When Xu muzhou's kiss swam to his cold cheek, he tasted a salty and bitter taste.

His thin little face was as white as paper, his eyes trembled badly, and big tears kept coming out, like two bitter springs.

The hot feeling tide was watered out in an instant.

Xu muzhou bit his teeth reluctantly and whispered a warning in her ear: "good, otherwise..."

He didn't say anything later. He snorted and got up and went into the bathroom.

With a fierce light on his body, Gu Shuang opened her eyes in panic. She only saw the man's tall and straight back and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She jumped out of bed looking for clothes.

Xu muzhou took a cold bath. He came out wet with a bath towel around his waist. He saw Gu Shuang, who was already dressed, squatting at the head of the bed, curling up with his knees.

Xu muzhou sighed heavily, found out the medicine box and bandaged her hands again.

Gu Shuang has lingering palpitations, but she doesn't dare to move. She bites her lips and tries her best to restrain her trembling.

Xu Mu Zhou felt a fire in his heart, but he couldn't make it out when he looked at her pathetic appearance.

For a long time, he patted the back of Gu Shuang's head and said in a stiff voice, "sleep."

Gu Shuang was stunned and immediately got into the quilt, lay on the side next to the bed and curled up into a ball.

Xu muzhou stared at the back of her head, feeling bad in every way.

He has been trying his best to spoil her and treat her well, but——

She is ungrateful.

Xu muzhou put away the medicine box, lay back on the bed, stretched out his arms and hugged Gu Shuang.

As soon as I touched her, I felt the delicate body tense.

The man frowned, forcefully fished the small ball into his arms, hugged it tightly, and could not be refused.

Gu Shuang was afraid to move. The fear of the rest of her life was like a dark cloud, which caged her tightly.

She was really afraid that every love affair in her previous life was like a fight.

She was willing to please him, but she really couldn't stand his touch.

All night, Gu Shuang didn't dare to close her eyes.

In the morning, when Xu muzhou got up to work, Gu Shuang stared at the wall. The dark circles under her eyes were very thick, just like someone punched her.

Xu muzhou was angry and funny. His face sank and said coldly, "get up and go to work."

Gu Shuang didn't dare to resist. He got up quickly for fear that he might neglect it, which would make Uncle Xu dissatisfied. He had a big animal hair again.

Xu muzhou helped her brush her teeth, wash her face and feed her breakfast. He still looked expressionless, as if the anger of last night didn't exist at all.

Gu Shuang can't help shaking his mind. This guy's mental illness is getting worse and worse, and the frequency of illness is getting higher and higher.

No, she has to find a way not to make his condition worse.

Otherwise, one day, Xu Mu Zhou will completely lose control, and she will have to die in his hands.

When she arrived at the company, Gu Shuang went straight into the lounge to make up for her sleep.

At noon, Xu muzhou came to wake her up and feed her.

"A meeting will be held at 1:30 to discuss the bidding of cloud projects. Do you want to rest or go to the conference room with me?"

Xu muzhou quietly fed, and the rest of his eyes paid attention to every trace of Gu Shuang's subtle expression.

Since she wants to be an insider for Chen Haoran, she must not miss such a good opportunity.

Gu Shuang shook her head like a rattle and refused without thinking.

"I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

Xu muzhou was a little surprised, but he just gave a faint "um".

Suddenly I felt that her submissive appearance was like a quail. It was really bloody dazzling.

Or the beautiful girl who said she could laugh and act like a spoiled girl yesterday is more lovely.

Xu muzhou thought for a moment and said, "I won't touch you until you are twenty."

Gu Shuang trembled and doubted: "really?"

"You're good, that's true."

"I'm good! I'll be good!" Gu Shuang quickly raised her right hand, thumbs up and thumbs down, and compared a swear gesture.

As long as he doesn't touch her, let her kneel down and sing.

The small appearance of the pious oath made Xu muzhou suppress his mood all morning and inexplicably ease a lot.

After eating the rest of Gu Shuang's meal, Xu muzhou didn't want to go, so he simply took a nap with her.

Gu Shuang trembled and looked at the arm tied around her waist. She wanted to cry without tears.

Didn't he say he wouldn't touch her as long as she was good?

At 1:30 p.m., Xu muzhou went to the meeting on time.

Gu Shuang sent a message to Chen Haoran, telling him to make every effort to make the tender brilliant. Don't lose her face at that time.

According to Chen Haoran, the cloud project will be closed three days later, followed by bid opening and evaluation, and the results will be available in a week at most.

Gu Shuang stared at the mobile phone screen and smiled meaningfully.

With only one week left, she must hurry up.

Gu Zhengrong called and asked to see Li Zhensheng, director of the business department.

"Shuang Shuang, you need the director of the business department as soon as you open your mouth. Do you have eyes and eyebrows?"

"My master introduced me to two florists and asked Uncle Li to go with me. I'm a rookie. I'm afraid I'll fall into the pit."

Fu Zhengrong laughed: "it seems that you really want to learn to do business. OK, Grandpa, let Li Zhensheng go to Shencheng. If you need anything, just say it. Let go. Grandpa will always be your strongest backing!"

"Thank you, grandpa! Remember to bring two good drinking assistants to support me when Uncle Li comes."

As soon as Xu muzhou returned to the office, he immediately went to see the monitoring. Seeing that Gu Shuangzheng was flirting with Fu Zhengrong, he couldn't help raising his hand and gently rubbing the smiling face on the computer screen.

That's how she smiled at him yesterday.

When Xu muzhou opened the door, he saw that Gu Shuang had hung up the phone and was rolling around on the bed with a quilt. He was full of childishness. Obviously, he was in a good mood.

Suddenly I don't want to do anything, just want to look at her quietly.

Look at her laugh, look at her make trouble, how good.

Gu Shuang rolled and caught a glimpse of Xu muzhou's figure in the corner of her eyes. She suddenly froze.

She sat up slowly with fear in her eyes and climbed slowly.

Xu Mu Zhou's eyes narrowed and sighed silently.

He scared her last night.

He was afraid to face his frightened eyes. As soon as he stepped back, he wanted to go back to the office.

"A Zhou!" Gu Shuang suddenly summoned up courage and shouted, "well... The director of the business department of Fu's group will come tomorrow. Can I see him?"

No matter what she wants to do, she must first get Xu muzhou's approval.

"What time?"

"Three o'clock in the afternoon."

There will be a high-level meeting tomorrow afternoon. Three branches in the South will come to report the results of the first quarter, and a new company in the north will report the latest project plan. It is very important.

Seeing Xu muzhou hesitating, Gu Shuang said quickly, "if you don't have time, you can let him come to the company, and I'll see him in the company."

Xu muzhou nodded and answered.

Taking the first step smoothly, Gu Shuang was in a good mood, raised an obvious radian on the corner of his lips and breathed a sigh.

Xu Mu Zhou's eyes, involuntarily, were twinkled by that shallow smile.

Perhaps, he should change a way, start with what she is interested in, slowly approach her and remove her defenses.