168 Last Confrontation

[Schedule update: My chapter updates are usually posted at around 10 AM US CST. I will now be changing this to around 7:30 PM US CST because of how busy I'm starting to become in the morning. Just an fyi <3 this="" note="" does="" not="" affect="" ss="" price.]="" dorian's="" enormous="" combined="" offensive="" slammed="" into="" the="" dream="" zone's="" horned="" rabbit...="" and="" instantly="" disintegrated="" it.="" the="" poor="" horned="" rabbit="" didn't="" even="" have="" time="" to="" conceptualize="" that="" it="" was="" dead="" before="" it="" was="" obliterated="" with="" such="" totality="" that="" even="" the="" air="" near="" it="" was="" destroyed="" as="" well,="" for="" several="" dozen="" meters.="" boooom="" rippling="" explosions="" and="" black="" fire="" shook="" the="" air="" as="" the="" graceful="" white="" fogscape="" was="" ripped="" apart,="" bolts="" of="" energy="" and="" static="" flying="" in="" the="" air.="" dorian's="" eyesight="" seemed="" to="" physically="" shiver="" as="" the="" world="" around="" him="" shuddered,="" unable="" to="" negate="" his="" attack.="" "oh…"="" he="" snorted,="" his="" towering="" draconic="" form="" shrinking="" as="" he="" entered="" his="" balance="" demon="" form="" and="" released="" his="" perfect="" body="" ability.="" "well…"="" he="" scratched="" his="" head="" looking="" down="" at="" the="" damage="" he="" caused.="" a="" huge,="" gaping="" hole="" could="" be="" seen="" in="" the="" landscape,="" a="" hole="" that="" was="" jagged="" and="" cut="" into="" the="" air="" itself,="" like="" a="" hole="" torn="" in="" reality.="" "i="" guess="" i="" might've="" gone="" a="" bit="" overboard.="" ah="" well.="" rest="" well,="" good="" rabbit."="" he="" bowed="" slightly="" towards="" where="" the="" horned="" rabbit="" had="" once="" stood="" and="" then="" shrugged.="" "guess="" i'll="" go="" through="" it."="" he="" began="" to="" walk="" towards="" the="" rippling="" hole="" in="" reality,="" sensing="" the="" disturbed="" flow="" of="" energy="" pulsing="" around="" it.="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" the="" shadowy="" figure="" of="" kvoth="" looked="" down="" at="" the="" dream="" zone="" trap,="" his="" eyes="" confused.="" "living="" years="" dream="" zone?="" what="" is="" happening?"="" he="" muttered="" as="" he="" stretched="" his="" hands="" forward,="" trying="" to="" sense="" the="" energy="" within="" the="" dream="" zone.="" because="" he="" could="" only="" control="" roughly="" 40%="" of="" the="" dream="" zone,="" he="" wasn't="" intimately="" aware="" of="" its="" entire="" status.="" his="" master,="" the="" great="" dream="" mentor,="" had="" set="" far="" too="" high="" requirements="" to="" access="" his="" inheritance,="" even="" for="" kvoth,="" his="" third="" disciple.="" "let="" me="" see…"="" kvoth="" muttered,="" closing="" his="" eyes.="" "it="" seems="" to="" be="" related="" to="" the="" lord="" class="" fool="" that="" tried="" to="" save="" his="" comrades?"="" he="" said="" in="" surprise.="" kvoth="" waved="" his="" hands,="" black="" energy="" shooting="" off="" from="" them="" as="" he="" sifted="" through="" the="" chaotic="" energy="" flow="" of="" the="" dream="" zone,="" eventually="" managing="" to="" zero="" in="" on="" the="" part="" where="" dorian="" had="" been="" held.="" a="" recording="" of="" what="" took="" place="" appeared="" within="" kvoth's="" mind.="" "hmm…hmm,="" ah,="" he="" was="" trapped="" just="" like="" the="" others.="" everything="" is="" looking="" normal."="" "hmm…="" wait="" what?!="" he="" can="" trans-="" he's="" a="" dragon?!="" heavens="" above!"="" "and="" it="" sent-="" it="" sent="" a="" rabbit,="" a="" blasted="" horned="" rabbit,="" to="" fight="" a="" dragon?!"="" "wait?!="" what's="" he="" doing="" now?!="" he's="" shooting="" laser="" beams="" too?!="" dragons="" can="" do="" that?!