Yan Kuan had a great time to explore Ouyang's family. It happened that Ouyang's family was in a mess at the moment.

Liu Ting woke up and found herself lying in ouyanglie's arms. They were going to get married tomorrow. How could they get married one night in advance.

Although his body was very uncomfortable and his face was uncomfortable, he didn't make a fuss in the end. He just pushed Ouyang lie to wake up and send him back. We can't miss the wedding tomorrow morning.

How much does Liu Ting like Ouyang lie? That's really not true. After all, they are both family marriages. It's not their turn to talk about love.

The two met only five times in total, but Liu Ting knew very well that as a family member, unlike her sister Liu Fang, who was valued by the Ouyang family, she was brought into the Ouyang family and brought up in person, and was brought up according to the specification of the heir as the housemother, which almost made a broad road for herself long ago.

But Liu Ting is different. She has to fight for everything from small to large, and she can never decide her marriage, because with her sister's Zhuyu in front, her sister is not so easy to find her husband. If she is low, she is dragging her sister's back and looking for high? In the whole of China, is there a marriage higher than your sister? Definitely not.

Therefore, when the Ouyang family proposed marriage, the family was extremely satisfied, because the marriage was not high or low, and it was still the Ouyang family. Although it was not the head mother, it was also the direct eldest brother of the Ouyang family.

This marriage is really good. Many people envy the Liu family. Both daughters are married to gaomen.

At this end, ouyanglie was awakened by a push. He looked at Liu Ting sitting on the bed with his whole body * * * * and crimson complexion. Ouyanglie was very satisfied with Liu Ting. He was not only a place, but also a woman with Suoyin flowers. He had seen it deliberately before his roommate. Liu Ting did have a flower, but he didn't expect that the Suoyin flowers were very similar to rose patterns.

Ouyanglie never expected that Liu Ting did have tattoos under her, because it is so popular these days. Even if many boudoir women look conservative and simple, they will have tattoos in their own places, which can't be loved by their husbands.

To manage her marriage well, the * * * * aspect of men and women is actually very important and must not be underestimated. Therefore, she also solicited the opinions of some friends, so she tattooed a rose on her own place.

Anyway, the Liu family is not short of money. In the future, if they think the roses are not good-looking, they can change them or wash them off. They use special potions, not long-term. As long as they have money, they can't do anything.

"Fangfang, why don't you sleep more when you wake up? Does your body still hurt? Sorry, I can't help it, but your taste is so good that I can't stop. "

"What do you call me?"

As soon as Liu Ting heard the words Fangfang, she burst open. What does Ouyang lie mean? Fangfang? He didn't call himself, but his sister?

"Fangfang, what's the matter with you? You look so ugly? I know you must be uncomfortable, but we already have the reality of husband and wife, and I always like you, not Liu Ting, so Fangfang, don't worry, I will marry you at tomorrow's wedding. "

"Ouyang lie, do you mean that you always wanted to marry... Me?"

Liu Ting thought about whether she had said that sentence to my sister.

Ouyanglie looked at Liu Ting, got up and did it, and very carefully took one side of the nightgown and approved it on Liu Ting. Of course, he saw the bright red on the bed together, and his heart was more and more satisfied.

Speaking of words, he was even more open-minded and said directly:

"Now that this is the case, of course I want to tell you the truth. The woman with Suoyin flowers is prepared for the Ouyang family owner. If you follow me, I will be the successor of the next family owner, and you will naturally be the mother of the family. As for Liu Ting, I will choose a good marriage for her." Despite Liu Ting's surprise, ouyanglie reached out and touched Liu Ting's door, groping at the tattoo on it.

"Suoyin flower? "Mistress?"

Liu Ting's mind turned very fast. She seemed to think of something, that is, what Suoyin flower was tattooed when her sister was selected into Ouyang's house, and the so-called Suoyin flower is the thing tattooed below? Is that so?

"It seems that you really like Liu Fang, but it's a pity that our marriage was booked by our elders. Now we have the reality of husband and wife. If you want to withdraw your marriage and replace it with my sister, you can go to my house and say it yourself. I won't accompany you."

Liu Ting got up immediately after saying this. Ouyang lie was already surprised at the moment. What did she say? Sister Liu Fang, that is to say, she is Liu Ting, not Liu Fang. Does that mean? Is that what you mean?

"What are you talking about? Aren't you Liu Fang? You are Liu Ting, how can you? Where are you not, not... "

"Oh, did you say that? I forgot to tell you that I thought I would tattoo a rose to adjust for a happy life in the future, but now it seems that the young master doesn't need it at all.

The wedding will be held as usual tomorrow. As for whether you want to attend, it's your Ouyang family's business. However, if it's going to make trouble at that time, it's not my Liu family who will be ashamed. "

Liu Ting is a smart woman. At this time, she saw ouyanglie's true face clearly. Naturally, she didn't quarrel and left, leaving ouyanglie with an iron complexion.

Originally, it was OK for them to make do with it, but at this time, a scream in the yard next door stunned everyone. Liu Ting's heart burst out. The voice was his sister's and Liu Fang's.

Liu Ting hurried out of the courtyard. There was only a wall between the courtyard and ouyangrui's yard next to her. Because the two brothers' feelings had always been good, a door could be opened on the wall. So when Liu Ting and ouyanglie walked over, they saw Liu Fang standing at the door crying and ouyangrui looking regretful.

"What happened? What are you doing? "

Because she was ready early in the morning, Huo wanting almost felt for the first time that she and ouyanglie were just front and rear feet. However, when she saw that ouyangrui was also in a nightgown, it was obvious that she had just done something, and her face was not good-looking.

However, Huo wanting looked around carefully with concern. Fortunately, san'er didn't come. The girl she arranged should be married with san'er at the moment. Bihe just said that they were still noisy at the moment. For the first time, this woman with Suoyin flowers can at least keep men from getting out of bed all day and night and won't pay attention to anything. San'er is in high spirits at the moment, It's best to ignore.

It's just that when the second son has this idea, it's really unexpected.

However, Huo wanting didn't know more. She didn't expect more than that.

Because next, people from four rooms, five rooms, three rooms and even Ouyang hall came, and Ouyang Tian, the last person to come, made a big fuss