To make a game, the development environment is the first and the game engine is the second. Now the basic related environment required by the system and development has been installed, and the rest is the engine selection.

The original development without engine is super tired, and many basic functions have to be realized by ourselves. Fang zhe will not be foolish enough to build wheels by himself. Moreover, Fang Zhe is lack of technical depth in this aspect.

Fang zhe searched the Internet for terms related to various game engines. These days, the game engines on the Internet are basically engines on computer client games and function machine Symbian system. Fang zhe can only rely on his impression to search several fire game engines in later generations, such as box2d, cocos2d, cocos2dx, unity and so on.

Several engines have little information on the Internet. At this time, they basically have no reputation. It was not until later that they were well known by game developers because of several popular mobile games.

Among the original engines, Fang zhe preferred cocos2dx, which was one of the engines used by the company where Fang zhe worked in his previous life. Compared with other engines, Fang zhe was more familiar with this engine. It was also one of the hottest 2D mobile game engines in the domestic game industry. But after searching for a long time, I found that the Internet was full of cocos2d information.

Fang zhe remembered that this game engine has not appeared yet. Cocos2dx was built on the basis of cocos2d. It was not until the rise of mobile game development wave that this engine was developed.

Although there is only one letter difference between the two, there is a big difference. The former supports cross platform and can release games on several smartphone operating system platforms, including IOS and Android, while the latter is only aimed at IOS platform, and there are great differences between the two in programming language. Fortunately, Fang Zhe also made several independent games with cocos2d in his previous life, I'm no stranger to this engine.

Fang zhe went over the wall and found cocos2d related resources abroad. This engine now has poor support for IOS, but it is enough for the other Zhe.

In the next few days, in addition to sleeping in class, Fang zhe spent most of his spare time on game development, so that several roommates felt whether Fang zhe had taken the wrong medicine. The fat man also found a set of test questions from the Internet to test whether Fang zhe had a brain problem.

Fang zhe couldn't laugh or cry about it, but he reluctantly accepted his test.

Of course, the results of the test showed that everything was normal. Since then, several people in the dormitory can only slowly accept Fang Zhe's change. Moreover, affected by him, several roommates spend less time playing games and watching movies. They all grabbed the textbooks and tried to review them.

In addition to the fat guy, for his true love, he still insists on falling in love with Yingying in the game every day.

Fang zhe said to him several times, but it didn't have any effect, so he didn't bother to take care of him. As long as he didn't delay his study, he could stop his good brother from falling in love. It's really not what a good brother should do. He can only rely on time to guide him slowly.

Although we have classes during the day, because the game system is really simple, a week later, Fang zhe made the flash bird game demo, and Fang zhe made some simple optimizations on the basis of the original game.

Including the choice of multilingual versions in several major mainstream languages, adding to the ranking list, adding the collection of gold coins and a simple store for exchanging different amounts of gold coins for different images of birds.

Install the game demo on the prison break iPhone just bought back, and Fang zhe gave it to several roommates for a test experience.

It looks simple, but the operation is difficult. Although it's just a little bit, if you want to let the hateful bird fly through the pipe, a large number of hand injuries are exposed. Several roommates play it down, and the highest score is only 12 points.

But they also make complaints about the game. It's a little too simple, too low, and this pixel style looks very unaccustomed. Besides having fresh feelings on iPhone, there is nothing else more colorful.

Fang zhe said that this game is just for practice. It is mainly developed to get familiar with and understand the game development environment and process.

Several roommates despised Fang zhe for a while, but they felt some admiration for Fang Zhe's ability to make games. There were many game loving programming experts in their school who made some small games and hung them on the school forum to share or play. Unexpectedly, Fang zhe was also one of them.

The rest of flappybird's work is to access Apple's official platform to release what it needs, including Apple's official certificate and developer account. The leaderboard display function also needs to be supported by the game server.

At present, there is no gamecenter, Apple's official game center, in the IOS system. The functions such as ranking in the game that need to use the remote server need to be implemented by the developers themselves.

