Pei Enjun shook his head helplessly. "Miss Tang, apart from several eternal classic idols and entertainment gods, there is no one in the world who is not an old legend. I am nearly 50 years old, and I can't refuse to accept it. This era belongs to you young people. I've been shooting for more than 20 years, and I just hope to leave the audience with my best side It's the best choice for me

"But Do you like acting so much and being an idol Tang Xiaoxiao asked eagerly.

"What if you like it? Like doesn't mean you can't leave forever. " Pei Enjun said with a long look, "I have dedicated the most beautiful time in my life to the screen. For the rest of this time, I want to accompany my lover more Miss Tang, in her life, in addition to her dream and career, her own family and love, as well as so many friends and people, it is necessary to know how to retreat in a hurry, so as to not waste this life. "

Tang Xiaoxiao nodded thoughtfully. When he looked at Pei Enjun again, he was still full of admiration.

Pei Enjun is a homosexual, which is known throughout Asia. His lover was an ordinary man with a beautiful face and a kind and persistent personality. At that time, he gradually stepped into his life as an assistant to Mr. Pei. After the exposure of their love affair, it caused a sensation in the whole Asia and caused a strong rebound of his five brokerage company at that time There is no such group as "rotten women". Crazy fans can't accept that the perfect man in their mind is actually a homosexual. Irrational fans angrily extend their evil hands to the lovers of their predecessors

Finally, after a man-made car accident, the elder's lover became a vegetable completely. Pei Enjun refused the company's request to break up, and he had been snowed for a year. At the most difficult time, in order to treat his lover, Pei Enjun sold all his property and worked six jobs a day. He would rather give up his dream than leave. He had become a plant People's lovers, two people's feelings finally got the understanding and blessing of the whole society.

This infatuated man Abandoning his status as a legendary idol, he has been taking care of his lover for so many years.

The car slowly revolved around the theater and finally stopped at the entrance of the red carpet. At this time, ordinary artists were walking on the red carpet. The original enthusiastic fans gradually calmed down, and there was no longer the kind of madness just now. The magnesium lamps of the reporters flickered again and again, and the pace of the artists also accelerated a little.

The attention of the three hosts just relaxed, and the voice of the chief director of the red carpet came from the earpiece, "Li Hezai, Putian, Rongxin, pay attention to the three of you. People will come soon."

Before the sound died down, the black limousine parked at the entrance suddenly opened the door, and out of it came a figure that shocked everyone to the utmost: the iconic frameless square glasses, bib, windbreaker It's Pei enzun!

Crazy screams sounded in a flash, including women of all ages. On the spot, many female audience of teachers and nurses even burst into tears. Pei Enjun represents the beautiful memories of their time! At that time, how many women regarded Pei Enjun as the most perfect man in their mind? After so many years, he is still not getting old at all. As an ageless myth in the circle, he has been silent for a long time, but no one expected that he would suddenly appear here in his retired state!

Walking out of the car, Pei Enjun showed a gentle and melancholy smile, slightly under driving, and stretched out his hand to the car.

Well Will there be people in the car?

The audience around me was puzzled.

A snow-white and slender arm gently stretched out, a beautiful jade like hand gently put on Pei Enjun's hand, and then came out a gorgeous young girl with a dark purple floor sweeping silk bra dress, which set off her slender and graceful figure more and more slender and enchanting. There was a silver crystal belt between her waist, which was not visible Dew's bra is unique to her charming charm. She wears a full diamond necklace of natural pigeon eggs and purple diamonds on her neck. Her long black hair is tied in a classic bun behind her head. Her delicate earlobe is wearing a pair of silver diamond earrings. She walks out of the car with a pair of silver diamond earrings. She is graceful and elegant, showing a kind of amazing cold and gorgeous color.

Looking at such a beautiful woman, the whole audience was quiet, and their eyes were on her.

Tang Xiaoxiao's other hand is holding a half blood teenager in a black tuxedo with broken black hair and childish face. He has seen his youth's style for the first time. He wears a hairy silver fox collar around his neck, which makes him look cute. However, no one dares to use the words "cute" and "cute" to describe his existence. It should have been The lovely young man has an air of indifference and alienation, which makes people unconsciously project their eyes on him. Step by step on the red carpet, as if stepping on the tip of everyone's heart, repressing everyone's breath, like a prince coming out of the night, mysterious and noble

Tang Xiaoxiao took Pei Enjun's arm with one arm, and Mu Li on the other side with the other hand. Three people walked on the red carpet.Pei Enjun and Muli, one is middle-aged uncle beauty, the other is young meizhengtai, and in the middle is a cool and elegant Tang Xiaoxiao. This combination quickly ignited all the passion on the scene. The appearance of three people, regardless of men and women, old and young, nationality or fans' group, thoroughly let the audience's screams and shouts reach the climax! Legendary ageless myth, mythical rising beauty director and mysterious and beautiful Zhengtai artists make the scene boiling!

Standing on both sides, the reporters picked up the cameras and cameras in their hands. The magnesia lamp was on like crazy, and the click sound was endless. The dazzling magnesium light almost made the eyes become a visual blind area, drowning three people in the white light of the magnesium lamp.

Every three or four steps, the three people will stop, or pose for reporters to take photos, or nod and smile to greet the fans, a relaxed and comfortable look.

Standing at the end of the red carpet, the faces of the three hosts flashed a trace of solemnity and amazement.

Others don't know. They are old people in the circle. Don't you understand? Pei Enjun is an old artist who has been famous for a long time. His aura and prestige can definitely make any star around him pale. The prestige of top artists is not so simple! Even if I stand in front of him, I'm afraid I can't help but make mistakes and resist the halo of such a superstar Because he is the top artist in Asia! , the fastest update of the webnovel!