"Ye... Ye CuO..." Mr. Cen's heart was cold. He quickly stepped back and hid behind Zhiyue.

"Yecuo, this is Aodao. What do you want to do? It is against the law to kill Mr. Cen yelled fiercely.

Ye CuO smiles: "Fa? That's just to limit you mortals. "

"Come on! Come on Mr. Cen slapped a bell on the table in front of him, "master ghosts, help me, help me!"

The bell and the skeleton flag inserted in the hall are all left by baigui Laozu. It is said that as long as ye CuO comes and shakes the bell, baigui Laozu will come in person.

The sound of the bell, which spread in the air, was visible to the naked eye.

Ye CuO was also a little surprised. He couldn't help saying to himself in his heart: the smell of this thing is somewhat similar to that of Mr. mo before, but it makes people feel more interesting.

But unfortunately, it's just like that.

In the face of Ye Cuo, who is not in the God list, it is not enough to see.

Ye CuO took a step forward, and suddenly, the black skeleton flag, without wind, flashed countless figures on the tattered flag. Each figure was like a entity, with a ferocious and ugly face.

Innumerable ghosts gushed out from the flag, and then seemed to be pulled long and thin by an invisible hand, turning into a chain, winding towards Ye Cuo.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away in zhenhun mountain, the Earth Spirit, which looks like a stone covered with moss, suddenly stands up and roars, shaking the world.

Looking at a dark thing like a bird's claw in front of him, the ghost ancestor sighed. In his eyes, he was disappointed: "it's almost... It's almost. I can understand the mystery. It's a pity... It's a pity..."

He stood up carefully and picked up the black bird's claw. There was a red rope on the claw wrist of the bird's claw, which just let him hang on his neck.

The master of ghosts waved his hand, and the spirit of the earth plunged into the ground directly, and then came out on the ground in front of the master of ghosts.

The ghost ancestor rode on the Earth Spirit, and in an instant, together with the Earth Spirit, he sank into the ground as if in the water.

Here, ye CuO didn't take these ghost chains seriously at the beginning. With a single hand wave, countless dragon magical skills, Zhenyuan, slowly gathered into a golden sword. After a sword cut out, ye CuO suddenly felt a little different.

His golden sword, even ghost and other nihilistic things, can kill, but this time, it seems to penetrate the air, unimpeded through the chain of the ghost.


Ye CuO is startled, suddenly, a chain rolled over, entangled Ye CuO's feet.

Ye CuO was surprised. With his strength, he didn't see how the chain got to his side. This made Ye CuO a little scared.

That chain pulled Ye CuO and pulled down abruptly. Ye CuO felt his body sink and went underground in an instant.

"What's the matter?" Ye CuO was surprised.

There was no light in front of his eyes.

"What kind of world is... Here?" Ye CuO doubts in his heart, he can't hear any sound, can't see any color, can only show that this is not the real world.

"Ye CuO! Help me A husky female voice rings in Ye CuO's ear.

Ye CuO turns his head and sees Suya lying on the ground, powerless looking at him.

Life is done!

Suya's life is over!

Ye CuO was frightened in his heart and was preparing to step forward. Suddenly, someone called out: "brother!"

Ye CuO suddenly turns his head and sees his parents fall into a pool of blood. Ye Qianqian's whole body is full of blood, just like a frightened deer, and his face is full of tears.

"Brother, hug!" Michiko ran over from one side with a silly face, stretched out her hands and hugged Ye CuO happily.

However, it hasn't come to Ye Cuo——


A gunshot pierced Michiko's head. Michiko's face was still cute, but her body softened and she fell to the ground. Her big eyes looked at the sky empty.

"Yecuo, this is the best gift I can give you." Qin Fusu slowly put away the still smoking gun, pulling the cloud neon with a sneer, facing Ye Cuo.

Yunni and Qin Fusu stand together and look at the dead people everywhere. They smile cruelly at Ye CuO: "you always love Suya more and love me less. Fortunately, I have a cousin who loves me. This is for you before I leave."

Ye CuO's heart a burst of pain, is ready to open his mouth to speak, suddenly on the bridge of the nose bone by an invisible fist, a punch will ye CuO overturned in the past, hit the eyes of Venus.

"Ah Ye CuO has a pain. I feel my nose is going to be broken.

"Wake up Bad old man's voice appeared in my ears.

Ye CuO opens his eyes and sees that it's still dark around, but his family, Suya, who has died of Shouyuan, and Michiko, who has been killed, are all gone, leaving only the bad old man.

"Master..." Ye CuO couldn't help looking around. He was frightened, "just now..."

"Don't be afraid, it's all false. You're not in the real world right now. Everything you see is not real. " Said the old man.

Ye CuO was surprised: "I'm already at the rank of Shenbang. Why can I be deceived by this illusory world?"

The old man chuckled and said, "as I have said before, Shenbang is like a baby, and tongxuan is just a toddler. There is no end to martial arts. How can you be a Shenbang and belittle the enemy?"

Ye CuO blushed, lowered his head and said, "what the master taught me."

"If I'm not wrong, this time you should meet a hundred ghosts in zhenhun mountain." The old man looked around.

"Heart magic array? what is it? Is it similar to Lin Yi's dream that I can see what they want me to see? " Ye CuO is curious.

"It's different!" The old man chuckled, with a slight look in his eyes. "Before I answer this question, how do you think I am now?"

Ye took a wrong look at the bad old man and was overjoyed: "master, have you recovered your strength? Er... Seems to have made a breakthrough! "

"That's right, that's not right!" Lao Zao said, "when you reach the realm above the list of gods, cultivation is not only about the body, but also the spirit.

My body was seriously damaged and almost disintegrated. Although I was raised by the Danhuang tripod, it took me a while to repair it. However, my spiritual cultivation has been promoted to a new level and has entered the middle stage of tongxuan. "

Ye CuO congratulated: "Congratulations, master!"

"Originally, I didn't know what this heart magic array was, but after the spiritual breakthrough, it would activate the gene memory fragments hidden in the dragon ball. Now I have a bigger world in my eyes."

Bad old man said, in one eye, the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, four seasons change, it seems very mysterious!

"Ye Cuo, I not only know what the heart demon array is, but also find a way to defeat Lin Yi. It's in the dragon ball that the real dragon god left us!" The old man said, his voice trembling and excited.