Moreover, the timeliness and function of Apple's official application statistical tools are very poor. Fang zhe has to bury some of his own statistical tools. Because of this, later third-party statistical tools such as Youmeng and talkingdata can survive.

Of course, at this stage, Fang Zhe's statistical function is also very simple, including only several important data such as registration number and retention.

Fang zhe didn't plan to cut down the statistics and ranking functions in order to save trouble, save the money of the server and make the game stand-alone. In that way, developers have no control over the game, which is not conducive to subsequent version improvement and update.

Moreover, Fang zhe was used to mobile online games in his previous life and was fully capable of completing simple server development and operation. At this time, Amazon cloud has provided services. Fang zhe does not need to consider whether foreign players can access the server, but only what kind of server to buy on Amazon cloud.

The emergence of cloud has made it possible for global Internet entrepreneurs and start-ups to explore the global market. If it were a few years earlier, Fang zhe would definitely be difficult to provide services directly to overseas users.

At that time, there was no iPhone as the basic platform for attacking cities and territories around the world, and the applications raised to the Appstore could be directly oriented to global users. There is no cloud server supporting global data access. It is not a little difficult for Fang Zhe to find an overseas service provider to buy one or two servers. What's more, no one needs to think about things like marketing and localization without money.

Now, Fang zhe can spend more time and energy thinking about how to play games and do other businesses by holding the two thighs of apple and Amazon.

Next, when developing the hero sad stick pass, Fang zhe found that several roommates had become a little strange. From time to time, they would run to their computer screen to have a look.

At first, Fang zhe just thought they were curious about what games they played, so he specially sent them a word document of the game planning case. But this situation has not changed. When Fang zhe asked them what they wanted, they just smiled and replied:

"It's all right. Just look."

After so many times, Fang zhe didn't bother to pay attention to them. Just look if you like. Until one day, the fat man sat beside Fang Zhe and asked quietly:

"Where did you learn this game?"


This is why Fang zhe asked. When he graduated from senior year in his previous life, Fang zhe learned a lot of related things online in order to find work related to game development. Fortunately, Fang zhe had a programming foundation and spent more than a month doing two simple games. Then he entered the later game company as an intern, Slowly gained a firm foothold in this industry.

Speaking of it, it seems that no major of any university in China will specially teach game production. On the contrary, some training institutions have made up for their shortcomings in this regard.

But Fang zhe had no way to say this experience. He could only casually answer: "I used to want to play games, so I learned it blindly on the Internet and became familiar slowly."

The fat man looked at him with suspicious eyes for a long time. Fang zhe continued to stare at the computer and pretended not to see it. The fat man played with himself from childhood to childhood, and even the University was assigned to a dormitory. The two are inseparable. The fat man deeply doubts that Fang zhe has time to learn to play games.

"What's the matter? You want to learn?" Fang zhe changed the topic to avoid him asking again.

The fat man said, "me? I'm not interested yet. Let's talk about it when I look for a job next year. I asked for Song Nan. Don't you see that he always comes to watch you play games."

Fang zhe turns around and looks. Song Nan is not in the dormitory. In addition to the fat man sitting on the side, several other roommates should go to the library for self-study. These days, Fang zhe basically stays in the dormitory to play games.

Fang zhe continued, "why didn't he ask me directly and let you ask?"

The fat man replied, "he wants to ask you. Now you let me bring you dinner except for class and going to the bathroom. Where does he have time to ask you?"

Fang zhe didn't ask more questions and said, "OK, when he comes back, I'll talk to him and give him some suggestions. To be honest, I think you should learn, too. Then you'll know that the equipment you spend money on in the game is just data."

The fat man said, "just the data. As long as the data can be saved, I'm willing to spend as much as I love Yingying."

In the evening, several roommates just came back. Fang zhe suggested that we go out together. Several roommates agreed. These days, Fang zhe was busy playing games, but he had a little points with the roommates in the dormitory. He just took this opportunity to get in touch with them.