Through this, Zhong Tiancheng and Lin Junhan, two children's shoes, deeply realize the absolute truth that it is better to offend villains than to offend directors' agents.

After the trip to Japan, Tang Xiaoxiao rushed back to Taiwan with Zhong Tiancheng and another actress, while Wang Liangshi and Lu Anhai flew directly to South Korea with the rest of them to continue the (gorgeous challenge) Asian publicity tour.

Tang Xiaoxiao has no choice but to take Zhong Tiancheng back to Taiwan. The dinner with several members of Parliament and the attorney general is about to start. If you don't go back I'm afraid the company will be in trouble.

After arriving in Taipei at 2:00 p.m., Tang Xiaoxiao asked Zhong Tiancheng to take a nap first. Then he called Long Yi and called Ren Jiayuan and ivy. In addition to Zhong Tiancheng and actress Li Ruoxin, who brought back by himself, there were four people in total, which was enough to cope with this evening's dinner.

There are four people present tonight: Mr. Wang, Mr. Jiang Linhe, and Procurator General Chen Shangbin and Attorney General Liu Guixin of the procuratorate. Procurator General Chen Shangbin is a descendant of the Chen family in Taiwan's political arena. He is also a well-known politician. He is fond of male sex in private. This evening's ivy is prepared for him. Another Mr. Wang is born a lecher, and his mistress has raised several batches. What can we do His position could not be shaken by his extensive political connections.

As for Mr. Jiang Linhe, he is a descendant of Taiwan's Chiang family and the real prince of a political family. He is young and promising. He is also a perfect candidate for countless women who dream of marrying into a powerful family. Unfortunately, he is already 32 years old. His wife is the daughter of Li Desheng, the king of leather bags in Taiwan. The business and political cooperation has made the two families prosper.

Before they came, Tang Xiaoxiao personally matched the four people's costumes, including the pigeon egg on Zhong Tiancheng's hand, which was also a gift given to her by Tang Xiaoxiao. Ai Wei and Li Ruoxin were shocked. The pigeon eggs worth NT $1 million were given to people like this?

It seems to see that Ivy and Li Ruoxin's surprise and greed, Tang Xiaoxiao pretended to be calm with a smile, "why, this thing will keep your eyes on?"

"I President Tang... "

"As long as you work hard for the company, these things will never be less than you." Tang Xiaoxiao glanced at several people with a profound glance. "The reason why I sent such a big diamond ring with oranges is not eccentric, but the value of her tonight It's much bigger than you. If you can do better than her, don't say such a pigeon egg. Even if it's a big diamond ring, I can afford you. "

Got Tang Xiaoxiao's promise, a man and a woman were full of encouragement in their eyes, "yes! President Tang, we will do a good job! "

After getting out of the car, Tang Xiaoxiao slowly asked Ren Jiayuan to take the other two people to go first. She left Zhong Tiancheng alone, patted her on the shoulder and gave her a bitter smile. "Orange, if you repent now, it's still time. Even if you risk offending some lords in the box upstairs, I will definitely protect you! I hold you up with my own hands. I really hate to push you to this road of no return... "

Hearing that Tang Xiaoxiao could say such a thing at this time, Zhong Tiancheng slightly reddened her eyes, tightly grasped Tang Xiaoxiao's hands, and calmly gazed at Tang Xiaoxiao with a sincere way Xiaoxiao, this is me. "What is he doing here?" Tang Xiaoxiao frowned. He was a little afraid of the old fox. He was not of the same weight level as others.

Long Yi shrugged innocently, "God knows."

When he was about to go upstairs, Long Yi followed behind him, and suddenly stopped slowly. His eyes were always locked on Tang Xiaoxiao's back. He hesitated for a long time, and closed his lips slightly. "Are you still cruel enough to let them go to the public relations department?"

Tang Xiaoxiao's body stopped and seemed to tremble for a moment. He closed his eyes and spread out his hands. "I just feel that I'm more and more disgusting now. These hands are covered with blood and sin. They are living people! It should not be my goods and goods. I always feel like the devil in hell, pushing them into the abyss alive... "

"This is the way the world is. People who don't have evil and blood in their hands can only be trampled on under their feet. Especially those of us who were born in a rich family are doomed to have blood on their hands and to be the devil in hell. If the facts are open and aboveboard, hum, then there will be only the consequences of being torn apart to eat meat. "

Tang Xiaoxiao smile bitterly, but no longer speak, just look dark, quietly on the third floor box.

At the moment of pushing the door open, several men sitting inside make Tang Xiaoxiao have an illusion that he has returned to the night of the death of lady girl group Shaking his body, Tang Xiaoxiao can't help but step back. When he wants to retreat again, a strong arm is dead against her waist, preventing her retreat and that weak. The cold and evil voice of Long Yi rings from the top of his head, "we have no choice." , the fastest update of the webnovel!