Fang zhe didn't know how brother mosquito talked to his mother. He only knew that when his mother called him, his face was full of joy. Then he began to urge Fang Zhe to have a good internship in Yanjing, listen to brother mosquito, change clothes frequently in summer, go to bed early and so on.

It seems that in my mother's eyes, Fang Zhe, who has lived in Anyang for several years, is still a child who has never been far away.

The fat man's father called Fang Zhe's mother and said that Zheng Siwen called him and asked Fang Zhe to go to Yanjing for internship with fat man during the summer vacation. He agreed very much.

Finally, the matter was settled. The thoughtful Zheng Siwen even booked their plane tickets and flew directly to Yanjing tomorrow morning.

For the fat man, this is his first visit to Yanjing, the capital of China. He is very excited. For Fang Zhe, he spent more than seven years in Yanjing in his previous life, and most of his youth stayed there. When he came back from rebirth, it was his first time to go, and his heart was filled with emotion.


On the morning of July 13, 2008, at the Capital International Airport, Fang Zhe and fat people with big and small bags sat on the Audi A6L.

According to Zheng Siwen, when he was in the United States, he was used to driving Lexus and changed to Audi after returning home. First, his sister-in-law liked Audi better. Second, in China, Audi had many more invisible advantages than Lexus.

Fang Zhe is not a fledgling college student, but he also understands these principles.

Zheng Siwen's family is near Shaoyaoju, which is a little close to the company where Fang zhe worked in his previous life. But now, the company is still elsewhere. It didn't move here until 2009. Fang zhe couldn't help thinking of what it would be like to see his former colleagues in the company in the future.

The road is full of posters about the Olympic Games. At this time, the whole Yanjing is waiting for the arrival of the Olympic Games. Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen took them out to play after eating at Zheng Siwen's house. They didn't drive anymore, but took the subway.

At present, the Yanjing subway is still an era when two yuan runs all over the city. There are a lot of people. Moreover, according to Zheng Siwen, in order to welcome the Olympic Games, single and even number restrictions will be implemented after the 20th. I'm afraid there will be more people taking the subway at that time.

During the chat, Fang zhe remembered a lot of things. First, the price of the subway will rise in the future.

Second, the single and even number limit and the tail number limit are normal in the future, so that many families bought a second car for this.

Third, it is the lottery system. Many Beipiao feel that the city is becoming more and more unfriendly to outsiders, and many Yanjing locals have resentments against outsiders.

From the afternoon to the evening, Zheng Siwen took Fang Zhe and the fat man from Tiananmen to the Forbidden City and turned to NanLuoGu lane to Houhai. Compared with later generations, there are still so many people on the street, but there are no small yellow cars on the street, and the merchants' payments are basically cash.

In addition, because of the proximity of the Olympic Games, the weather in Yanjing is particularly good, no better than that of later generations. Even if the sun shines high, you can always see a gray haze.

The fat man has been nagging that his legs are about to lose weight, but he is very excited. Fortunately, these places are close to each other, such as the summer palace and the Great Wall, but he has to wait for a chance to go again in the future.

Zheng Siwen has made arrangements. Tomorrow is Monday. He asked the company for leave. He will take Fang Zhe and them to his classmates tomorrow morning. They will practice in Yanjing for a summer vacation and have plenty of time to go out and play.

Zheng Siwen's company was near Wudaokou. The next morning, Fang zhe brought his laptop. Zheng Siwen drove with Fang Zhe and fat man from Shaoyaoju to the North Fourth Ring Road. When he passed the Olympic Sports Center on the way, the fat man in the car was a little excited. He saw the bird's nest for the first time in the three inside of the car.

Zheng Siwen lives in Yanjing. Needless to say, Fang zhe came here seven or eight times in his previous life. Except for the first time, the rest are basically relatives and friends who came to Yanjing to play.

After the car passed the Olympic Sports Center, there were still a lot of Olympic publicity on both sides. The fat man gasped and said, "ah Zhe, after the opening of the Olympic Games, we have to get two tickets to go in and have a look at the game."

When he came to Yanjing this time, the fat man's father directly gave him 10000 yuan to play around and have a long experience. In his father's words, young people should play and toss.

Before yesterday, neither fat man nor Fang zhe would have thought that they would spend this summer vacation in Yanjing. If Yanjing missed the Olympic Games this summer, it would certainly leave them regret.

Zheng Siwen, who has been driving, looked at the fat man in the rearview mirror and said, "now the venue tickets for the Games in Beijing have been sold out. You two really have to work hard to buy tickets."

"Sold out?" the fat man heard that he was a little lost, but he asked again in the twinkling of an eye, "is there a yellow cow or something?"

"There must be scalpers, but I haven't paid much attention to them before. Your sister-in-law and I went to the Athens Olympic Games. This time she has to take care of her daughter at home. It's not appropriate for me to go alone.

Tomorrow I'll ask my friends to see if there are channels. At this time, it's the voters, not the votes. It depends on your luck whether you can buy tickets for the games you are interested in. "

Zheng Siwen asked about the events they were interested in. The fat man said he hoped to see Liu Xiang's game. Fang zhe could only sigh with emotion. Although he knew that Liu Xiang withdrew from the Olympic Games due to injury, what can he say now? It's no use for the fat man who is full of expectations.

While chatting, several people have reached Wudaokou, which is close to Yanjing University and Tsinghua University, known as the space center. To the south is ZhongGuanCun, the gathering place of early Internet companies, and to the north is the gathering place of future Internet companies.

In addition to the proliferation of technology companies such as Sina, Sohu and Google China, house prices are also ridiculously high. At this time, Google has not quit China, and Baidu has not moved into the new headquarters Baidu building in Shangdi.

Zheng Siwen led them into a building. The elevator stopped on the sixth floor. A man in his thirties who was a little fat was standing at the elevator entrance waiting.

"Mosquito, these are your two brothers. Welcome!"

Zheng Siwen turned to the other Zhe and said, "this is my college classmate Wang Guoqing. He is just like his name. National Day is his birthday. Among us, he is the most promising one."

"Mosquito, don't bury me. If our classmates hear me, they can't laugh at me. You two are mosquito's brother, that is, my brother. You can call me brother Wang later." Wang Guoqing retorted.

"Brother Wang" Fang Zhe and the fat man skillfully shouted. Fang zhe looked carefully. He was wearing a white shirt, hidden blue suit pants below, polished leather shoes on his feet, and a slightly fat beer belly, which reminded Fang Zhe of the boss of the previous company who was as big as a pregnant woman.

"Let's go to the company first and go out to pick you up later!"

There are several companies on the 6th floor. Wang Guoqing led the three to introduce themselves while walking to the company. Fang Zhe and fatty also introduced themselves.

Although Fang zhe has many years of work experience and has made a lot of friends with strangers, he can't stand it. This time, he and the fat man are on the fence. He may have spent the whole summer here, so it's inevitable to be a little cautious. Fortunately, Wang Guoqing is very enthusiastic. After a few people talked for a while, Fang zhe can let go.

Wang Guoqing's company is called fun. The company is small, and there are less than 60 people. Everyone works in one hall. In addition, there are two conference rooms, one large and one small, one office and one reception room.

Wang Guoqing led the three into the reception room.