Policy issues are the first issue in expanding overseas markets. Of course, there are the most important market issues before that. Without a market, any expansion is empty talk.

Despite the above two points, the other two issues that most enterprises have to pay attention to when expanding their business overseas are localization and patent.

Localization is a broad concept, from translation to local language, to adapting to local usage habits, to adapting to local market behavior, and so on.

In Fang Zhe's game industry, it is an industry that attaches importance to localization.

If domestic games want to be sent overseas, or foreign games want to enter China, we need to consider whether the game content conforms to local policies, language translation of game content, and whether the game content conforms to local folk customs. Just like the popular fairy cultivation and fantasy games in China, they rarely succeed in sending overseas, The big reason is that most overseas users do not have this preference.

At home, there are countless cases of success or failure of overseas giants, just as Microsoft still accounts for more than 90% of the domestic personal computer operating system. Most of the automobile field, especially the high-end automobile field, are also occupied by overseas brands.

As a rising star in the Internet industry, most of the overseas giants have collapsed. Many people attribute their failure to policies, but in fact this is a one-sided statement. No matter in which market, enterprises should abide by local laws and policies, not local laws. Because your enterprise modifies, the former is much easier than the latter.

When Alibaba's Taobao rose, its biggest rival was eBay, which entered overseas. Later, Taobao defeated eBay through a series of operation means in line with the domestic market environment, such as free policy.

Amazon, which is also a foreign capital, does not pay enough attention to the Chinese market. It is not well-known among ordinary people. Unlike domestic Jingdong vipshop, it does a lot of brand publicity. Needless to say, from website design to operation and service, it is full of western cold models, which is completely inconsistent with the aesthetics of the Chinese people. When Fang Zhe is reborn, Can only hold a little advantage of the overseas Amoy market.

Of course, Fang zhe also knows that Amazon doesn't pay attention to the Chinese market because its operation mode is a little similar to that of domestic Jingdong. It has its own products and logistics system, which belong to heavy asset operation. With Jingdong, an opponent who has grown into a small giant, it really needs to think hard to explore the Chinese market.

In addition, Microsoft MSN, which entered the country in 2005, first aimed at the shortcomings of Tencent QQ in the field of enterprise business communication, which really attracted a lot of attention. At that time, Tencent also paid enough attention to this opponent. It took a series of means, from optimizing QQ mailbox to offline transmission of large files, and hit MSN down with three fists and two feet.

Later, Fang zhe saw a story about the competition between Tencent and MSN in the biography of Tencent. The most impressive thing about Fang Zhe is that Tencent's R & D of a function, from demand to final solution, may be completed in one day. On the MSN side, due to the characteristics of MSN's global operation, the needs of the Chinese branch need to be reviewed at the U.S. headquarters, There are too many gaps in communication and R & D efficiency, and they are unwilling to specially adjust some functions for the Chinese market. In the end, they can only lose wheat city.

Google's withdrawal from China is mainly due to its intransigence in China's market policy. In the face of national security and other issues, Google's toughness is tantamount to hitting stone with an egg. When it is greedy for the Chinese market and wants to enter China again, it will not be a little difficult. Behind its so-called insistence on not doing evil, it has made different choices in the United States, the European Union and other home markets. In this regard, the apple in China is much more discerning than it.

Just a few years before the rise of the mobile Internet, the domestic medium and high-end smartphone market was controlled by overseas Samsung, LG, apple, etc. when Fang zhe was reborn, domestic Xiaomi, Huawei, vivo, etc. had regained the medium-end market and launched an attack on the high-end market and the international market.

Huawei sells a lot in Europe, the Middle East and other overseas regions. Xiaomi has become the number one mobile phone brand in India. Chinese mobile phones account for half of the market share in the Indian mobile phone market. Of course, limited by patents and other factors, various mobile phone brands are still trying to enter the markets of Europe, America and other developed countries by purchasing patents and other means.

From policy to localization and then to patent, Fang zhe only thinks of these three most important factors to expand the global market. Among the three problems about the mobile IM software Fang zhe wants to do, the patent problem has the least impact, the policy problem has the greatest impact, and localization is in the middle. It determines that even if the policy allows, Can Fang zhe be recognized by local users and occupy the local market.

After some thinking, Fang zhe believes that it is highly feasible to do mobile IM software. As long as tens of millions of users can be accumulated, even if you exit at that time, you can sell a good price. If you can accumulate hundreds of millions of users, Fang Zhe's giant dream is a matter of minutes.

In the worst case, Fang zhe didn't accumulate enough users and wasted a lot of money. That doesn't matter. He was reborn. He was only 21 years old. There were many other opportunities. He didn't dare to say that he was rich and noble. At least he was sure to live a happy life as a small local tyrant.

Next, Fang zhe began to think about where the money came from. Although he is now accounting for millions, this money wants to launch mobile IM business all over the world. It really means that he is a bit stuck between his teeth.

The original Fang zhe just wanted to do mobile mobile games and Android channels at most. These two things should be done well, and the worth of billions of dollars is still no problem.

However, neither of these two projects can see great profits in a year or two. There is no other reason. The growth of these two projects is too slow, at least slower than Fang Zhe's demand for mobile IM business. It is still difficult to feed the global im business with these two profits.

In previous lives, WhatsApp had to charge users because it didn't have money. A single user paid a dollar a year, and a billion users paid a billion dollars a year. It seemed very profitable, but it also greatly restricted its development speed. After all, free is easier to spread than paid. Therefore, after selling to rich Facebook, the service fee was directly cancelled, Became free software.

"Money, money, money, the Internet makes the most money. One is advertising and the other is games. If there is no user and no traffic, there will be no advertising.

In the case of games, the full rise of mobile games will take several years. The development of end games does not have so much money, and the development cycle is also long. In the case of agents, several lucrative projects such as lol, DNF and CF in future generations have been robbed by Tencent, and Web games, right! It's page games! "

The brainstorming Fang zhe happily patted the computer desk.

At this time in 2008, the fastest-growing sub industry of the game industry is page tourism. In 2007, the page tourism industry was only in its infancy. In 2008, because the sp industry, which used to sell mobile RBTS and other service providers on TV, was reorganized, a large number of leaders in the sp industry switched to page tourism and relied on the traffic of the website advertising alliance, That is, pop-up game advertisements often seen in the lower right corner of various websites have heated the page tour industry.

Various page tour platforms are blooming everywhere. The more famous ones are 37wan, 51wan, 91wan, 4399, buddy network, air network, etc. there are also social games relying on social platforms, including Kaixin, Renren, QQ space and play more under YY. Through their huge user traffic, they have spawned the popularity of Web social games.

Overseas, since Facebook established an open platform last year, a large number of page game manufacturers have also emerged. The most famous one is Zynga, which was founded in 2007. In the years when page games were popular, its annual net profit was more than hundreds of millions of dollars. Of course, this manufacturer failed in the transformation of mobile games later. By the time Fang zhe was reborn, it was already in a state of dying.