Xu muzhou looked back and took a few steps. Shen Peilan called him, "cousin, are you okay?"

"Don't say it!" Xu muzhou dropped a word and suddenly ran upstairs.

He rushed into the lounge and saw Fu Shuang still asleep, pale, sweating and exhausted.

He took Fu Shuang's hand and stuck it on his face. His nose was sour and couldn't stop crying.

This stupid woman!

I don't know how long it took, Fu Shuang gradually had some consciousness.

Her hand moved. Xu muzhou noticed it and quickly put her down. Wen Sheng shouted, "Shuangshuang, how are you?"

Fu Shuang opened her eyes. She was still dizzy. After calming down, she saw that it was Xu muzhou.

"I..." when I opened my mouth, my voice was hoarse, like a piece of sandpaper in my throat.

Xu Mu Zhou felt a pain in his heart and couldn't help complaining: "fool, why do you do that?"

"Ah?" Fu Shuang was a little confused. What did she do?

She narrowed her eyes and wanted to recall what had happened before. However, the picture in her memory remained that she had a drug attack, her body was hot, and then she was in a mess.

She sat up and couldn't help gasping for air.

"I'm so tired. It seems that I can't tell the pain on my body. How rude were you just now?" Fu Shuang wrung her eyebrows and complained. It was Xu muzhou who didn't know how to control himself and fainted her alive.

Xu Mu Zhou hugged Fu Shuang. His eyes were warm and his nasal voice was a little thick: "you fool, why do you take that medicine?"

"Medicine?" Fu Shuang was stunned. The alarm bell rang loudly in her heart. Xu muzhou knew she had taken medicine?

She was afraid that she would be wrong and deliberately pretended to be stupid: "what medicine? I'm not sick. What medicine do I take?"

"You still pretend to me! When are you going to lie to me?" Xu muzhou was moved and angry. "I always thought you were well, but I didn't expect you to deal with me by taking medicine!"

"I..." what did Fu Shuang want to say, but the truth was revealed by Xu muzhou Dala. She had nothing to say.

"Shuang Shuang, why do you want to do this? Why force yourself?" Xu muzhou was distressed. He held Fu Shuang tightly, like complaining, more like muttering to himself to express his depression.

Fu Shuang was at a loss. He took a long time to consider the good words and answered as gently as possible: "I'm afraid I can't accept it without taking medicine."

"I said I wouldn't force you!" Xu muzhou couldn't help raising a high voice and stressed again.

His love for her is not limited to flesh.

"But ah Zhou, I'm afraid if I don't take medicine, I'll never accept it in my life." Fu Shuang was a little desperate and felt very ironic, "Oh, ah Zhou, I may not be able to live like a normal woman in my life."

Xu muzhou had guessed the reason. He wanted to say he didn't care, but he couldn't say it.

Where can I really don't care!

The days she took the initiative were the ultimate happiness in his life.

But if his happiness is based on her pain and even the sacrifice of her health, he would rather not have anything, just keep her and have Platonic love.

"Frost, you don't have to."

Xu muzhou was stunned and his tone was a little dull.

He doesn't know how to express his meaning, so that he can be real and not aggressive, and won't increase her psychological burden.

"But ah Zhou, I want you to be happy. I want to give you everything. I want to have children for you. We want to have two children!"

Fu Shuang said with a cry in her voice.

The two children who failed to arrive were the pain she could not let go of for two generations.

"Shuang Shuang, don't worry. Take your time. Everything will be all right!" Xu muzhou is not good at comforting people. He can only choose a few light words from a thin thesaurus, which is better than nothing.

Fu Shuang's tears rolled down, but she was relieved.

It's good for him to know. He can't hide it for long anyway.

"Don't take that medicine again!" Xu muzhou ordered severely. "Frost, if you really can't accept it, don't accept it. I don't have to get your body."

"But I want to have children, ah Zhou. I really want to have children. I want to have two children with you, a boy and a girl."

Fu Shuang looked up at Xu muzhou with tears in her eyes.

Intuition told her that the two children who had no chance in the previous life were one son and one daughter.

She wants to tell the children that in this life, parents have a good relationship. They will love each other all their lives and do their best to love them all their lives.

Baby, can you give mom another chance? Can you come back?

Xu muzhou didn't know where she came from. She had such a strong desire to have children. After thinking about it, she could only comfort her: "if you really want to have children, you don't have to do it yourself. We can do test tube babies and find surrogacy. The children born are still ours, and you don't have to suffer from the pain of pregnancy."

Fu Shuang shook her head so hard that tears flew out.

"No! I want to have my own baby! I am willing to suffer the pain of pregnancy and childbirth!"

No one knows how much she owes her two children.

She was willing to pay for it with her life.

"Well, well, let's make it by ourselves. Frost, whatever you need me to do, just say it. From now on, I'll push everything back and accompany you to have children."

Xu muzhou patted her on the back to comfort her. As long as the ancestor could calm down and get better, he could do anything.

Fu Shuang's face was buried in Xu muzhou's arms and couldn't help crying.

She doesn't know what to do.

She tried her best to change the status quo, but no matter how hard she tried, everything was standing still.

Xu muzhou knew that he was clumsy and could not comfort her, so he stopped crying. He only accompanied her quietly.

The night was already very deep. When Fu Shuang calmed down, his stomach had rumbled several times.

"Let's go home and my husband will cook delicious food for you." Xu muzhou wiped her face, took her hand and went home.

Fu Shuang thought he was going back to his old house, but the car actually drove into Lvyang Shuian.

I haven't lived on the green poplar waterfront for many days. The fridge is empty and there are no ingredients.

Xu muzhou found some flour, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar in the locker, so he spread some pancakes.

This is his first time to make pancakes. The pancakes are very thick and broken into small pieces. They sell badly, but they taste OK.

Fu Shuang is very hungry. No matter what looks good or ugly, he sweeps it all.

Xu muzhou looked at her quietly and said to himself again that it was good.

A lifetime, guarding a person, plain as water, in fact, it's really good.