However, under the awesome operation of Zuckerberg and Shirley team, Facebook and Zynga joined together earlier to deal with the scandal of Huizi, and gradually lost heat as time went on and the happy farm's Facebook service.

Netizens have always followed the trend of the masses. The wave and activities that boycotted Facebook have now disappeared.

The war between Facebook and mysapce seems to have returned to the previous stalemate. In Fang Zhe's view, this situation is much better than that in his previous life. At this time in his previous life, with the in-depth cooperation between Facebook and Zynga, MySpace has launched several social game masterpieces one after another, and MySpace has almost no power to fight back and completely lost the social network war.

When "Happy Fishing Ground" and "happy town" two page tours logged into MySpace before Facebook, contrary to the ecstatic mood of MySpace executives and shareholders, Facebook executives and shareholders, including mark Berg, were very angry. Zuckerberg fell several cups, and several shareholders discussed the replacement of Zuckerberg in private.

Zynga, which was like Facebook before, is now involved in a lawsuit and plagiarism scandal because of Huizhong's legal counterattack.

In addition to constantly looking for excellent social games from its own open platform to compete with the influence of Huizhong happy series games, Zuckerberg has to hold his nose and cooperate with Huizhong to continue to operate happy series games, including happy fishing ground and happy town, which are still launched half a month later than mysapce, If their platforms do not operate these two games, they will only give many users to MySpace for nothing.

For the four games of happy series, Huizhong accounts for the greatest interests because of the competition between Myspace and Facebook. The share ratio of the two platforms is Huizhong 9, and they are 1.

The number of registered users of happy fishing ground and happy town has exceeded 3 million and 4 million respectively in just one week. This is also due to the strong correlation between the four games. In happy farm, which has the largest number of users, with more than 43 million users, players can directly go to their own pastures, fishing grounds and surprise towns through signs!

With the connection of the four games, each game can directly jump to the other three games. Both the game playing method and the content are extremely rich, which also leads to the emotion and powerlessness of many peers who also do social games on Facebook. One game has made them feel difficult to deal with, not to mention the four related games.

Only the rich development and playing methods of happy town have made many ashes players of simulated city exclaim that happy town is simulated city 2.0.

Of course, they just described the game's rich and entertaining playing method, and did not accuse happy town of plagiarizing anything. Much different from the style of simulated city, the game content of happy town is the same as its name. From style to content design, it is more like a leisurely and comfortable town in European and American countries.

The town is not only compatible with Huizhong's other three games, farms, pastures and fishing grounds, but also contains many other interesting buildings and playing methods.

For example, players can run restaurants in small towns, cook many raw materials harvested from farms or ranches and fish farms into delicious food and sell them to other players. Raw materials such as cotton and wool can also be further processed into cloth, wool, silk and other products for making clothes in textile factories, and these products can be made into all kinds of clothes with other raw materials in clothing stores.

Many players who have played happy town exclaimed that Huizhong's happy series games have formed a small ecological society. Players can almost experience many jobs and occupations in real life here, which is many times better than the game playing method of just experiencing farm life and being a farmer at the beginning.

The abundance of playing methods also means the increase of payment points. Only one week after happy fishing ground and happy town were launched, the flow of the two games exceeded $4 million and $11 million respectively!

In particular, happy town has a strong ability to attract gold. The rich playing methods in the game have greatly stimulated the players' desire to pay. What's more, Jiang Che, the head of Jianghai branch, also specially called Fang Zhe to report that happy town has a tyrant player with a cumulative recharge of more than $1 million!

Madder, what is a local tyrant? It's called a local tyrant. The game has only been opened for a week, and it has charged more than 1 million US dollars, equivalent to nearly 7 million yuan. Even if it is on the list of domestic online game local tyrants, it can probably rank in the top 10!

According to Fang Zhe's impression, it seems that in the history of domestic online games, the player with the most recharge should be a player called "Central Plains mob" in journey. It is circulated on the Internet that the player has accumulated recharge of more than 40 million yuan!

And 40 million yuan, on the list of world online game tyrants, is nothing. According to the news Fang zhe saw on the Internet in his previous life, in the history of global games, one of the most entrenched players threw 120 million dollars into the game. However, over time, Fang zhe forgot what game the tyrant was playing!

In order to commemorate the player's refresh of the highest recharge record of Huizhong's game players, Fang Zhe, who is black in the stomach, specially instructed Jiang Che to add the "town rich list" and exclusive props and memorial buildings customized for the rich in different rankings to the weekly routine maintenance version of happy town.

Not surprisingly, after these contents were updated into the game, it was not long before the player's highest recharge record was refreshed to $1.2 million and $1.3 million... In less than three days, the highest recharge record was brushed to $3 million by a local tyrant player whose name was Arabic, and this player with Arab name became the new richest man on the rich list of the town without exception!

Many ordinary players of happy town, like melon eaters, enjoy talking about the rich ranking on the "town rich list". Although these rich players recharge a lot, they do not affect the game experience of most players, and this rich list is open to all happy town players.

The result is the same as the Forbes rich list in real society. The rich on the list say they don't care about the ranking, but privately they are complacent and secretly proud of their ranking.

Similarly, in the game, many super rich players have filled more money, reputation and vanity in order to have a better ranking on the town rich list. No matter in reality or in the game, as long as they can be satisfied, there are always local tyrants willing to spend money for it!

Many players are joking that if happy town is moved to the real world, this town must be the most populous and rich town in the world!