="" while="" charging="" and="" throwing="" up="" a="" sea="" of="" dragonfire?!"="" "and="" the="" dream="" zone="" sent…="" a="" rabbit…="" to="" face="" this?!"="" the="" shadow="" figure="" spat="" up="" blood.="" or,="" rather,="" it="" tried="" to,="" but="" once="" more="" remembered="" that="" it="" didn't="" actually="" have="" a="" physical="" body.="" "and="" now="" he's="" escaping..?="" no,="" he's="" still="" in="" there?!"="" "well,="" attack="" him="" again!="" immediately!"="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "man,="" that's="" the="" fourth="" horned="" rabbit="" already.="" how="" many="" of="" these="" things="" is="" it="" going="" to="" throw="" at="" me?"="" dorian="" muttered="" as="" he="" casually="" slapped="" out="" with="" his="" hand,="" instantly="" killing="" the="" horned="" rabbit="" that="" had="" charged="" at="" him="" from="" down="" the="" corridor.="" he="" currently="" found="" himself="" in="" a="" maze.="" after="" he="" tore="" through="" the="" reality="" of="" the="" dream="" zone,="" he="" had="" been="" released="" inside="" a="" literal="" maze="" of="" corridors,="" each="" one="" coated="" in="" flashing="" fog="" and="" light.="" unlike="" the="" foggy="" dream="" area="" he="" had="" started="" in,="" the="" walls="" and="" ground="" of="" this="" area="" seemed="" to="" be="" actually="" tough="" to="" break="" through.="" even="" when="" he="" charged="" up="" a="" hyperion="" beam="" and="" imbued="" it="" with="" black="" flames,="" he="" was="" unable="" to="" do="" more="" than="" gouge="" the="" side="" of="" the="" walls.="" as="" a="" result,="" he="" opted="" to="" go="" through="" the="" maze="" like="" he="" was="" expected="" to.="" the="" white="" and="" grey="" walls,="" ceilings,="" and="" floor="" of="" the="" maze="" all="" went="" on="" without="" any="" change="" that="" dorian="" could="" see,="" apart="" from="" the="" multiple="" twists,="" turns,="" and="" openings.="" no="" matter="" what="" path="" he="" took,="" dorian="" felt="" as="" if="" he="" recognized="" nothing.="" however,="" with="" his="" jade="" memory="" at="" his="" disposal,="" dorian="" was="" able="" to="" tell="" that="" every="" path="" he="" had="" taken="" so="" far="" was="" indeed="" unique.="" he="" had="" made="" a="" total="" of="" 27="" different="" turns,="" all="" without="" having="" to="" turn="" around.="" 'this="" maze="" is="" huge…'="" he="" thought,="" wiping="" the="" remains="" of="" the="" horned="" rabbit="" off="" his="" hand="" as="" an="" afterthought.="" despite="" these="" creatures="" not="" being="" 'real'="" according="" to="" ausra,="" they="" still="" bled="" and="" died="" as="" if="" they="" were="" living="" beings.="" 'i="" feel="" like="" i'm="" not="" making="" any="" progress.'="" while="" he="" could="" utilize="" his="" jade="" memory="" to="" great="" effect,="" if="" the="" maze="" was="" big="" enough,="" it="" didn't="" matter="" that="" he="" could="" memorize="" where="" he'd="" been,="" he'd="" still="" remained="" trapped="" in="" here.="" "if="" only="" i="" knew="" which="" way="" to="" go…"="" he="" muttered="" out="" loud="" as="" he="" came="" upon="" an="" intersection.="" he="" paused="" as="" he="" saw="" something="" new="" charging="" at="" him="" in="" the="" distance,="" coming="" down="" one="" of="" the="" paths.="" "is="" that…="" no,="" it's="" finally="" not="" a="" horned="" rabbit!"="" he="" exclaimed="" as="" he="" saw="" the="" beast="" thunder="" down="" the="" pathway,="" aimed="" right="" at="" him.="" the="" fog="" swished="" and="" swayed="" as="" the="" creature="" rushed,="" bearing="" down="" on="" dorian.="" "it's="" a="" two="" horned="" rabbit!"="" dorian="" sent="" out="" a="" light="" push.="" the="" two="" horned="" rabbit="" exploded,="" killed="" instantly.="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "why="" do="" you="" keep="" sending="" out="" rabbits,="" you="" stupid="" life="" years="" dream="" zone?!?!"