Forty nine:

After the audition, several people returned to X city. The advertisement was set for a week later, which means Wen Mingyi can rest at home for another week. It happened that Lu Yunfei and Li Yuanqing also came back from their holiday. Several people had not seen each other for a long time. They had a meeting for a few waves. Before they knew it, it was time for the final exam to come out.

Wen Mingyi logged on to the school's website, entered his student number and identity information, and inquired about his grades. As he expected, the test is not bad, in the class ranking column, clearly written: 1.

Zhang Heng sent a wechat to ask him: the results have come out, have you checked them? How was the exam?

Wen Mingyi dog paws on the keyboard knock, reply him: check, OK.

Zhang Heng: what's the number one?

Wen Mingyi smiles, and Husky's dog face shows a wise and mysterious smile. Si junduo just raises his eyes and sees Husky's stupid face on the other side. He thinks he is very proud of it.

Si junduo

Wen Mingyi replied to Zhang Heng: normal level, first.

Zhang Heng, who has worked hard for a semester

Zhang Heng: Excuse me. I'm leaving. I'll pay you a visit in advance. Goodbye!

Wen Mingyi made an expression, dog paws press the mouse, ready to take a screenshot.

However, he couldn't get a good picture, so he had to send a message to Si junduo: help me to get a picture~

Si junduo looked at the sudden flashing wechat icon on his computer and saw the news as soon as he opened it. He looked up and saw husky grinning at him.

Si junduo stood up, went to him and said, "I'm not out of the room. You just call me directly. You need to send wechat."

Wen Mingyi is very familiar with this keyboard now. He replied: typing is fast. Besides, after calling you, you still have to type.

Si junduo couldn't ask what he cut.

Wen Mingyi pointed to the result page on the computer.

Si junduo looked at the ranking one and touched his dog's head in surprise, boasting, "yes, I really won the first place in the exam."

Wen Mingyi: of course.

Wen Mingyi: when my scholarship comes down, I'll invite you to dinner~

Si junduo laughed, "good."

He helped Wen Mingyi cut the picture and put it on the desktop. Wen Mingyi logged in to his microblog account, uploaded the photo, and tweeted: good test [happy] [happy] [happy]

Soon, his microblog was sent to the forum with a screenshot.

Wen Mingyi tweeted! The results of his final exam come out

"Lying trough! Wen Mingyi won the first place in the final exam! Is this score credible

Why this kind of people who don't have classes can also be the first in the exam! It's unfair to students like us who attend classes on time

Wen Mingyi casually points into a post to see passers-by actively discuss: "really is the first, this picture is not p?"

"If he can get the first place in the exam like this, it's too unreliable to say that x is big."

"Come on, big x is also an old school. It's one of the top five in China. It's not so reliable, is it?"

"I really don't understand why Wen Mingyi didn't have any classes in the first semester and even got the first place in the exam. It's unscientific!"

"Before, it was said that Wen Mingyi was a liberal arts major. If he was a liberal arts major, he should recite it carefully before the exam."

"Don't you study advanced mathematics in liberal arts?"

"Back upstairs, there's a pure liberal arts major. I don't study advanced mathematics, I don't study linear algebra, and I don't study anything related to mathematics."

"I envy my real name."

Wen Mingyi's fans are also a little confused about this. Although they think that since Wen Mingyi can take the final exam, he should not be too bad in the exam, but not too bad in the exam and being first in the exam are obviously two concepts. At this moment, Wen Mingyi suddenly tweeted the results in the evening. After the fans were surprised, some of them didn't even respond.

However, there is no reaction, the control of the comments or control comments, the post or post, the reply or reply. Fans soon became active in various posts, replying to the doubts and doubts of passers-by.

"My younger brother has a good memory, so it should be a surprise before the exam. His major is pure liberal arts major, and there is no need to brush math, so as long as the ability of recitation and writing is OK."

"My younger brother is very smart, and he doesn't leave class at all. He will go back to class after filming!"

"Before watching the interview of other people in the cast of" strange fate of pets ", it was said that my younger brother seemed to have an online class after the play, so he didn't usually study."

Fans actively reply, black powder is not willing to lag behind.

"According to Wen Fen, other people are still studying in school. How come they haven't got a higher score than Wen Mingyi?"

"Who knows if Wen Mingyi said something to the school in private, and the school gave him this position."

"If it's all like what sister Wen Kaishui said, who's going to school? Why don't you recite it before the exam? Anyway, if you don't go, you can get the first prize. "

The two sides soon tore fiercely.

Wen Mingyi is watching, hesitant to open a trumpet to join the war, see someone sent a new post.

Don't make a noise. It's normal for Wen Mingyi to take the first place. He is the number one scholar in Liberal Arts in our province. His ability is very strong

Main building: I didn't want to say that before, but I didn't expect that there were so many Wen Mingyi's posts in one night, and some people took the opportunity to pour dirty water on the school. That's enough! Wen Mingyi and I are from a high school. He is the number one student in our college entrance examination, but he didn't apply for Qingbei. He applied for the best university in our province.

