On November 15, it has been more than half a month since the iPhone entered China, and the scenes of buying iPhones in Unicom business halls are still hot. At the same time, many overseas Games launched by Huizhong have also entered China with great fanfare.

On October 30, the day the iPhone was launched in China, the mobile games "fruit Games", "don't step on white blocks" and "happy xiaoxiaole" in many overseas countries and regions of the app store had been launched in China in advance. Moreover, because of the good cooperative relationship between Huizhong and apple, it is very rare that Apple directly opened a Huizhong game zone in the recommendation area!

In the first place is Huizhong's game "fishing talent", which was launched in the mainland and other regions and countries around the world. This game is a free game, but the officials of Huizhong and apple have no doubt about the fire and gold absorption ability of this game.

It is said that when Huizhong's employees uploaded the audit package of "fishing talent" to the Appstore, Apple's official auditors collectively herded sheep and played "fishing talent" regardless of other pending audit games. Two of them paid 648 yuan for dozens of times in a row.

Fortunately, their official reviewers use test sandbox recharge and do not need to pay their own fees, but it is enough to see that the game hook causes players' desire to pay, a variety of beautiful to suffocating game scenes, various special effects, gorgeous gun barrels with different functions, submarines with different diving depths and abundant fish or other marine organisms in different underwater worlds.

In the words of Apple officials who specifically asked Huizhong, how many kinds of marine creatures have you put into the game? My fish atlas has activated 64 species, and there are a lot of question marks behind it?

Who knows, Fang zhe heard from Shen Liang that he was a planner of the project team of "fishing talent". He was born in marine biology before. Later, he heard that Huizhong recruited people who knew marine biology. He changed his profession and made game planning.

There are more than 700 lines in the planning table of marine life in fishing talent that he once showed Shen Liang. He means that there are 210000 kinds of known marine life in the world, including 20000 kinds of marine fish alone. He very much hopes to put all kinds of incredible marine life in the game of fishing talent.

My God, even Fang zhe admired it when he heard this. Brother, how many t game bags do you have to hold so many marine creatures!

Not surprisingly, the iPhone has only been in China for three days. Several free games under Huizhong's banner, "fishing talent", "don't step on white blocks", and "happy xiaoxiaole" and later changed into a free game, "fruit Games", have successively ranked at the top of the best-selling list of Appstore in China. Four of the top ten on the list are Huizhong's games, This makes many peers in the game industry who see this list admire Huizhong!

In addition to mobile games, another part of the full entry into China is the happy series page games that have been developed by Huizhong Jianghai branch. The games of the whole happy series have formed a system. Their popularity abroad has been verified by tens of millions of players. In China, in addition to the happy farm developed in five minutes, there are three other games of the happy series, happy ranch "Happy Fishing Ground" and "happy town" did not enter China.

However, as the biggest beneficiary of the domestic operation of "happy farm", Tencent is unwilling to "learn" from Huizhong again. At present, QQ ranch has been launched in QQ farm, and QQ fishing ground has just been put into public beta at the end of October.

And "QQ town", because Huizhong launched "happy town" late and the development complexity is relatively high, it is still in intensive testing. The official announcement of QQ space said that "QQ town" will meet all QQ space users at the end of this month!

For Tencent's behavior, both domestic players and peers in the game industry have been surprised. Fang zhe didn't think that the entry of happy series into China could threaten the gradually stable position of QQ space. However, you should also disgust you. This is the reason why Fang zhe still chose to introduce several page games of happy series into China.

In mid November, the other three games of Kaixin series successively logged in to kaixin.com and renren.com, the two social networking sites of QQ space. At present, they are quite popular. Although they have gradually opened the gap with the largest QQ space, the freshness of most users has not passed, so they can be added to the data of active users.

For Huizhong's comprehensive introduction of the happy series of games that have become famous overseas into China, kaixin.com and renren.com are very happy. Seeing that their two companies can join forces to draw with QQ space, Huizhong, a powerful helper in the field of page games and social games, is signing a cooperation agreement During the discussion, I wanted to hug Fang Zhe and kiss him.

Correspondingly, Tencent is very calm. It doesn't seem to worry too much about the combination of Huizhong, kaixin.com and renren.com, because at present, Huizhong Kaixin games are close to "remake" completion.

According to the preconceived conventional Internet thinking, it is difficult for Huizhong happy series games to make great achievements in the domestic market. Compared with the field of page games, what makes Tencent executives more worried is Huizhong's strength in the field of end games.

It was originally thought that Huizhong had no accumulation in the end game industry. In addition, the end game investment was large and the R & D cycle was long. Even if Huizhong wanted to challenge the old end game companies such as Tencent and Netease, it would have to be a few years later. Unexpectedly, Huizhong came up with a move to fake the tiger's power and kill people with a knife, bringing in the foreign steam platform.

These days, senior executives of old game companies such as Tencent and NetEase have exhausted various means, including lobbying the government, in an attempt to prevent steam from entering China from the policy level.

However, the relevant government leaders did not agree to their request. As early as a few months ago, Huizhong had submitted the general operation plan for the establishment of steam China special zone to the relevant government departments.

Huizhong will review all Steam games introduced into China in accordance with China's policies and legal standards, and will set up relevant servers separately in China according to different game types.

It can be said that from policies and laws to data security, Huizhong is acting according to the system. The game industry is not an information sensitive department such as social networking and communication industry. Therefore, the government has no reason to maliciously restrict the normal business activities of enterprises.

In addition, Huizhong has now become a large taxpayer. It is also very prestigious and influential in the foreign game industry and has contributed a lot of foreign exchange income to the country. Therefore, the relevant government leaders can only say that they should act according to the rules and compete legally!

Huizhong does not have a very strong background in the government system, which is indeed a big weakness of Huizhong. However, Fang zhe has never thought of introducing shareholders such as the second generation of officials. This speechless behavior will appear only in some novels or companies that eat government resources very much.

Large companies in the domestic Internet industry have never relied on the second generation of officials to settle government relations, but have made real social contributions and influence, including tax payment, employment, scientific research strength and so on.

In dealing with government relations, Fang zhe has always believed in the words of President ARIMA and President Wanda Wang for decades, close to the government and away from politics!

Over the past few decades, Chinese enterprises that have had accidents for political reasons have never been too far from the government, but too close to politics!

Enterprises are the sons of the state. As long as enterprises make contributions to the country in a down-to-earth and law-abiding manner, the state has no reason to casually target an enterprise that creates many taxes, creates many jobs and makes outstanding contributions to the development of the country.

On the contrary, the national and local governments will try to protect these enterprises to stay here, because the existence of these enterprises are real political achievements and old hens who can lay golden eggs!

Throughout November, Huizhong was busy introducing its overseas business into China, including wechat, happy input method and other applications that were previously operated only overseas, but also quietly entered China.

However, Fang Zhe's strategy for wechat operation in China is the same as overseas. The real outbreak time will be when the next major version of wechat will be updated to join voice chat, and steam will enter China in February next year. Huizhong will fight Tencent from the front!