="" "whyyyyyy?!"="" "since="" when="" is="" a="" two="" horned="" rabbit="" equal="" to="" a="" maze="" boss?!?!="" the="" shadowy="" figure="" tried="" to="" pull="" out="" his="" hair="" in="" insane="" frustration,="" but="" was="" once="" more="" foiled="" by="" his="" incorporeal="" form.="" he="" screamed="" in="" frustration="" at="" the="" dream="" zone,="" tears="" of="" remorse="" and="" anger="" trying="" to="" appear.="" but="" failing.="" he="" was="" still="" a="" shadow.="" "huff…="" huff…"="" kvoth="" wheezed="" despite="" not="" having="" lungs,="" or="" a="" need="" to="" breathe,="" as="" he="" looked="" at="" the="" glowing="" ball="" of="" light="" and="" fog,="" slowly="" regaining="" control="" of="" his="" emotions.="" "it's="" fine…="" at="" least="" he's="" still="" trapped="" in="" the="" inner="" maze.="" he="" won't="" be="" able="" to="" break="" through="" it,="" and="" it's="" simply="" impossible="" he'd="" find="" the="" one="" path="" that="" leads="" to="" the="" core="" matrix.="" everything="" is="" okay."="" he="" slowly="" breathed="" a="" sigh="" of="" relief.="" "wait="" a="" minute…="" what="" is="" he="" doing="" now?!"="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "well,="" here="" goes="" nothing."="" dorian="" shrugged="" as="" he="" looked="" at="" the="" two-sided="" coin="" and="" then="" back="" up="" at="" the="" two="" diverging="" paths.="" "heads="" i="" go="" left,="" tails="" i="" go="" right."="" he="" said="" aloud,="" nodding="" his="" head="" confidently.="" he="" had="" no="" idea="" where="" he="" was="" supposed="" to="" go.="" the="" maze="" was="" insanely="" complex="" and="" huge.="" trying="" to="" find="" his="" way="" through="" it="" by="" looking="" for="" clues="" or="" hints="" was="" probably="" the="" smart="" idea,="" but="" also="" felt="" incredibly="" boring.="" why="" not="" just="" cheat="" through="" it="" instead?="" 'i="" command="" you="" to="" show="" me="" the="" right="" way.="" come="" on,="" fate!="" show="" me="" that="" anomaly="" luck!'="" he="" thought="" as="" he="" flipped="" the="" coin="" in="" the="" air.="" he="" pulled="" on="" his="" soul="" to="" twist="" fate,="" feeling="" a="" couple="" hundred="" points="" of="" energy="" vanish.="" whoosh="" the="" coin="" shivered="" and="" flipped="" over="" several="" times="" as="" it="" soared="" through="" the="" air="" before,="" eventually,="" landing="" on="" the="" floor="" with="" a="" resounding="" clink.="" "heads.="" left="" it="" is!"="" dorian="" scooped="" it="" up="" cheerfully="" and,="" without="" hesitation,="" began="" to="" jog="" down="" the="" left="" path.="" everything="" looked="" basically="" identical="" to="" him.="" foggy="" ground,="" foggy="" wall,="" foggy="" ceiling.="" but="" he="" smiled="" as="" he="" ran="" down="" it,="" feeling="" confident.="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "hahahahaha,="" to="" think="" i="" got="" so="" worked="" up="" over="" such="" a="" fool.="" flipping="" a="" coin="" to="" determine="" which="" path="" to="" take?!="" ahahaha!"="" kvoth="" clutched="" at="" his="" sides="" as="" he="" watched="" this,="" feeling="" as="" if="" he="" was="" regaining="" control="" of="" his="" emotions.="" to="" let="" such="" a="" small="" number="" of="" events="" affect="" him="" so="" much,="" perhaps="" he="" really="" was="" getting="" too="" cooped="" up="" after="" living="" here="" for="" so="" many="" years.="" "ahh…="" that="" felt="" good.="" i="" needed="" that.="" thank="" you,="" foolish="" shade."="" he="" patted="" himself="" off,="" breathing="" deeply.="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "hmm,="" another="" turn="" here,="" sounds="" good!"="" "oh,="" this="" way?="" okay="" magic="" coin!"="" "to="" the="" right,="" to="" the="" right!"="" "lemme="" drop="" it="" down="" low,="" turn="" left="" on="" the="" up="" row!"="" 20="" turns="" later…="" "oh?