Fully closed development means that during the development period, everyone can't have unnecessary contact with the outside world, which is not uncommon in the Internet industry. Many large companies rush to develop a secret project, all developers don't let the outside world contact for a long time, and personal mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed to use.

Under the generous salary, the seven Huizhong employees who participated in the research and development of the project had no objection. If they had objections, they would not be selected to participate in the project.

The project has no official name, but only a code name, earth. The seven employees involved in the project internally call the product of the project earth online chat software.

Indeed, anyone involved in the development of this project will know at a glance that the core product of this project is just a chat software carried on a smartphone.

At first, when they knew that Fang always was so mysterious and serious, but only to make a chat software, none of them was not disappointed.

Wool, thought it was a mysterious project, but it took a long time to make a chat software on the rotten street.

Yes, in today's Internet industry, any company can do chat software by pulling an R & D team. The underlying technology of chat software has long been rotten street and entry-level technology. At most, the technical difficulty will be improved after the number of users reaches a certain scale. In the early stage, the outsourcing project can be completed for 100000 yuan.

Even if it is a little difficult to develop mobile chat software, it is the same. Although there are few mobile chat software in China, the technology is mature. The underlying communication technology has not changed. What has changed is the communication mechanism on the software carrying system and platform.

Therefore, at the beginning, the development motivation of the seven of them was limited to more than twice the salary when they were in Huizhong. In their view, Fang always wanted to make a software, which was beyond his capacity and did not cry without seeing the coffin.

This kind of thing has happened to countless Internet companies in the past ten years. No matter giants such as Baidu and Ali or some emerging start-ups, no one doesn't want to challenge the status of Tencent QQ. Everyone thinks that they can make an IM software comparable to QQ. They can slap in the face and never stop slapping in the face.

Fang zhe doesn't care what the seven of them think. If he isn't too busy to develop full-time, I'm afraid Fang zhe wants to do this software alone. The WhatsApp in his previous life was only made by two people at first. This software is not technically difficult, but in product thinking.

Therefore, when Fang zhe began to put forward R & D needs to them with the frequency of going every two days, the mentality of these seven people slowly changed.

First of all, Zhou Feng, the leader of the 7-person group, had the biggest change in mentality. He was originally the main process of the "don't step on white blocks" project team of Huizhong mobile game department. Before joining Huizhong, he worked in Netease and participated in the research and development of Netease bubble, a chat software under Netease.

In his opinion, the current boss of the company, Fang Zhe, a young man nearly ten years younger than him, is fooling around and never dies when he gets seven of them out of the company alone to make chat software.

Whether it's Netease's bubble or Sina's UC and other small chat software products, they are all such projects. Working in such projects is a hopeless thing for him who is now nearly 30 years old, because no matter how well this product is done technically, it can't change the fact that the product can't develop in front of the giant QQ.

Therefore, when he joined the project, the only hope he had was that his salary was more than twice that of the original. Before coming, Fang zhe had told them that the R & D cycle of the project was only two months at most. After two months, they would be allowed to choose to return to the original project team or continue to stay for the project.

Of course, whether they go back or stay, the confidentiality agreement is signed for three years. Within three years, without the permission of Fang Zhe, anyone participating in the project can not disclose anything about the project to anyone, including who they participate in the development, where they develop, etc.

However, if they disclose a little information to the outside world, they will face the disaster of imprisonment. Fortunately, this closed development is a common thing in the Internet industry, and there are rich benefits. As long as they are not stupid and have nothing to do, these strict confidentiality agreements can not limit themselves.

At the very beginning, Zhou Feng's feeling about Fang Zhe and the project was that he was unfaithful, tossing around, making a mountain out of a molehill, and killing chickens with an ox knife. Later, after Fang zhe came for the first time and talked to him alone about the demand for this product, he was shocked at that time!

It's no big deal what words, pictures and mobile QQ have across various mobile operating system platforms. Even voice chat, Zhou Feng is not shocked. Voice chat has been done by other chat software long ago, but it's just not done because it's not in time.

What really shocked Zhou Feng was Fang Zhe's mention of directly copying and copying this relationship chain by using the existing address book of the mobile phone!

what is it? This is a set of relationship chain that the im instant messaging industry has never thought of so far!

Zhou Feng, who participated in the research and development of Netease bubble, has long had a deep understanding of IM chat software. If such software wants to succeed, it depends on building a set of social relationship chain with users as the core

The reason why Tencent QQ has been invincible in the domestic social industry is that it has accumulated a mature set of relationship chain on QQ. It may take weeks, months or even years for each QQ user to cultivate this set of relationship chain, and such a long time is enough to make users form habits and dependence on QQ, so they are not willing to easily migrate to other social software, Unless other social software has more profound changes.

Otherwise, no matter how good other social software is, they will only guide QQ users in the end. For example, they feel they can talk on a certain dating software. Finally, both sides added QQ. So far, the mission of this social software has been completed, and the more important part of social relations is handed over to QQ.

At least in China, most people believe that Tencent's QQ is invincible, and the only person who doesn't give up is Tencent itself, or can establish a social relationship chain that can compete with the relationship chain on QQ.

Other differentiated social networking, such as making friends in the same city and making friends with strangers, is nothing more than finding some remaining living space in the social field, which can not really threaten the dominant position of QQ in the social industry.

But now, when Fang zhe told him to copy a set of relationship chain of address book in the software, Zhou Feng was shocked. Yes, every mobile phone user naturally maintains a set of relationship chain, that is, the address book on their mobile phone, from the functional machine era to the smart machine era, no matter what kind of mobile phone, Address book is an insignificant but very critical core function.