Chapter 682

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
"Zhu Fuwei! What's the matter? Hasn't the next train come in yet?"

Yan Qingying frowned and asked.

Zhu Fuwei, a tall and handsome boy, took another look at Lu Yang and simply stretched out his hand to pull Yan Qingying away. Even if Yan Qingying quickly threw his hand away, she was pulled to several classmates by Zhu Fuwei. There were two men and a woman there, looking at them in different places.

Lu Yang didn't feel much. He just talked with Yin Qingying at will to kill the boring time waiting. When he saw Yin Qingying pulled over and saw Yan Qingying's sorry eyes, Lu Yang just smiled faintly.

Over there, Yan Qingying seemed to be arguing with Zhu Fuwei in a low voice. Lu Yang didn't want to listen. He took a few steps aside, still standing in the shade of the flower bed tree, calmly looking at the exit of the station.

Took out his cell phone and looked at the time. It's almost time! In about ten minutes, the train that my sister took will come into the station. Lu Yang naturally has patience at this time.

As a qualified bookworm, Lu Yang will never feel bored as long as he has a novel in his hand.

No, while there are still about ten minutes left, he logs in to the starting point website with his mobile phone to find works of interest.

Soon, he saw several impressive works in his memory.

Jing Ke's humanitarian paradise, Wuwai River's supreme coming, and Huanyu's hundred refining into immortals.

Lu Yang was deeply impressed by the three authors.

Among them, Jing keshou has heard a little about his talent. Lu Yang has read some of his works before. A very special author, a book named "wind rises purple Luo gorge", although the data results are not very excellent, let some readers see his talent. Later, he wrote two books in succession, and his popularity only lingers at the level of second-line authors. This year, Shenji and others left a horizontal position, Jing keshou is one of the opportunities given to many people.

The situation on the wuwaijiang river is similar to his situation. Before this year, he also wandered around the second line. Shenji and others ran away, which also gave him a chance to get on the top.

In the past one or two months, the starting point has been carrying out another god creation movement. One by one, the high-quality recommendations have come down, and the work data of the two authors are rising.

To become a God, he always needs opportunities. Lu Yang has witnessed it again and again before, but he has never done anything.

And magic feather

The book "refining into immortals" was only written in February this year. From the beginning to now, the achievement of this book can only be regarded as medium. At the same time, the popularity of many works is above it.

Now the popularity of this book is still not amazing. Lu Yang believes that many people do not pay much attention to this book, but Lu Yang is in a mixed mood when he sees this book appear in front of his eyes again.

For nothing else, just because he knows the development after the book of magic feather and hundred refining into immortals.

Many people think that talent is the talent. Some writers who have been in the industry for several years have announced their withdrawal from the industry. In their words, some people feel that they have no talent, others think that it is too difficult to become a God, and there is no God position for them.

Lu Yang once thought so of himself.

But every time he saw that Huan Yu was still writing "hundred refining into immortals" and saw that his achievements in this book were still improving, he told himself that the reason why he had not succeeded was that his efforts were not enough!

——When you know what you want, the whole world will make way for you!

This sentence does not tell us that as long as we want something, we will get it.

But let us know that when we insist on one thing and reach the extreme, everything will succeed!

But where is the ultimate?

Before you really succeed, no one can see the hope that you will succeed! Only by working hard, can we see our dreams finally blossom and bear fruit one day in the future!

"Dear passengers, the k774 train from Y City to Beijing has arrived! Please get ready to meet the train!"

When Lu Yang was looking at the chapter catalogue of "refining into immortals", the prompt tone of the station suddenly sounded. Lu Yang blinked, put his mobile phone back in his pocket and looked at the exit of the station.

My sister is on this train.

At the same time, most of the more than 100 people who pick up the car at the exit also look at the exit. Some are anxious. They immediately stand up and walk there quickly, as if they could quickly receive the person they want to pick up by taking a few more steps forward.

The prompt tone of the station has been repeated several times. Several station staff have come out of the guard room at the exit. One of them takes the key to open the lock at the exit.

About a few minutes later, many passengers with suitcases, large and small bags poured out of the exit.

September 2 is the opening day of most universities. Therefore, many passengers coming out of it are boys and girls walking together in twos and threes.

Some people are in high spirits, others pretend to be mature and plain, but no matter how they look, they can't hide their vigorous vitality.

Yin Qingying and others, like those who welcomed freshmen in other schools, rushed forward with their own university signs and banners.

Some people kept shouting "freshmen of so and so University, please come here!" with a small horn.

Lu Yang smiled and walked forward a few steps, looking for his sister Lu Ying in the stream of people leaving the station.

Groups of people poured out from the exit. From time to time, freshmen who found organizations stood happily to meet their elders and sisters.

After another two or three minutes, finally, Lu Yang saw Lu Ying in the stream of people leaving the station.

Four or five male and female students were walking with her. They were talking and laughing to each other as they hurried to the exit. When Lu Yang saw Lu Ying, Lu Ying's search eyes were still looking out.

Lu Yang didn't reach out to say hello, but stood alone in a place where the crowd was a little sparse and looked at her with a smile.

Sure enough, my sister soon saw him.

Seeing his sister's eyes brighten, Lu Yang immediately waved to him excitedly. Lu Yang was happy and took a few steps forward.

Maybe Lu Ying's action was too obvious. The eyes of several students beside her also followed her eyes to Lu Yang.

One of the girls, who was a little shorter than Lu Ying, looked curiously at Lu Yang from a distance and asked Lu Ying, "Lu Ying! Is that your big brother?"

Lu Ying nodded repeatedly and said with a smile, "uh huh! How's it going? Is my eldest brother handsome? Ha ha!"

Referring to her eldest brother, Lu Ying subconsciously straightened her waist and looked up slightly. She knew that her classmates came to Shanghai for school this time. She was a little nervous before getting off the bus, but she just saw her eldest brother waiting for her outside the exit. All her worries flew away!

Instantly feel that Shanghai, a big city, has become her home!