Chapter 564

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
Ling Yin brings Wu Youdao and Xiaoqing to her cultivation cave.

She asked Wu Youdao to practice in her cave. She had only one requirement - after Wu Youdao gained the power of the world, she would avenge her and save her sister.

And her sister is the most beautiful woman around the Iron Monkey King.

The cave occupied by Ling Yin is the lowest level in the world. There is not much aura in it. It is enough for Ling Yin to practice for a lifetime, but it is absorbed by Wu Youdao in less than a year.

Wu Youdao's cultivation had to be suspended. It was time for him to fulfill his promise.

So far, the film has entered a high tide. The experts under the Iron Monkey King have died under the sword of Wu Youdao. The skills of Yuan Yu's martial arts guidance and Zhao Wenzhuo's skills are displayed incisively and vividly in this film. Especially when fighting with the Iron Monkey King, Wu Youdao, who has gained the unique strength in the world, is full of murderous and deadly moves, and chases the Iron Monkey King directly.

The duel between the two directly destroyed the Iron Monkey King's palace. The big screen was torn apart, and the audience in the cinema opened their eyes. Such an action film is indeed a hot work rarely seen in recent years.

In fact, for action films, the audience is not demanding on the plot. What the audience most expects is the play in the film, which is hot and new, and most of the audience will feel satisfied.

The script of "dragon and snake strike" doesn't have too tortuous plot. When Lu Yang wrote it, he followed the principle of slapping, upgrading and anti slapping in the face. What he wanted was a cool!

Compared with traditional action films, it is more like a commercial blockbuster in Hollywood. Don't tell it what the connotation is. What you want is for the audience to enjoy one or two hours in the cinema.

The Iron Monkey King was finally killed.

Wu Youdao becomes the new king of this area. Ling Yin and her sister are finally reunited, but the plot is not over. Wu Youdao has just buried the remains of Xiaoqing's parents. He is a person transmitted from the original world. This person is no stranger to the audience. He is actually the housekeeper next to the young challenger at the beginning of the film - Uncle Wu.

Wu Bo saw King Wu, the world's recognized strongest man. King Wu was also exiled from the original world and was not allowed to return to the original world all his life.

Uncle Wu made an offer to King Wu. As long as he could kill Wu Youdao, his master would commute his sentence and help him leave the different world and return to the original world.

Returning to the original world has always been King Wu's greatest wish, because he was sent here because of his enemies in the original world. Now, he still enjoys glory and wealth in his enemies in the original world.

King Wu agreed to Wu Bo's terms.

Go out in person to kill Wu Youdao.

King Wu is a proud man. He thinks he is invincible in the world, so he doesn't hide his whereabouts. The news has spread to Wu Youdao before the arrival of King Wu. At this time, Wu Youdao is cultivating in the cave of the Iron Monkey King. The cave of the Iron Monkey King is far more than that of Ling Yin. His skills are thousands of miles a day here.

Xiaoqing, Ling Yin and others are very nervous when they get the news that King Wu is coming to kill him. Wu Youdao also frowns, especially when he learns from Ling Yin that King Wu's life story, as well as his mastery of boxing, foot, palm, leg, knife, gun, sword and halberd.

That night, Wu Youdao was still thinking about how to deal with King Wu in the middle of the cave. Xiaoqing approached him quietly and told him that they would leave here together and live in a place where King Wu could not find.

Ling Yin appeared again and told him it was useless. The reason why his enemies in the original world came here to find King Wu at this time was because the instruments in the original world could locate Wu Youdao. His enemies in the original world found that he had not died, so he came here to contact King Wu.

In other words, no matter where Wu Youdao hides, his enemies in the original world can help King Wu find him.

No refund!

Wu Youdao thought of a move that might defeat King Wu - dragon snake strike.

It was a killing move that he had not practiced in the original world. Now he wants to practice it before the arrival of King Wu.

When the film was put here, the audience finally knew why the film was called "dragon and snake attack".

The one who plays King Wu is Chen GUANCHEN! When he was young, he played many classic roles such as Ma Yongzhen. He was once very popular. In Lu Yang's memory, he also appeared in the royal guards played by Zhen Zixiang. In the royal guards, he made a big knife, which was beaten backward, and his claws were also very powerful.

Chen GUANCHEN is no longer young, but like Hong Jinbao in Hong Kong, the older he is, the more momentum he has. He is very suitable to play a master.

His duel with Wu Youdao is more popular and wonderful than the duel between Wu Youdao and the Iron Monkey King. Logically, this is impossible, because Liang Xiaolong plays the Iron Monkey King, which has real kung fu.

Chen GUANCHEN's real Kung Fu is certainly not as good as Liang Xiaolong, but movies are movies. Chen GUANCHEN has made too many kung fu films with a strong foundation. Under the guidance of Yuan Chen, in the process of dueling with Wu Youdao played by Zhao Wenzhuo, his moves are open and close, full of domineering. Especially when he draws a halberd in his hand, he has the momentum of sweeping everything.