="" the="" passageways="" seem="" to="" have="" gotten="" a="" little="" brighter?"="" dorian="" observed="" with="" a="" smile.="" "better="" keep="" going!"="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "what?!="" no!="" how="" can="" this="" be?!="" he's="" actually="" getting="" closer="" to="" the="" exit!"="" "no,="" i="" will="" not="" allow="" this!"="" kvoth="" sputtered="" in="" anger,="" his="" incorporeal="" eyes="" flashing.="" he="" began="" to="" pull="" some="" of="" his="" focus="" away="" from="" containing="" the="" two="" king="" class="" mystic="" martial="" artists="" in="" the="" trap,="" instead="" turning="" the="" free="" energy="" towards="" dorian.="" "if="" i="" can't="" use="" the="" life="" years="" dream="" zone="" to="" attack="" you,="" i'll="" do="" the="" next="" best="" thing…"="" he="" muttered,="" his="" hands="" twitching.="" "i'll="" trap="" you!"="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "oh?"="" dorian="" paused="" as="" he="" looked="" at="" the="" coin="" he="" had="" flipped="" and="" then="" at="" the="" intersection="" he="" had="" appeared="" at.="" he="" was="" making="" incredible="" speed="" through="" the="" maze,="" using="" the="" powerful="" physique="" his="" balance="" demon="" form="" possessed="" to="" make="" fast="" dashing="" progress.="" "it="" landed="" on="" its="" side."="" he="" muttered,="" frowning.="" the="" coin="" he="" was="" flipping="" was="" a="" random="" small="" piece="" of="" currency="" he="" had="" obtained="" when="" picking="" up="" supplies="" before="" heading="" to="" magmor.="" it="" was="" a="" simple="" piece="" of="" gold="" with="" the="" head="" of="" an="" old="" man="" wearing="" a="" crown="" on="" one="" side,="" and="" a="" large="" chariot="" drawn="" by="" a="" horse="" on="" the="" other.="" but,="" instead="" of="" landing="" on="" either="" side,="" it="" was="" currently="" standing="" on="" its="" edge.="" "what="" does="" that="" mean…"="" he="" scratched="" his="" head="" in="" confusion.="" abruptly,="" his="" eyes="" lit="" up.="" 'ah,="" is="" this="" one="" of="" those="" freaky="" mazes="" that="" can="" change="" its="" routes="" on="" you,="" like="" those="" staircases="" in="" harry="" potter?'="" he="" thought,="" his="" eyes="" shining.="" he="" scooped="" up="" the="" coin,="" looking="" behind="" him.="" "you="" want="" me="" to="" go="" that="" way?"="" he="" flipped="" the="" coin="" again.="" tink="" the="" coin="" landed="" down="" on="" the="" ground,="" flipping="" over="" a="" few="" times="" before="" settling.="" once="" more,="" landed="" on="" its="" edge.="" "good="" enough="" for="" me!"="" he="" snagged="" the="" coin="" and="" turned="" around,="" starting="" to="" jog="" backwards.="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "what?!="" how="" is="" it="" possible?!="" i="" literally="" just="" started="" messing="" with="" the="" turns!"="" "what?!="" he="" did="" it="" again?!"="" "wait,="" he="" went="" the="" right="" way="" without="" turning="" around="" this="" time?!"="" "how="" is="" he="" doing="" this?!"="" "he="" can't="" keep="" getting="" away="" with="" it!!!"="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" after="" about="" twenty="" more="" turns,="" dorian="" smiled="" with="" satisfaction="" as="" he="" found="" himself="" at="" a="" large,="" glowing="" white="" doorway.="" he="" was="" in="" a="" large,="" circular="" room="" that="" seemed="" to="" be="" the="" exit="" of="" the="" large="" maze,="" one="" that="" looked="" decidedly="" different="" than="" the="" monotonous="" foggy="" walls="" he="" had="" grown="" accustomed="" to.="" "good="" job,="" lucky="" coin.="" you="" really="" did="" me="" a="" solid."="" he="" patted="" the="" coin="" in="" his="" hand,="" giving="" it="" a="" slight="" bow.="" "one="" last="" flip…="" should="" i="" go="" through="" the="" doorway,="" coin?="" heads="" if="" yes,="" tails="" if="" no."="" he="" muttered.