Michael, the founder of Rovio company, has been following the example of Huizhong and Fang zhe since he learned the legend of Huizhong and its young founder Fang Zhe. Rovio also learned from Huizhong and entered the mobile game industry and developed mobile games for iPhone. Before making angry birds, Rovio had made an iPhone Game and achieved fairly good revenue.

Therefore, Michael made up his mind to temporarily push away the outsourcing business on which the company depended for survival, and relying on the little capital he had saved before, he made every effort to produce angry birds, a leisure game that was highly expected by their whole company.

From the game prototype to the demo, more than ten versions have been changed among them. The protagonist of the game has changed from a slightly serious Viking to a cartoon bird with entertainment style.

Fortunately, not long after their game demo came out, Huizhong company, a well deserved giant in the global mobile game industry, found them. After watching their game demo, it expressed its willingness to act as a global agent and release the game angry birds.

When Michael told the news to the rest of the company, the whole company was so happy that they wanted to have a party. In their opinion, Huizhong's agent issuing their company's Games was like a huge pie falling from the sky, or did it add a lot of candied pie, which was recognized by Huizhong, which meant that they made the game angry birds, Both game quality and game revenue have been guaranteed.

When Huizhong asked them to develop multiple game terminal versions such as angry birds Android and computer at the same time, and invested financial, material and human technical support, Michael and the R & D team accepted it more readily.

Sure enough, big companies have a lot of money. In the past, they just wanted to release the game to the iPhone platform. They were really a little petty, just like the business representative who came from Huizhong said: "we hope players can play our game no matter which platform they are on!"

Now, on the annual Christmas Eve in the west, this sentence has become a reality.

In Finland, the office of Rovio company, everyone of the whole Rovio company, including founder Michael, got together and had a different party!

The office of Rovio company is transformed from an old warehouse. The whole office is not only spacious and tall, but also has an artistic atmosphere. At this time, the founder of Rovio company stood on a striking platform on the second floor and shouted to the employees who gathered downstairs to eat, drink and chat: "OK, guys, time is coming!"

The employees who had been eating and drinking downstairs and chatting with each other were suddenly quiet and looked up at Michael. At this time, each employee's face was full of excitement and expectation.

Michael's mood upstairs is not much different from that of the employees below. With a nervous mood, he took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed it on a large screen hanging in the middle of the warehouse.

The employees at the bottom also follow Michael's actions and look at the big screen. At this time, a huge time has been displayed on the big screen, 23:59:04 seconds. After dozens of seconds, when the time becomes 00:00, Christmas is coming, and the game angry birds developed by roivo will be launched synchronously all over the world!

This Christmas Eve, which should have been spent with family and relatives, all the employees of Rovio chose to spend it together in the company.

For no other reason, just to witness the launch of the angry birds game developed by them with the strength of the whole company for the first time. Michael and all employees have never been so grand in the past, and it should be difficult to meet again in the future.

At 23:59:55, like all the employees downstairs, Michael held his breath and everyone silently counted: five, four, three, two, one!

Without waiting for many people to count one, the display on the big screen has changed. At the top of the screen, the current time is 00:00:00, and below is the logo and name of the game angry birds.

Next, there is the sales volume, revenue and other information of the game on multiple platforms such as iPhone, Android, windows and PS2. At the bottom is a summary column of total information.

At present, angry birds are sold on Appstore, Europe and other countries and regions at a price of 4.99 dollars. The Chinese mainland is free games. When the operation team of Huizhong first formulated this price strategy, Michael and some production team members also had doubts about it. In their view, the angry bird put their whole company's heart into play. At least, it should be priced at $9.99, not to mention free in Chinese mainland.

However, under the persuasion of Huizhong's operation team, Michael and others accepted the current pricing strategy. Huizhong's team far exceeded them in terms of operation ability and experience.

Therefore, the angry birds are the first in the world. The Games in different regions are different. In the developed countries like the United States and Europe, the game is a paid game of $4.99. There are only a few repaid contents in the game. Chinese mainland China and some developing countries are free games. The game contains a large number of prepaid content.

As soon as the time came to 00:00:01, the data on the big screen had changed.

In the first column, the download volume of iPhone has become 306, with a revenue of 1526.94 dollars, in the second column, the download volume of Android is 198, with a revenue of 988.02 dollars, in the third column, the download volume of windowsteam is 41, with a revenue of 204.59 dollars... In the bottom column, the total download volume is 611, with a total revenue of 3048.89 dollars!

The Rovio employees who are staring at the big screen burst into unparalleled cheers one by one, earning $3000 a second, which is a miracle for every employee!

The time on the big screen beats by seconds, and the rows of numbers on the screen are constantly changing.

00:00:02, iPhone 5202594.8 dollars, Android 4312150.69 dollars, windows team 92459.08 dollars... Total: 12346157.66 dollars.


00:00:05, iPhone $13146556.86, Android $10315144.69, windows team $2921457.08... Total: $292714605.73.

In the past five seconds, the global sales revenue of angry birds has exceeded the $10000 mark!

The excitement of Rovio employees has been completely ignited. Everyone cheered and danced while looking up at the beating numbers on the big screen. A male employee turned his head and hugged the head of the male colleague next to him, and suddenly kissed him, "sorry, I just want to make sure if I'm dreaming!"

Michael, standing on the high platform on the second floor, is more excited than words. He has never been so brilliant since he founded Rovio.

The constantly refreshing numbers on the big screen told him that all this was not a dream. He had a feeling that the game angry birds would make a sensation all over the world!