In the dark night, ye CuO didn't go to sleep. Instead, he sat cross legged on the roof, with a full moon hanging high above his head.

His breathing is almost imperceptible, intermittent, and there is no obvious boundary between breathing and breathing. The whole body is like a system that circulates breath.

The essence of dragon skill is to change the internal structure of the human body, which is very magical.

The general ancient martial arts either make people's body strong and invincible, or make people's breath long and powerful.

For example, if the purpose of human training ancient martial arts is to reach the other side, then foreign martial arts is like building the strongest ship for the master; At home, it's like learning to swim;

However, the Dragon skill is different from the two. Its purpose is to make the master become a fish and swim through.

No matter who they are, they dare not practice it easily. After all, after tens of thousands of years of evolution, human beings have become what they are now. Although the present human body is the most perfect, it is at least the most suitable for the earth.

If you change the structure casually, won't you become a monster?

And the dragon magic skill is to risk the world's great injustice.

Ye CuO had already reached the Ninth level in his previous life when he practiced dragon's magical skill. When he used it, his whole body would be covered with scales quickly, his hands would become extremely sharp claws, the pupils of one eye, like a snake, would become a thin vertical line, and his forehead would grow two horns.

Moreover, not only the shape changes, but also the body's defense state and perception level will have great changes.

The scales on his body can even resist the attack of bullets; And sharp claws, can directly grasp through the armor of light tanks, very terrible.

He called it Longhua.

Once the whole person is transformed into a dragon, not only the attack power and defense power will be greatly improved, but also the speed and explosive power will become very terrifying. Moreover, the perception of the surroundings will reach a meticulous level, and even the sound of dust falling on the ground can be heard.

Every time the Dragon changes, ye CuO's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, just like the transformation of Altman when he was a child.

It's just this kind of Longhua, but it can't be used frequently.

The cultivation of dragon's magic power does not lie in physical exercises such as running and lifting weights every day, but in perceiving the aura floating in the air during meditation, so that one's body can continuously absorb and digest it.

The cells of the body gradually change after being tempered by the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Unfortunately, ye CuO can feel that the aura of heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner. Even when the sun rises and the moon is full on the 15th of every month, the aura is not particularly strong.

So every time the Dragon changes, it will consume a lot of spiritual power stored in Ye CuO's body. In the month after the Dragon changes, ye CuO is very difficult to even play.

This is also the reason why he would never be Longhua in his previous life.

The first three levels of dragon magic skill are stable in practice, and will not change the structure of the human body too much. But the fourth level is a qualitative leap. Once this level is connected with the city, the more important parts of the body surface, such as the heart and throat, will be covered with scales when practicing.

Yecuo is going to hit the fourth floor today.

Although he had experience in his previous life, he was still a little nervous.





Around the airflow, gradually began to flow up, forming a small circle of storms, in the leaves around the wrong body, rapid rotation.

These air currents, tearing everything around.

The tiny invisible spiritual power between heaven and earth, like a little bit of stars, is stirred by these air currents, flying towards yecuo's body, gradually penetrating into yecuo's skin.

His body, gradually began to change, the original flesh and blood skin, in the moonlight, bit by bit, like water ripples shaking, many tiny impurities, began to be discharged from the skin pores.

And his flesh and blood, then gradually become crystal clear, like jade in general, it seems to have a kind of translucent feeling, the whole person is like a piece of amber, emitting a hazy luster.

Everything around, began to edge clear.

The flow of wind, the shaking of leaves, the gasping of men and women in the opposite building

On the back of Ye CuO's hand, some scaly lines gradually appeared, as if someone had drawn on the skin.

All this seems calm, but ye CuO's heart is experiencing a contest with the devil.

In the previous life, countless pictures emerged from his mind.

Ye Qianqian's eyes when she died, all the insults she suffered, the fear of killing her target for the first time, countless blood donation bodies piled up like mountains, the rapid death of human lives in the African battlefield, and the pictures of butterflies blocking bullets in order to save themselves

Ye CuO's eyebrows gradually wrinkled up, the whole body began to tremble, the original calm rippling skin, at this time, like boiling water, constantly bulging below.

Leaf wrong arm, a blood vessel, like earthworm general drum up, a beat, as if at any time will burst open.

His face, neck, a layer of scales gradually emerged.

It hurts!

Just like the skin of the whole body was stripped off, ye CuO felt that every cell in his body was broken, whether it was bone, flesh, or viscera, it was like a piece of broken into powder.

In my mind, only a mountain of corpses were left, and the red blood gushed like a river, gradually drowning him.


Ye CuO roared wildly, his eyes opened, the whole eyeball was covered with blood, red as if to drip blood, and his pupil was a vertical line, emitting a golden light.

Ye CuO's current consciousness has gradually been engulfed by the idea of killing, and the whole person is going to be possessed and become a killing machine.

"Hum!" At this critical moment, the mobile phone on one side suddenly shook and stood up.

This voice is very small in other people's ears, but in Ye CuO's ears, it is like a bolt from the blue. His whole body is shocked, and he suddenly spits out a mouthful of blood, and collapses to the ground. The scales and golden pupils on his body gradually disappear, and the blood vessels under his skin slowly recover.

His whole body seemed to be broken, lying on the ground limply, unable to move his fingers again. In the heart for just all, feel incomparably frightened.

"Sure enough, I'm not ready. I'm still in a hurry. I'll be ready next time." Although the fourth attack failed this time, it's lucky to survive. It's a near death process to cultivate dragon's magical skill. After all, it's a martial art that directly changes the structure of the human body.

On the other side of Shangjing, Yan Feiyu looked forward to his private letter: "back to me, back to me, didn't you see it? Or sleep? "