you know how much the worst sunshine award of the annual meeting is?"

"A thousand?" the new man interrupted very wisely. Even if he guessed that it might be three thousand and five thousand, he also said a thousand on purpose. Otherwise, brother Li will be free in front of him again. He won't be funny.

Brother Li smiled even more. He waved his hand and said, "twice as much as a thousand, two thousand!"

"That's a lot!" the newcomer answered wisely. In fact, what he thought in his heart was that he was only 2000 yuan. He was so stingy. How about sending off beggars?

Looking at the insincere expression on the newcomer's face, brother Li snorted: "it's good to have 2000 sunshine awards, not year-end awards. If you think about more than 2000 people in our company, you'll get four or five million."

The new couple still had an expression that I was too few, and brother Li ignored it. He continued: "in fact, these ordinary awards are not worth watching. What's watching are the black box lottery and the largest special prize."

"Black box lottery?" the newcomer obviously hasn't heard of such a reward method. Without his questions, brother Li said: "I don't know whether there is a black box lottery this year. Anyway, I like this lottery best."

After finishing this sentence, brother Li explained to the new couple the rules of the black box lottery and the battle situation of the Huizhong annual meeting last year. With his explanation, the new couple's face also showed an excited and yearning look:

Li Ge, you mean as like as two peas of four identical figures, you can get two bonus bonus after that number, the highest is nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred?

Seeing brother Li nodding, the new couple couldn't wait to ask, "did anyone draw 990000 or hundreds of thousands of awards last year?"

Brother Li thought that if I didn't tell you who won the grand prize, I was waiting for you to ask now. He nodded and smiled strangely and said, "yes, and you know the person who won the grand prize. You know her very well!"

"I know him very well? Who?" the newcomer was curious. He had only come to Huizhong for more than two months. Among the more than 2000 people in the company, those who knew him were the only people in the group.

"Nuo, she's coming!" Li Ge was about to speak when he suddenly saw a man walking nearby and Nuo his nose.

The newcomer turned his head and looked. At this, his pupils suddenly contracted. He quickly sat upright and faced the computer like a "three good employees" who worked hard. The person he saw just now was no one else. It was Li Jiajia, the only female producer in the company and the female demon king and boss of their group, who scolded him many times in the past two months!

"Chen Wen, you help me buy a cup of coffee downstairs, add two spoonfuls of sugar, and remember to bring me two pieces of Dove chocolate!" Li Jiajia, the female demon in the eyes of the new couple, walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and gave the order.

The newcomer Chen Wen's eyes flashed a look that could not escape the devil's hand. When he turned around, his face was full of smiles and humility. He skillfully answered and got up to leave. Li Jiajia looked at his back and didn't walk to his station until a few seconds later.

Brother Li, who had a panoramic view of all this, shook his head and whispered, "Alas, the domineering female boss fell in love with the male subordinate!"

I don't know what messy novels brother Li usually reads!


On the afternoon of February 5, 2010, Huizhong's annual meeting was officially held in the bird's nest. When many Huizhong employees walked into the bird's nest venue with their invitations, they still had a feeling of dreaming. Where is this? This is the place where the opening ceremony of the 2008 Yanjing Olympic Games was held. It is the most famous place in China and the most symbolic place of China's prosperity.

In addition to the word "cow force", Huizhong employees can no longer find more appropriate words to describe the strength of their company. Even Internet giants such as bat have never held an annual meeting in the bird's nest. Huizhong is the first in the domestic Internet industry and all walks of life in China!

The bird's nest is so big that even tens of thousands of people can hold activities here. More than 5000 people are more than enough to put in the bird's nest. When the employees enter the bird's nest, the stadium in the middle of the bird's nest has built a huge stage facing the East, and the audience in the east of the stage is where the employees sit.

Before the activity began, many employees could not bear to walk around the upper and lower floors of the bird's nest, take photos everywhere, or send microblogs and QQ space to talk.

"Sure enough, our boss deserves to be a man of science and technology. Every year, a wall is built at the entrance of the annual meeting." a female employee of Huizhong business department, standing at the entrance of the bird's nest, sent a self photo. In the photo, in addition to her beautiful face, the most eye-catching thing is a wall behind her, a mobile phone wall two or three heads higher than her, all in one color, They are all white boxed iPhones 3GS.

As soon as the female employee's talk was sent out, a pile of praise and comments were received below.

"Wow! The moat is inhuman! [color] [color]"

"All my phones are iPhones 3GS. The cheapest one I went to China Unicom last time was 6999!"

"Poverty limits my imagination!"

"Poverty makes me jealous!"

"Poverty deforms me!"

"Do I feel alone that this seems to be a bird's nest?"

"Does your company still recruit cleaners? They can be men or women!"

"Weak ask, does your boss have a girlfriend? It's OK to be a small three, a small four, a small 100!"

On this day, Huizhong employees' space and microblogs exploded the circle of friends. In addition to the inhumane iPhone wall, there is also the inhumane macbookair notebook pyramid. Of course, not to mention the more than ten BMW x5s parked outside the bird's nest. What's the feeling of stopping together with more than ten BMW x5s of the same style and color, Probably only the Huizhong staff who took photos in front of the team outside the bird's nest knew.