Several powerful families huddled around Tang Xiaoxiao quickly glanced at Tang Xiaoxiao, who was squatting there. However, they quickly moved their eyes away and did not dare to look at the eldest lady again. No one was so stupid as to listen to these robbers' lies and expose this lady

Even if today is lucky to expose and betray this Miss Tang, and thus survived, once Tang Yuanfeng knows about today's affairs I'm afraid that even the whole family will be destroyed by this simple sentence. If Tang Xiaoxiao is found by the robbers themselves from the crowd, it will naturally be another matter. He has nothing to do with himself. Tang Yuanfeng will only resent the robbers and will not go to other people's trouble.

Few people can bear Tang Yuanfeng's anger.

Zhang Rushi clenched his teeth and held Zhou Xiaoqiao in his arms. He was silent. For all this, he could only express silence and helplessness. He secretly felt sorry for the poor life of the young lady who supported him. However, if he was allowed to do something like that, he would not be able to He was just obedient to Tang Xiaoxiao, and his friendship was not deep enough.

Not far away from them, Xue Xiaohan squatted beside Cao Hao and clenched his fist tightly. Quietly, tears blurred his eyes and blurred everything in front of him It turns out that today's everything is going to the boss. If you don't have to come to this cruise ship for a holiday, if you are not willful and reckless, if you are not too lax, how can you fall into this trap and be in such a dangerous situation with the caution of the boss?

Blame yourself! Everything is your own fault!

For the first time, she hated herself so much, her incompetence, her willfulness, her hands stained with blood

As one of the most intimate people around Tang Xiaoxiao, she knows how ambitious and dream this young lady is. She knows that there are so many goals and blueprints in Tang Xiaoxiao's heart that have not been realized yet!

Do you really have time to realize these dreams?

Cao Hao squatted there pale. When he turned his head, he saw the tears in Xue Xiaohan's eyes. He sighed quietly in his heart. Some of his heart couldn't bear to hold Xue Xiaohan's hand and wanted to give her comfort and confidence.

"Sun Ling I know for the first time that sister Tang is so powerful. " Jiang Qingyan curled up and sat directly on the thick carpet. The bodies of the three girls just leaned together and absorbed each other's warmth and peace of mind. Their faces were pale, but they were full of firm, serious whispers, "you won't sell sister Tang?"

"Of course not!" Sun Lingli of course raised his small head, and his beautiful eyes twinkled with light. "Sister Tang is very kind to us. I've been through such a big disaster. She helped me to stand it down and asked me how to be a qualified idol. I won't do anything like that like a pig or a dog!"

The shy eyes of Sheng are a little dim. Although she is usually shy and shy, her mind is more delicate than those girls Jiang Qingyan and sun Ling. She asks in a low voice, "but Do you think sister Tang will be safe this time? Her family background is so strong. Although I don't know the things in those powerful families, I can see how powerful sister Tang's family is by looking at their expressions. But the more powerful she is, the more dangerous she will be, isn't she? "

Hearing this, the other two girls are silent. Quietly, their sight seems to be obscured by a layer of water mist. Even if they are stupid, they know that Tang Xiaoxiao is doomed this time

Sister Tang, you must be safe and sound. We are waiting for you to shine in your funeral and become a legendary women's group like lady!

Yang Shan shivered, quietly hiding in the crowd, eyes wandering the crowd, from alpha said the name Tang Xiaoxiao, she is constantly looking for Tang Xiaoxiao's figure, the heart echoed with the same voice, as long as you find out Tang Xiaoxiao, you will survive, those robbers will let go!

Don't blame me, Tang Xiaoxiao. This is what you owe me for more than a year. My humiliation and anger should be calmed down with your life

This world, either you die or I die!

Once again, the hall was silent because of Alfa's words. Unless he made up his mind to split his face with the Tang family, no one would be so stupid as to be the first bird.

Every second was like a lifetime of suffering. When alpha was completely disappointed, a clear and soft voice sounded like thunder, which broke the liver and gall of all the people present, just like a talisman, "there is Tang Xiaoxiao!"

A charming and sexy beauty, her face showed the color of ecstasy, can not help but shout out!

The crowd shivered, slightly looked up at the beauty who seemed to be the entertainment star of the prosperous age, and scolded a "fool" in their hearts.

Alpha's face finally hung up a faint smile, along the girl's eyes, a enchanting and exquisite figure of the black long skirt woman appeared in his eyes.

Hearing Yang Shan's familiar voice, Tang Xiaoxiao murmured that it was terrible. His heart seemed to have jumped to his throat. His face suddenly turned pale. His nails were stuck into his flesh, bringing out blood. His body almost collapsed on the ground

Did you finally reap the fruits of what you planted on Yang Shan in the past?When I was still a friend with Yang Shan, although I could not say that I had devoted myself to her, I could still do what I had done. I spent a lot of time, energy and money on her. As for the later revenge, it was just the result of her greed and ingratitude Tang Xiaoxiao asked herself, if she had known that this result would have happened today, she would never regret what she had done!

Therefore, what she regretted was not her hostility with Yang Shan, but her anger was not her betrayal, but her hatred, anger and regret!

If she had not been ruthless and careless at the beginning, and had only regarded her as a soft persimmon that he could hold on to, and underestimated the enemy's carelessness, and treated Yang Shan with a playful attitude, and had no ruthless heart to eradicate the roots, how could Yang Shan suddenly jump out and let herself fall into such a dangerous place? The lion fights the rabbit with all one's strength. It's my carelessness. It's a lesson in exchange for life!

Yang Shan is not wrong. On the contrary, she is very clever. She kills people with a knife. With a word, she can get rid of the thorn in the eye and the thorn in the flesh

However, Yang Shan, please remember to me that if Tang Xiaoxiao can escape from death this time, the moment when I or set foot on the land is your death date!

I will not make the same mistake again!

Mu Li was livid, touched the gun on his waist and took a look at nearly 100 armed robbers here. Even if he could fight again, he could not protect Tang Xiaoxiao from so many robbers and guns. Therefore, he could only watch the change. However, if they dare to do anything insulting to Tang Xiaoxiao, he doesn't mind using hundreds of innocent people's lives as a shield in exchange for Tang Xiaoxiao's survival alone! , the fastest update of the webnovel!