In this group of people, except for Yan Feiyu and Gao Lao, the rest don't believe that ye CuO can write well in such a short time.

Although Ye CuO wrote "have to love" within two minutes, he was doubted by many people in the circle.

Because the lyrics and music of this song are very mature, it is very likely that they have been written for a long time.

Music and words are different.

If you write a word, a person who has been to school and knows a word may be able to write it with a pen.

But the music is not the same. Without ten or eight years of music skills, it is impossible to make music.

If you're not a layman, you can't understand the score.

In addition, composition is not only about melody, but also about arrangement, which involves the performance and collocation of musical instruments.

People who write words can be quick witted and write a good word in a short time, but it is basically impossible for composers to achieve it overnight.

Fang Baizhan didn't mean to compose music on the spot, but he had already finished several pieces of music without filling in words. Because the integration of melody is very high, it can be used in many words, so I want to try it.

At this time, several composers were a little upset when they heard Ye CuO's rage. They thought to themselves that they would take out their own music and suppress Ye Cuo.

A skinny man wearing glasses said: "try my song. This is a song I wrote a long time ago. I'm not willing to take it out. I feel that many words don't match my song."

As soon as the man stood up, many people around him could not help exclaiming: "Dongfang Jie? He is the best composer of ancient songs. He has long heard that he wrote a Divine Song himself. He has never been willing to take it out. He is willing to take it out before today. We are really blessed. Divine music with divine words will definitely be born this evening. "

"I'm so excited. I didn't expect that we are all the witnesses of Divine Comedy today. It's definitely a kind of glory to say it later."

"Yes, Dongfang Jie is the composer who is the best at this kind of song in the circle. Only his divine song can match this divine word."

"That's great. In my lifetime, I can hear this divine song made by Dongfang Jie. I've heard about this song for several years. It's said that Dongfang Jie has been perfecting this song for nearly ten years. This attitude of creation is worth learning from the impetuous entertainment circle. "

"Yes, I used to think that I couldn't wait for the words to match this tune in my life. I didn't expect that today, I would be able to witness it."

Although these people in the entertainment industry know that they have no hope of winning Ye CuO's song, they are very happy, because many people have heard of Dongfang Jie's song.

It is said that this song is the first inspiration of Dongfang Jie. After he finished it, he searched for the Ci writers of the whole entertainment circle to fill in the CI for himself.

But a lot of Ci writers didn't dare to write after hearing this song, because this song is so awesome. Many people are afraid that their words don't match this song, and finally make a joke.

This includes Fang Baizhan.

At the beginning, he was already one of the three major schools of Chinese music, but after hearing this song, he still sighed: "I can't fill in the words for this song, but I'm sure that no one else can fill in the words for at least 20 years in the whole Chinese music world."

Many people still remember Fang Baizhan's assertion.

At this time, many people turn their heads to see Fang Baizhan, only to see that Fang Baizhan is still looking at Ye CuO's words. It seems that the whole person has collapsed and has no idea.

Someone couldn't help saying, "master Fang, have a word."

At this time, Fang Baizhan woke up like a dream. Looking at the words written by Ye Cuo, he sighed again and looked at the crowd: "what's the matter?"

Some people said, "what do you think of this word, coupled with teacher Dongfang Jie's song?"

Fang Baizhan was stunned. He thought about it solemnly and said with a tragic smile: "if you want to do this, I'm afraid that this type of music will usher in the peak. Well, try it. If this word and the song from the East can really be combined, it can be regarded as really perfect. "

After listening to this, everyone could not help but be shocked: Master Fang Baizhan, who has always been hot tempered and defiant, could tolerate it. The first song of ancient style is not his work. It seems that the word Ye CuO is really too strong, and it has put down Fang Baizhan's whole mood.

This time, all the people are more looking forward to it.

Dongfang Jie smiles a little, takes out a music score from his pocket, walks up to Yan Feiyu and says, "Miss Yan, you have the best singing skills here. Try my song and sing it for you. I believe that my music must be the best. If you don't use my music, the words of this song will be wasted in the end. "

There were also many singers on the scene, and some people took the initiative to say, "I'll be in charge of the guitar."

"I'll go too. I'll take charge of the flute."

"It seems that there is the sound of Hulusi, which I am good at."

After a while, a temporary band composed of all superstars appeared.

Looking at this grand occasion, many people are very excited, maybe this life, the only time to see such a strong lineup.

After half an hour's preparation, the music starts slowly. Yan Feiyu walks to the crowd and starts to sing slowly.

An alternative "blue and white porcelain" resounded throughout the hall.

All the people are immersed in intoxication, only Ye CuO frowned.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause, and many people said excitedly: "good! That's very nice! "

"Yes, the peak of Chinese music has come!"

"Ha ha ha, everyone is the witness of this divine comedy. I dare say that even if this song is really produced in the future, it will not have such a strong lineup today! "

"It's really a good song. Only this kind of music can match the lyrics. Dongfang Jie's song is so well-known in the circle. Today, when I listen to it, it's really extraordinary. No wonder many people are afraid to write lyrics to it. "

"Made in heaven! This song, and this lyrics, complement each other, is perfect

Dongfang Jie's mouth, also with a smile, turned to see ye CuO: "I this song, but also make do?"

For a moment, all the people remembered Ye CuO's words before and couldn't help laughing. They said to themselves in their heart: you just underestimated the heroes in the world. Now you hear the Divine Comedy and are beaten in the face?

Under everyone's gaze, ye CuO shook his head: "it's just too easy. I'd better keep this kind of music by myself. Don't smear my lyrics."