When Lu Yang was designing the role of King Wu, especially the painting halberd in his hand, a book that had impressed him deeply, the Taigu covenant, flashed through his mind.

In his memory, it was an unfinished work, but he was deeply impressed by the earth shaking halberd in the book. One halberd can tear the earth.

Therefore, in the dragon and snake attack, the halberd painted by King Wu itself is a treasure with great energy.

In the duel with Wu Youdao, the destructive force is much greater than that of Wu Youdao against the Iron Monkey King.

When Wu Youdao dueled with the Iron Monkey King, only the Iron Monkey King's palace was destroyed, but the duel with King Wu broke several peaks. Finally, in the dust and smoke all over the sky, King Wu came out

On the big screen, Xiaoqing was distracted. The Ling Yin sisters opened their eyes and couldn't believe it. They saw Wu Youdao's Dragon and snake attack. With such great power, they were defeated by King Wu?

There was also a commotion and scolding in the cinema. When Lu Yang heard the messy scolding behind him, someone asked, "didn't you say it's a cool film? Is it an online style? Can the protagonist be cool when he dies? You fucking tease me?"

Only Wu Bo, who was hiding in the crowd to watch the war in the distance, smiled and whispered, "young master, you can close your eyes!"

The picture fades, lights up, and then fades.

It's like lamenting for Wu Youdao and playing the ending of the film.

The audience can vaguely see Uncle Wu bowing and standing behind King Wu. Behind King Wu is a magnificent hall. Uncle Wu's pleasant voice comes from the theater stereo: "King Wu! My master has arranged for you, and I can take you back to the original world tonight!"

King Wu: "good! Good! I finally wait for this day!"

The picture lights up again, and Uncle Wu is already reporting to his master.

"Master! King Wu is coming! He is waiting in the living room."

Wu Bo's master came to the living room and saw a figure, which was also seen by the audience. The figure slowly turned around and Wu Bo widened his eyes.

Originally, this person is not King Wu, but Wu Youdao

Wu Youdao is not dead. He's back. What about King Wu?

This question is not only asked by Wu Bo on the big screen, but also by the audience in the cinema.

But the film is over, the prelude music of the ending song begins to sound, the screen is completely dark, and the complete subtitle list begins to rise slowly.

Many audiences were stunned on their seats. Unexpectedly, this is the end. Is the king of Wu dead? Why did Wu Youdao come back?

Some people in the cinema speculated that the last war was not the real King Wu, but Wu Youdao's change of appearance. Some people speculated that it must be the last war. Wu Youdao and King Wu reached a secret agreement. They played a fake game and cheated the Uncle Wu. Finally, King Wu was able to return to the original world, and Wu Youdao came back with him.

No matter how the audience guesses, the film is over anyway, leaving an unsolved suspense at the end. Without this suspense end, the film is just a wonderful action film, or martial arts film. It's great. It's a little new with the science fiction element at the beginning of the film.

However, this suspense ending has left a deep impression on many audiences. It can be expected that someone will discuss the ending of the film on various occasions for a long time to come.

Maybe the media will criticize or praise this ending, who knows!

Here is the film premiere. The film is over. The premiere is not over yet. Finally, applause begins to appear in the cinema. At the beginning, there is only a lonely person's applause. Gradually, the applause becomes more and more, and the whole cinema is full of applause.

Maybe we are really satisfied with the quality of the film. Maybe so much applause is just because most people in this cinema are invited by Lu Yang. It's polite for everyone to applaud.

Anyway, after the end of the film, the theater was filled with applause. In the applause, the film creators, Lu Yang, Wang Lin and others stepped on the front of the screen, and all the lights in the theater were on.

Most of the people in the group smiled like flowers. Some applauded, some folded their hands to thank the audience, and others bowed slightly, such as Lu Yang.

At this moment, the people standing next to Lu Yang didn't have much ideas. They just wanted to enjoy the applause at this moment. The invited media reporters had rushed out and crowded in front of Lu Yang and others. Questions were thrown out one by one. Some asked director Yuan Yu, others asked starring Zhao Wenzhuo, Zhang Li, Dao Xinyi and others. As expected, Lu Yang was not spared.

The same problem thrown to Yuan Yu also poked Lu Yang in front of him.

"Mr. Wen Chou! Can you tell me what happened to the ending of the film? Why did Wu Youdao finally appear in the original world instead of King Wu?"

Lu Yang originally wanted to throw out the guesses he had just heard in the cinema, but his eyes were opposite his girlfriend Cao Xue in the front row. He suddenly became naughty, smiled and said to the reporter, "Guess!"

In the front row, Cao Xue smiled and bent her eyes. Many others who heard this answer burst into laughter.