Probably because he didn't give an interview or appear in we media or traditional media, he didn't know as many people as I thought. But our school knows that there is his name in the honor list!


The attached picture is a photo of Wen Mingyi on the honor list of No.1 middle school. In the photo, Wen Mingyi is wearing a school uniform and smiling. He looks beautiful and sunny. His college entrance examination score, 731, is printed under the photo. Everyone was shocked and asked the landlord to say more.

"The trough! Is it really Wen Mingyi? Not the same name, the same surname??? "

"The score is too high. My God, he didn't sign up for Qingbei because of his high score. Why?"

"Seeing this score, I seem to understand why he can still get the first place in the exam even if he doesn't have a class in a semester. Xueba is Xueba, and we can't compete in the world of Xueba."

"My God, what's the entertainment industry with such a good brain? Can't we study hard and do scientific research in the future? "

"Only my key point is that Wen Mingyi's face value was already so high when he was a student! Did he not fall in love in high school when he grew up like this? The landlord asked for information! "

"For information!"

"For information!"

The landlord had to reply: "there is no love. Our school is very strict about puppy love. Besides, Wen Mingyi has no interest in love. Some people have confessed, but he has refused, saying that he is focusing on his studies."

After receiving the water, Si junduo came back and saw the post on his computer. He saw this sentence as soon as he saw it. He squinted at Wen Mingyi and said, "when you were in school, did anyone tell you?"

Wen Mingyi is looking at the post, smell speech jump, direct "Wang" a, look at him with fear.

Si junduo stood next to him and motioned for a look at the post, "did you refuse?"

Wen Mingyi fiercely points the dog's head and refuses. He refuses everything. He is not interested in those girls. If he doesn't refuse, it's not delaying others.

Si junduo was relieved, but Wen Mingyi was a little surprised. He typed and asked him, "don't you know?"

"You didn't tell me. How could I know?"

"I thought you knew everything." Wen Ming Yi Tucao Road, do not make complaints about him. After all, Si Junduo always knew everything about him. Although he ignored Si Junduo in high school, he knew that Si Junduo had been watching him silently, but he did not know.

Of course, Si junduo doesn't know. No matter how much he cares about Wen Mingyi, he won't watch him. So he doesn't know what happened to Wen Mingyi in the school if he doesn't say it.

"When you meet someone you like and want to fall in love, let me know first."

Wen Mingyi looked up at him and said, "do you want to help me first? No, I don't think this kind of thing is suitable for me. "

"You're still young. I'll take a look for you. Don't worry. I won't beat the ducks with sticks."

Wen Mingyi was tucking in his heart. He was eighteen. No matter how small he was, he was really young. Lu Yunfei, who was of his age, had a boyfriend. He did not see him make complaints about his sister. However, Wen Mingyi turns to think that Lu Yunfei was not brought up by his elder sister. He was almost brought up by Si junduo. Therefore, Si junduo's attempt to control the situation is not incomprehensible.

"All right." Wen Mingyi said, "then you should show me when you fall in love! If Jiang Zimo is like that, you break up quickly, I won't agree with you together! I won't beat a duck with a stick, I'll just kill that wild duck! "

Si junduo

Si junduo smiles and pushes his head, "you think more."

With that, he went back to his office area. Wen Mingyi continued to read the post.

At this time when he talked with Si junduo, a lot of black powder poured into the post, doubting whether the building owner's P-map was true or not.

"Does Wen Mingyi look like a good student? If he had been the number one scholar in liberal arts, he and his fans would have been boasting for a long time

"Is this real? Don't be p's? "

"There is only one picture. Do you have any other evidence? At least more evidence! "

The landlord was speechless. "Who can talk nonsense about this kind of thing! Why don't I say that other people are number one in the college entrance examination? Brain is a good thing. Would you please use it? "

Soon, the marketing number carried this post and sent out shock and doubt: is Wen Mingyi, a new student, the number one in the college entrance examination?

One marketing number has been moved, and other marketing numbers have been moved. Passers-by was surprised, "no, I can't see it."

"Why did the number one in the college entrance examination enter the entertainment circle? And if he is the number one in the college entrance examination, why didn't he go to shangqingbei? "

"It's too much to sell Xueba Renshi. Big x is an old famous school. I know, but it's too fake to say that it's number one."

Before long, Wen Mingyi, the number one student in the college entrance examination, was on the hot search, and the people who ate melons talked about it, some believed it and some doubted it.

Seeing this, Wen Mingyi simply Po the college entrance examination results text message he received at that time to the micro blog, and said simply and to the point: the number one scholar is true, and the reason why he didn't report Qingbei newspaper x is because he was close to home and didn't want to go out of the province, that's all. Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember. Report mistakes. Ask for books and find books. Talk with friends about books