Jiang Zimo looked at his red right hand and looked up at Si junduo wrongly.

Si junduo couldn't help whispering, "Mingming..."

Wen Mingyi snorts coldly. He just pretends to sell miserably. Who won't!

He turned his head and looked at Si junduo. His eyes were full of grievances, his brows were slightly frowned, and he called softly, "brother junduo."

Si junduo

Si junduo was silent.

Wen Mingyi rarely shows his acting skills once. Based on the principle of no waste, he pitifully complains, "he just broke into your office. I asked him to go out, and he scolded me!"

"Where did I scold you?" Jiang Zimo argued.

"Then I'll let you out. You don't want to, and you say I'm not qualified."

"You're not qualified. It's jundor's office, not yours."

Wen Mingyi turns to see Si junduo, blinks his eyes, and asks him wrongly, "when others break into your office while you're away, don't I have the qualification to let people out?"

Si junduo

Si junduo pressed his temple, looked at Jiang Zimo and said in a deep voice, "don't enter my office without permission next time."

Jiang Zimo couldn't believe it, "but before..."

"This matter itself is not supposed to, I forgot to remind you before, and you will remember it in the future."

Jiang Zimo was not reconciled and explained to him in a low voice: "I really didn't scold him. I just want to wait for you in the office."

"Lin Mu." Si junduo looked at his secretary, "what did I say before I went to see President Wang?"

"I'm sorry, chief secretary."

"It's not her fault. She went to buy me a drink. Later she came, and Jiang Zimo finally left." Wen Mingyi make complaints about it. "Otherwise, I'm not qualified to let anyone out."

Si junduo was almost amused by his strange tone and rubbed his hair.

Wen Mingyi raised his head and asked him, "am I qualified?"

"Yes." Si junduo said helplessly, "you are not qualified. You are the young master of Si Shi."

When he said this, Lin Mu and Jiang Zimo were surprised.

Lin Mu from his boss with such a sunny and handsome youth appeared, began to guess who this youth is, and his boss what relationship? Although she heard that Wen Mingyi called Si junduo "elder brother", she didn't know what kind of elder brother he was. His cousin was still not related by blood, but he was older than himself. Now Lin Mu is even more confused. Does he still have a young master? Isn't this a family business with only the boss as the heir!

Jiang Zimo knew Si junduo and Wen Mingyi better than Lin Mu, so he was more angry and unwilling than surprised! For what? Wen Mingyi and Si junduo are not real brothers. They are just the children of the neighbors who grew up together. They are little masters of Si family! If you want to join the Si family, you still need to follow the relationship between Wen and Bo, starting from an intern. But Wen Mingyi didn't do anything. Si junduo even said that he was the little master of the Si family? For what?

At this moment, Jiang Zimo's grievance and resentment fly together. He hates Wen Mingyi. Wen Mingyi is willful and unreasonable. Why does Wen Mingyi stand beside Si junduo and become the young master of Si! It's just the son of the family's parents and friends. It's not really the family name! Jiang Zimo opened his mouth and was ready to speak, but Si junduo opened his mouth earlier than him. "I have something to go first, Lin Mu. If I don't come to work on time tomorrow, send the information I asked you to sort out to my mailbox."

With that, he patted Wen Mingyi, "let's go."

Jiang Zimo urged him to stay, "I have something else to tell you."

"Next time." Si junduo said.

"Just a moment, don't occupy you too much..."

"You're so upset!" Wen Mingyi interrupted him impatiently, "don't you see that we are in a hurry? There's no such thing as a wink. "

Jiang Zimo was stunned.

Si junduo is planning to educate Wen Mingyi. He is pulled into the elevator by Wen Mingyi and presses the close button quickly.

"It's impolite of you to do so." Si junduo said in a low voice, "maybe he has something urgent. You shouldn't say that to other people in front of them."

"Then I'm not in front of others. Can I say that?" Wen Mingyi looks back at him.

Si junduo was asked by him. After thinking about it, he answered, "you can talk to me in private."

"I'll tell you now, I think he's very annoyed, very winkless, very annoying."

"You don't like him yourself." Si junduo said calmly.

"So do you think he was not bothered at all, he had a good look, and he was very likable?"

Si junduo sighed, "you have prejudice against him."

"You have a filter for him." Wen Ming Yi Tucao Road, "1500 meters, make complaints about their own V skin.

Si junduo chuckled and did not speak.

Wen Mingyi asked him unhappily, "Jiang Zimo and I fell into the water at the same time. Who did you save?"

Si junduo heard the speech and immediately laughed.

"You say, who can you save? You can only save one!" Wen Mingyi urged.

Si junduo felt that he was really childish. He gently looked at Wen Mingyi and rubbed his head. "Don't worry, no matter who you fall into the water with, I will save you."


Si junduo nodded.

Wen Mingyi was satisfied, "let's stop here and stop talking about Jiang Zimo."

"Good." After all, there are more important things today. Si junduo doesn't want to be unhappy about Jiang Zimo and Wen Mingyi. "Then we'll go to the hospital now."

When Wen Mingyi heard the word "hospital", he almost fell into Si junduo's arms. Jiang Zimo was like a wolf, but the hospital was like a tiger. He had to go out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den in one day. It's too miserable.

Wen Mingyi looks pitifully at Si junduo. This time, it's not a tragedy, it's a real tragedy.

However, Si junduo could only squeeze his face and said cruelly, "it's useless. Coquetry is also going." Wen Mingyi instantly dropped his head, and the priest looked at him and patted him on the shoulder

The hospital belongs to Si junduo's friend's home, so there is no queue. Every project goes on very quickly. Wen Mingyi looks at the list in his hand, but he can't understand it. So he has to ask the doctor who is in charge of guiding him to do the examination, "is there any problem?"

"No, it's healthy." The doctor said softly.

Wen Mingyi was relieved, but when a series of tests were finished, his patience was almost exhausted. Weakly waiting for Si junduo and his friends to finish talking, he got on the car and went home with Si junduo.

"Except that some of the examination results can't come out today, there are no other problems. You are in good health, better than I thought."

Wen Mingyi gave a listless "um".

Si junduo knew that he was against the hospital. He didn't say anything. He just said, "what do you want to eat? Go back and let Aunt Zhang do it for you. "

Wen Mingyi deliberately said, "why let Aunt Zhang do it for me? Can't you do it for me? You haven't cooked for me for a long time

"Who is to blame?" Si junduo looked at him and said, "it's me who moved out noisily and didn't talk to me for three years, Mingming?"

Wen Mingyi looked at one side of the window with some embarrassment and said, "how can you still turn over the old account?"

Si junduo gave a smile.

Wen Mingyi is more and more embarrassed, silently next to the door, pretending that he is a small quail who can't speak.

Si junduo said that, when he went home, he rolled up his sleeves and cooked for him. Wen Mingyi leaned against the wall of the kitchen, looked at his straight back and asked him, "do you go to work tomorrow?"

"It depends on whether you become a cat tonight."

As soon as he said this, Wen Mingyi also had a headache. He couldn't figure out why he would become a cat, the sequela of rebirth? So why such a sequela?

He irritably kicked the wall with his heel, hoping that everything yesterday was accidental, and from today on, he is an ordinary human.

However, it is unexpected that when two people have finished their meal and sit together in the living room to watch a movie, they are uneasy to guess whether Wen Mingyi will become a cat tonight.

When the bell rings at nine o'clock, Si junduo looks at Wen Mingyi beside him. He has not become a cat, because he has become a dog! A big gray and white husky with three fires on his head!