Tang Xiaoxiao stepped into this muddy water and even wanted to make profits from the struggles of these consortia. His ultimate goal was to make his own voice to the world.

Having been dormant for so many years, it's time to let the name of Tang Xiaoxiao ring through the world

The most important thing is that the Tang family is afraid that it will not last too long. He must speed up his pace, save enough capital and prepare to return home.

Tang Xiaoxiao did not have the slightest affectation, just a burning gaze at dersen, quietly promised, "good."

"No! I don't agree! " A strange voice sounded quietly, with a bit of pride and disdain, "this is between our consortia. She is just a Chinese, and she has no American nationality. Why should she join us? Besides her, there is the Middle East man Since we are not citizens of the union, why should we let the two foreigners participate in this election? "

Tang Xiaoxiao and Middle East Prince Parker? When sugny looked up, he saw a rambling man in his twenties sitting there with a small pendant in his hand. His eyebrows were full of ridicule and disdain. It seemed that he did not pay attention to everyone.

"I don't want my country to be criticized by foreigners Especially these two people. "

"Because we are not interested in your federal regime, we are only interested in money and how much profit we can get from it, do you understand?" Parker said in a cold voice, "I'm sitting here because you America can't do without us in the Middle East; don't sit here because you America can't leave her technology and business empire Mr. Eric, your sanaro family's oil is not competitive compared with our Middle East. I hope you don't waste your time. "

Tang Xiaoxiao also curved his lips, "as a business opponent, Mr. Eric, you are playing tricks here It's really tasteless. It's a shame for you sanaro family, one of the three largest oil families in the United States You said, right? Mr. Peter. "

Old Peter laughed and said nothing.

Tang Xiaoxiao and Parker are able to sit here safely today, which proves that the upper class of the United States has recognized their status and wealth. What's more, foreign forces have participated in the election of the United States? What they want is nothing but interest in the US regime Your sanaro family's excuse for cracking down on dissidents is damn bad!

Eric's face was full of coldness instead of embarrassment. He raised his eyes and looked at the people present. Then he got up and left, leaving only one sentence: "we will not join the sanaro family in this election. You can do it yourself."

"Well, Mr. Parker and I will take over the vacancy of sanaro family share. Is that ok?" Tang Xiaoxiao gently smile, but inadvertently, made a decision.

Parker grinned at Tang Xiaoxiao. She got the benefit of herself, but she also had to share half of her ally I didn't see the wrong person.

Seeing the small action between the two men, Francis grinned, sat down with his uncle, and said in a loud voice, "in this case, let's talk about the policy orientation and policy agenda in the future. During the last president's term, the federal government launched a war against Iraq, which made the people have a series of distrust of the government. Therefore, in the following period, our policy policy mainly focused on stimulating economic development and improving people's sense of security and happiness... "

“stop!” Old Mr. Peter made a pause sign and looked at Francis and Dyson with a smile. "I don't want to know your policy policy, nor do I want to know what advice your polesian aides have given you. I don't care whether ordinary people have a sense of security and happiness, because for us, these are irrelevant Things I just want to know how much profit can we get from these policies? What kind of benefits can be obtained? "

Including Brian and Parker and others, they all nodded.

Tang Xiaoxiao was just silent and attentively listened to the concerns of these plutocrats and politicians. It was just a very strange feeling that he had come to another level from the bottom of his heart From a proud daughter of a powerful family, she was sheltered by her own family power to the mistress of a powerful family. She worked alone to expand the territory of her family. Now she dominates the whole family and sets foot on the road of dominating others with her own strength.

From being dominated, to dominating herself, and then to dominating others, she knew that this road was the road to the highest peak, destined to be rugged.

Standing at this level, she has gone beyond the category of ordinary people. It is because of the extraordinary that she needs to be more low-key

Francis's face was embarrassed. It was only the first year that he officially took over the contact with the plutocrats. I didn't expect that what these people said was so straightforward that they didn't hide it. They were running for president! The policy and the people's sense of trust are the most important, but in these people's mouth, it has become a matter of no importance! The happiness and peace of the people have nothing to do with them All they want to know is how much profit they can get from it?This is the noble family! This is the consortium behind the presidential election! In this way, red fruit and not to be covered up!

Dessen took a deep breath and motioned for Francis to shut up. He was also sitting here as a reference. Just like his nephew Francis, he naturally knew what kind of faces these plutocrats' representatives were. What they really cared about was not whether the country was prosperous or not, but just calculating how much benefits they had gained!

"What I can offer you is a good opportunity for prosperity and development, a stable social environment, including energy and finance, as well as the rapid development of military industry, science and technology, and heavy industry."

Several representatives of the chaebol finally showed an interested smile, "Oh? Tell me more about it? "

The meeting lasted until more than three o'clock in the morning. At last, the participants could not bear to be tired and left one after another. They were able to reach the preliminary promise. They were finally interested in the election, especially in the area of energy. Rockefeller, Parker and Tang Xiaoxiao got the envious eyes of the whole audience.

There was only a grunt from van Seng.

Before leaving, while others did not pay attention, Dessen stood at the door and respectfully saluted Tang Xiaoxiao, with a frank smile on his face. "Tang, I will ask you later. I know where my shortcomings and weaknesses are, but please believe that I will be a qualified president, because my ideal is to bring benefits to this country and let this country Home is more prosperous, leaving my mark in this world. "

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