="" he="" flipped="" the="" coin.="" tink="" it="" landed="" on="" tails.="" "oh?"="" he="" exclaimed="" in="" surprise,="" staring.="" he="" looked="" at="" the="" glowing="" exit,="" and="" then="" back="" at="" the="" coin,="" shrugging.="" "what="" should="" i="" do?="" should="" i="" turn="" around="" and="" go="" back="" through="" the="" last="" corridor?"="" flip="" tink="" heads.="" "alright,="" sure="" thing."="" dorian="" shrugged="" a="" second="" time="" and="" turned="" around,="" using="" his="" lesser="" magnetic="" manipulation="" ability="" to="" make="" it="" fly="" into="" his="" hand="" as="" he="" ran="" back="" the="" way="" he="" came.="" whoosh="" the="" moment="" he="" stepped="" into="" the="" corridor,="" and="" out="" of="" sight="" of="" the="" portal,="" his="" entire="" body="" vibrated="" and,="" abruptly,="" he="" vanished="" from="" the="" maze.="" he="" had="" managed="" to="" escape="" from="" it.="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" ..="" "…"="" "…"="" "…"="" "life="" years="" dream="" zone…"="" "…why="" are="" you="" the="" way="" that="" you="" are…"="" kvoth="" looked="" at="" dorian's="" figure="" as="" he="" successfully="" made="" it="" out="" of="" the="" maze,="" entering="" into="" the="" last="" section="" of="" the="" dream="" zone.="" the="" core="" matrix.="" the="" central,="" and="" most="" vulnerable="" area="" in="" the="" dream="" zone,="" where="" only="" the="" controller="" should="" have="" access.="" a="" place="" where="" the="" two="" other="" targets,="" the="" king="" class="" mystic="" martial="" artists,="" were="" currently="" being="" held.="" the="" fact="" that="" he="" had="" managed="" to,="" somehow,="" impossibly,="" make="" it="" through="" the="" maze="" in="" record="" time,="" even="" dodging="" every="" single="" trap="" and="" illusion="" he="" placed="" down,="" somehow="" tricking="" past="" the="" maze="" itself…="" "it's="" not="" fair…"="" kvoth="" felt="" as="" if="" he="" was="" about="" to="" tear="" up="" from="" frustration.="" he="" took="" several="" deep="" breaths,="" trying="" to="" gain="" control="" of="" his="" emotions.="" "i="" can't="" direct="" the="" core="" matrix="" area="" to="" target="" him="" since="" he="" came="" in="" on="" his="" own…"="" kvoth="" closed="" his="" eyes="" slowly.="" his="" entire="" shadowy="" body="" shook="" as="" he="" stared="" at="" a="" vision="" of="" dorian.="" dorian="" was="" currently="" prancing="" around="" the="" core="" matrix,="" humming="" to="" himself="" as="" he="" looked="" around.="" the="" core="" matrix="" was="" shaped="" like="" a="" large="" manor="" with="" several="" rooms="" connected="" by="" short="" tunnels.="" it="" was="" only="" a="" matter="" of="" time="" before="" he="" found="" his="" two="" king="" class="" subordinates.="" "how…how…="" how="" dare="" you="" desecrate="" master's="" dream="" zone,="" you="" filthy="" mongrel!"="" the="" shadowy="" figure's="" body="" blurred="" as="" he="" shot="" forward="" into="" the="" ball="" of="" light="" and="" fog,="" chasing="" after="" dorian.="" he="" temporarily="" pulled="" back="" a="" large="" part="" of="" the="" energy="" he="" had="" been="" directing="" to="" fully="" restrain="" the="" two="" king="" class="" fighters.="" with="" that="" pulled="" away,="" the="" experts="" would="" have="" a="" real="" chance="" of="" escaping="" their="" respective="" traps,="" even="" if="" they="" were="" ancient="" warriors.="" after="" all,="" the="" trap="" had="" no="" exact="" direction="" without="" him="" guiding="" it.="" old="" monsters="" like="" those="" at="" the="" king="" class="" would="" usually="" be="" able="" to="" escape,="" even="" with="" the="" odds="" stacked="" against="" them.="" "i="" will="" personally="" wipe="" you="" out!"="" his="" voice="" was="" quiet,="" but="" full="" of="" determination.="" "and="" i="" will="" steal="" that="" lucky="" coin,="" too!"=""></3>