30 30 Wolfsana Potion

It had been a year after the kids had started their project and even with knowledge and resources of over Nine Wizard Families, they still hadn't gotten a final solution. They were only able to create a Potion similar to Wolfsbane, a potion that allowed the infected person to retain their mind and not turn into a mindless beast. But unlike the inventor of the Wolfsbane Potion, Damocles Belby, the kids had a very large and substantial backing and thus were able to draw from different sources and create an improved result! The end result was a Potion that had the same effect but unlike the Wolfsbane Potion, the Wolfsana Potion had a much better effect and was also much cheaper. Unlike the Wolfsbane Potion which made the infected sleep through the Transformation, the Wofsana Potion allowed the person to stay awake and even communicate with others. When the kids finished the final testing, Fred laughed out loud and said, ``Hehe! I wanna see Uncle Remus's face when we tell him about this. '' Everyone had the same line of thought as Fred but inside their mind they weren't satisfied with the result they had. They had wanted make a cure, not a temporary relief item.

But their resolve didn't weaken from their near success and seeing the smile on their family's face when they presented the Potion, just made it stronger. When Remus was at the verge of tears from the love and care shown to him, Percy couldn't hold back his emotions and shouted at the family, ``You guys just wait! We will work day and night to make an actual cure, not this rubbish!''. Everyone, including Remus, laughed out loud at his outburst and the mood became ten times better. Ron looked at Percy and knew why his elder brother was anxious about the result, he only had around two years until he started his studies at Hogwarts. Even with the Runic Treasures on their bodies which had Runes that could protect them in case a Potion or a spell went wrong, the parents had put a limit on the things they could learn. Even then, the kids from Devon's Magical Community would be some of the most gifted students the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would receive for a long, long time. Ron had talked with his parents and the other adults in the family and had come to the decision that from next year, they would start selling a Low level Runic Ring that could act as a Wand to the Wizard Public.

``This is going to create big explosion in the Wizarding World. No one, not even that annoying pest, Lucius, will be able to contest us selling these Rings.'' If anyone from the original timeline were to hear Cornelius Fudge speak this way about Lucius Malfoy, they would have probably checked themselves into St Mungos. But in the current timeline, the Minister had become tired of Lucius's attempts to hinder the Wizarding World's advancements and regularly swore at the Lord Malfoy. ``No need to think about poor Lucius Minister, if he doesn't learn his lesson in the next few years..''. if anyone else had spoken those words, Cornelius would have sneered at them. But the one who spoke was Gareth Greengrass, even on his own, he could take care of Lucius and his goons but he wasn't on his own. The power shift the alliance of Wizard Families had creates was no joke. Even with Lucius and the other `Dark' Wizard Families attempts to isolate and supress the Muggle and Muggle Born Wizards, more and more laws were being passed that made the Wizard World a better and more accepting place for all.

While the adults were off trying to make the world a better place, the kids were joined by Bill and Charlie for the Christmas Holidays and the plan was to try and visit as many of the properties owned by their families in the two weeks they had with them. They hadn't visited a lot of places besides each other's houses, Diagon Alley and Muggle London. They were either busy studying or working, just trying to get every advantage their Runic Treasures provided them. It wasn't wrong to say that every single one of them was more knowledgeable, more experienced and even more powerful than most of their generation. In fact, it would be more surprising for there to be someone that could even stand alongside them, much less surpass them. Their starting point alone had advanced so much further than some people's finishing points and honestly, it was quite ridiculous. But it wasn't all because of the advantages they had, every single one, Rona and his siblings, Harry, Cedric, Luna, Neville, Daphne and Astoria, they were all hard working and diligent kids. And most importantly, they loved learning and making themselves better every single moment.

Luna, Astoria and Ginny were the youngest of the bunch but they were all capable of casting Second Year Level Spells, had knowledge that far surpassed their peers and they could make Potions and even draw some Runes. There was no need to mention Ron, the others were all capable of amazing things on their own.

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Author: I will soon be posting the chapters on Patr*on in advance for the Patrons. i am sorry that i haven't done it yet. But I will do so soon.

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