The reason why I think of this is because at present, regardless of physical stores or networks, baomoms are full of doubts and uneasiness about the quality and safety of mother and baby products. After the Sanlu incident, I'm afraid there will be another wave of wet nurses and purchasing on behalf of others.

In the final analysis, what the government can supervise is only at the enterprise level. For each mother in each family, which diapers and which milk powder to choose, in addition to listening to friends and watching advertisements, that is, like their sister-in-law Wang Nan, they asked experienced mothers in the Baoma group.

If there is such an e-commerce platform that focuses on the mother and baby market and has professional control and service recommendation in many aspects, such as product quality, brand price, after-sales service, it will certainly win the favor of many Baoma.

Compared with the price advantage that Taobao can only provide, the e-commerce platform focusing on the mother and baby market must have far better services and advantages than Taobao. Most consumers can't believe that the imported products of ordinary Taobao stores are authentic, but the Netease koala focusing on this has been recognized by many consumers.

In the end, over the years of development, Taobao has been labeled as large and complete, cheap, and the combination of true and false character depends on your own judgment. Here, there are a mixture of good and bad people. For baomoms who put safety and quality first, they are very worried.

It has been 30 years since the reform and opening up. Most Chinese people have gradually changed from the extensive thinking of having a full stomach, wearing clothes and being cheap to the micro exquisite thinking of eating only when they are delicious, wearing only when they are good-looking, high quality and low price, and even putting quality and safety first.

Therefore, in the long run, the vertical e-commerce platform focusing on the mother and baby market has great potential. Regardless of the current possible trend of purchasing milk powder on behalf of others, it is a huge market. In the long run, many products of mother and baby, such as milk powder, diapers, complementary foods, toys, early education, baby washing and care, maternal products and so on, are on the product chain of mother and baby market, Vertical e-commerce has more advantages to tap than Taobao, which has only price and category advantages.

Of course, in Fang Zhe's vision, there are higher-level e-commerce or service providers integrating the whole market cycle from space to time. Imagine that a mother starts from pregnancy, and the enterprise completes the services through big data mining and exquisite personality customization from pregnancy examination, dietary advice, physical monitoring to clothing, food, housing and transportation, That's Fang Zhe's idealized service provider.

I remember a foreign netizen said that from birth to death, all the things he may use can be bought on Amazon, which makes him feel very terrible.

However, in Fang Zhe's view, this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that a person from birth to death, all the things he uses, used services, etc. are provided by a certain enterprise. That enterprise is either a terrible monopoly machine, or it really makes the service to the extreme, so that consumers are unwilling to choose another home.

At dinner, Fang zhe told Zheng Siwen and Wang Nan about his idea of mother infant vertical e-commerce.

They both think that Fang Zhe's idea is a good idea. Apart from others, just now, it is also a very marketable entrepreneurial idea to buy imported milk powder for Baoma in demand.

The three people talked about this topic for a long time, but in the end, Fang zhe thought of a very distressing problem. He thought so well, but who would do it?

He certainly has no energy and time to do it now. Only those things in the previous entrepreneurship plan are enough for him to be busy for several years. Moreover, he decided early that the core of the company in the next few years should be to incubate the global mobile IM project based on the game business, which is social networking. He can't spare energy to engage in e-commerce, which is laborious and time-consuming.

As a reborn person, Fang Zhe is different from other entrepreneurs in that he sees too many opportunities, from social networking to e-commerce, from o2o to sharing economy, and even real estate and stock speculation, bitcoin and so on.

However, Fang zhe also understands that for entrepreneurs, it is easier to succeed if they focus a little and keep the original intention to polish their core business. If they think big and comprehensive at the beginning and participate in everything, they will not only lose their strategic direction and the company, but also waste a lot of unnecessary resources and energy.

Many companies on the Internet have been ill at this point, ranging from Fang Zhe, who forgot his name and only knew the story, to Yahoo Baidu, a large company with a large enough volume. When Fang zhe came back, Yahoo's core Internet business had been sold at a low price, and the only remaining value was the Alibaba stock in his hand.

Baidu began to seek transformation from the era of mobile Internet. Because of the island attribute of search business on the mobile Internet, google had to find the next core business that can bring growth to Baidu.

From the initial application distribution, then the so-called 20 billion o2o, and then the unmanned driving and artificial intelligence AI, it is inconceivable that the core strategic business of a company with a volume of tens of billions of dollars will change again and again in a few years.

I remember that in an interview with CCTV, President Li of Baidu said that he couldn't sleep at night because there were too many opportunities. His situation is a little similar to that of Fang Zhe now.

However, at this point, Fang zhe feels that he is wiser than him. No matter how many opportunities he has, he can find what he likes. Why do he care so much? Perhaps such a strategic swing leadership thinking is also one of the reasons why Baidu's market value has been unable to exceed 100 billion and gradually fell out of the first tier of bat.

Fang Zhe, who had been thinking for a long time, sighed:

"We're having fun here, but it's no use just talking. No matter how good the idea is, it's useless for no one to do it." he and Zheng Siwen want to plan to start a company. His sister-in-law Wang Nan has to take care of the children outside work. At least none of them has the energy to worry about it.

"Indeed, if you don't mind, I can talk to friends I know about it. Before, several friends wanted to start a business and do e-commerce, but they suffered from no good direction. Sometimes they were short of inspiration and ideas."

After some thinking, Zheng Siwen also felt that, as Fang zhe said, this is a good time for the rise of vertical e-commerce. It may not be realistic to build a large and comprehensive platform like Taobao, but like JD, there is still a great opportunity to focus on a potential field at the beginning.

"I'll do it!" Wang Nan, who had been silent listening to the two people's chat, suddenly opened her mouth and interrupted them.

Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen looked at Wang Nan with surprised eyes.