A huge cruise ship docked in front of them. The kayak was so small and leaky at the moment. Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't believe how they sat on the kayak and drifted day and night.

The long rope ladder fell down. Shen Xiaoxiao climbed up first, followed by Long Xi. The green iron boat seemed so reassuring at the moment.

Such a big cruise ship made Shen Xiaoxiao subconsciously face it. I'm afraid he met a foreign cruise ship.

Sure enough, after they climbed onto the deck, a crew member supported a foreign old man in his 50s and came over, looking like the captain.

Sure enough, as soon as he spoke, Shen Xiaoxiao realized that this man is really the person in charge here.

At this time, Long Xi naturally walked in front and talked to people, but his hand has been placed on Shen Xiaoxiao's shoulder since he got on the ship.

Shen Xiaoxiao did not refute. At this time, a couple was rescued, which is naturally better than two strange men and women.

The answer given by Long Xi was that their yacht was attacked and they sneaked out. Although their clothes were still very embarrassed, they could still see that they were worn for the banquet.

Of course, the old captain will not believe them because of these two words. After all, their ship is not simple.

He was not going to rescue. After all, the boss said that strangers could not be allowed on the ship, but he had been a captain for many years. This was his last voyage. He didn't want to lose two lives under his own eyes.

At this time, Shen Xiaoxiao knew that the cruise ship they stayed in was bound for country T, and because they drifted all day, they would arrive at the port of country t at night at most.

This was unexpected to both of them. No, it should be unexpected to Shen Xiaowan.

"I'll arrange accommodation for you. When you get to the port, you finally get ashore. Remember, don't walk around and save you. I'm also at great risk. There's a private party upstairs, so you know?"

The foreigner spoke so directly, but they also recognized that the ship might not be as simple as they thought.

It's such a big cruise ship, three stories high, but it's just holding a private party, which has explained a problem, but both of them are very smart and don't say their doubts. Just playing the role of two poor people who escaped from life.

The reason why the old captain didn't doubt their identity was that they were already on the high seas at the moment. Don't think pirates or robbers only appear in the story. There are absolutely real life, so the old captain preconceived that they definitely met pirates and were robbed.

Of course, saving them is an exception. He will not care about other things.

So the old captain had no other trouble until they were taken down.

They were placed in the innermost room on the first floor. The room was small, except for a big bed and some simple equipment, which was a big bathroom.

When they arrived at the room, they looked at each other. They didn't speak or move. Sure enough, the door rang in less than 5 minutes. The waiter sent two sets of clothes and some food. After locking the door from the outside, they left.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the ship. The door is locked."

"Don't worry about so much. Have something to eat."

There is enough food. It is estimated that the food from this night to tomorrow morning has been brought. Shen Xiaoxiao's appetite is frightening. Long Xi went out and ate a piece of bread, leaving all the rest to Shen Xiaoxiao.

And the first step, without scruples, went into the bathroom to wash up.

The bathroom glass in this room is frosted and looming. When Long Xi saw Shen Xiaoxiao's unresponsive eating appearance, he was still a little excited. Do you mind? Look, I didn't want to turn around and avoid it. It seems that his position in her heart is different.

Long Xi didn't know that Shen Xiaoxiao was hungry and focused on the food on the table. Where would he see what he was doing?

Long Xi didn't know why. He washed very slowly. He lingered in the small bathroom for half an hour before he came out.

When he came out, he saw that Shen Xiaoxiao had just finished eating and lay on the chair with his eyes closed for a rest. He looked similar and didn't care about Long Xi's head and posture in the bathroom for a long time.

The Dragon Seal was suffocated.

"The steak for you. Eat it quickly. Big men take a bath for so long."

Long Xi was so depressed that he couldn't speak for a long time. However, seeing Shen Xiaoxiao seriously left him a steak, he felt a little better. After all, Xiaoxiao wasn't real. He didn't care about anything.

Shen Xiaoxiao waited for his limbs to slow down. Then he slowly took his bathrobe and walked into the bathroom.

After taking a bath, I dried my underwear and changed my clothes. I came out slowly. I still feel comfortable all over.

"Why don't you change your clothes?"

"Aren't you going to bed? What are you doing changing? "

"Sleep? Are you sure you can sleep tonight? I didn't hear that we would be on duty in the early morning. We have to find a way to inform the outside. Are you really in a hurry? "

"The gate is locked. The captain said he can't go out at will. There's no telephone here. How can I inform you?"

"Are you telling me you're in trouble? Long Xi, what do you think of your three-year-old child? Xiaobao can find a way to contact the outside world in such an environment. Don't say you don't have it. "

Long Xi said goodbye. He still didn't understand. Shen Xiaoxiao looked at this more and more eccentric man. Is there really nothing wrong?

"Get out and change your clothes, or you'll sleep on the ground."

Hearing this, Long Xi turned over and got up. He said to Shen Xiaoxiao with some excitement, "Xiaoxiao, do you mean I can sleep with you tonight? Great. I'll change my clothes right away. "

Similarly, afraid of Shen Xiaoxiao's refusal, he immediately rushed into the bathroom with his clothes. Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned. It's really wrong.

Share a bed with him? What's the point?