When she fled, she was so embarrassed, but when she came back, she must return home with her clothes in full bloom.

Looking at the crowds of reporters and fans on both sides, the airport has already taken measures to deal with it. Two rows of armed police and airport security guards have built a wall of Taoist people with their bodies, firmly protecting Tang Xiaoxiao and van sen in the safest position in the middle There's no way. The last time Tang Xiaoxiao was assassinated was too much. If there is any danger in the Chinese territory this time, I'm afraid that the reputation of China will be plummeted, and even the international community will question the security of China. The impact is too far-reaching.

Even if so many security guards and armed police were deployed, the interest of the media reporters did not diminish at all. With the screams of fans in the ear, the media reporters also asked questions in a stream.

"Hello, Miss Tang, welcome back to China. After more than three years, nearly four years, I don't know what you think of it? Do you think that China is more prosperous than it was four years ago? "

"Hello, Miss Tang, welcome back from the Oscar ceremony. As a Chinese, you haven't come back for nearly four years. I don't know why? Are you unwilling to come back, or is there something else? "

"As a Chinese, at the age of 27, you won the best actress of Aus for three consecutive years, setting a new peak for Chinese filmmakers. What can you share with us? What's more, what prompted you to come back? Will you invest in China when you come back to China? "

"Excuse me, Miss Tang. I don't know what you're going to do after your return? Are you going to develop in China for a long time, or are you just going back home to visit relatives and then go back to Hollywood to develop? "

All kinds of questions full of traps and doubts come in one after another. The magnesium lamp is on crazily, and the screams of fans are in my ears The scene was a mess.

Fortunately, Tang Xiaoxiao has long been used to such occasions. She has a cool and noble smile on her face and nods politely around her.

Seeing that the situation on the scene was becoming more and more crazy, and the security forces could not control the mood and atmosphere on the scene, Tang Xiaoxiao had to stop, raised his hands, and pressed down falsely. His clear and pleasant voice sounded, "please be quiet! Thank you very much for your support and love for me. This time I come back, it's just my homesickness. I'm just homesick, so I come back. "

"As for the questions, I'm sorry, I have no plans for the moment. I just want to go home and have a good rest In a few days, I will attend the press conference of the Chinese branch of herring entertainment, and you can ask any questions you have

Simple words made the scene quiet a little. At least Tang Xiaoxiao didn't turn around arrogantly and left. Instead, he gave a proper reason and news of the press conference.

The security forces are also relieved. What they are afraid of is that Tang Xiaoxiao plays a big card and ignores the reporters and media nearby. If it is true, they will be in real trouble.

Struggling to escape the airport from the crowd, herring entertainment car has been arranged at the gate of the airport. Tang Xiaoxiao and van Sen deal with several fans who ask for autographs, so they get on the car and leave in a hurry.

No. 125, Xianglu Avenue, Donghai City, is the headquarters of the Tang people's group in Donghai city. The nearly 100 storey high-rise buildings stand there as if they were sent into the clouds.

After getting out of the car, Tang Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and stood straight at the door of the Tang people's mansion I don't know what it's like.

Dad Are you still blaming me?

Tang Zheng stood by the window, so quietly staring at the traffic under him. He couldn't tell whether it was emotion or bitterness. Just like his father said, men still have to stand at the peak of power and wealth to really grow up. But why do you feel so hypocritical and tired when standing in this position? Why is it so empty and Lonely?

I am not happy at all. I can't feel the pleasure of the peak of power as my father said. On the contrary, I even feel disgusted and disgusted. When did I ever think that I had transformed into this picture today?

Just when he fell into thinking, a beautiful and sexy ol Beauty Secretary twists her slender waist and fat buttocks, curling from her. Her eyes are flowing, full of spring and flattery.

If other people see this beautiful secretary, I'm afraid the saliva will flow down.

But for Tang Zheng, this woman

"Mr. Tang, the statement of the last year of Tangren group has been sent. After you sign, we can reach the board of directors of the group and submit it to them for review." The beautiful secretary whines in her voice and looks at the young and golden general manager.

Tang Zheng slowly turned around, no longer just fragile and sad appearance, but a cold and dignified, "well, put it on the table, if you have time, I will go to see it."

"Well, you must remember to read it." While talking, the beautiful secretary threw Tang Zheng a wink and twisted her body to the door. When she got to the door, she suddenly turned her head and said, "by the way, my dear Mr. Tang, if you send financial statements to the chairman, remember to let me deliver them.""Talk a lot!" Tang Zheng glanced at the beautiful secretary indifferently. Fortunately, he had long been used to seeing all kinds of beauties and Seduction in the entertainment circle. He didn't lose his temper in front of his secretary, "get out of here quickly!"

Beauty Secretary should smile, wriggle waist and walk out.

Just out of the door, I saw a beautiful and gentle young man walking slowly in a black suit, wearing a pair of gold rimmed glasses, and a gentle and gentle smile on his face. Just standing there, the female staff in the office brightened their eyes and almost drooled.

An older staff member knows that Tang Jingchen, the vice general manager of the company, used to be a well-known artist in the Asian performing arts industry. Unfortunately, he left the performing arts industry and disappeared in front of everyone Until another day, he suddenly appeared at the door of the company, first into the general manager's office, then into the chairman's office, and finally appeared in front of the public, as the vice president of the Tang Group.

What's more, I heard that vice president Tang is the eldest brother of general manager Tang.

Young and rich in gold, diamond Wang Laowu is always popular with girls in the whole group, especially Tang Jingchen, a mature man who is gentle and gentle to the extreme.

Seeing Tang Jingchen coming towards the general manager's office, Cong Wei, the beautiful secretary, stopped her step, with a flattering smile on her face, and gently saluted Tang Jingchen, "vice president Tang, general manager Tang is in the office. Are you looking for him?"

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