Chapter 372

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
Lu Yang didn't write the script of "dragon and snake strike" as hastily as he wrote "the gate of rebirth" and finished it in a few hours. This "dragon and snake strike" was destined to invest a lot because it needed a lot of computer special effects. When writing "the gate of rebirth", Lu Yang didn't think of investing by himself. This "dragon and snake strike" must be led by him, so, The script must be carefully crafted.

After setting the world background of the script, Lu Yang began to draw up several Kung Fu. Bagua palm must be there! Since it's a movie for Wang Xiaoyu, how can it be without her best gossip palm?

Octupole should also have! There are also Tai Chi, Xingyi, monkey boxing, or Mahatma splitting and hanging, as well as Muay Thai! There are also Bangzi's taekwondo, island's Kendo or karate, aikido and so on.

Since many criminals have been exiled in the eudemon world, it's not surprising that these criminals will have any boxing skills in the world! Brazilian greyism and Western boxing can be found!

As for the eudemon

Since the film is called "dragon and snake strike", there should be both dragons and snakes. As for other Eudemons, Lu Yang plans to set some monsters in the western world or according to the characteristics of some wild animals in the real world.

These problems are not difficult, but we need to spend more time considering the integration of the abilities of all kinds of Eudemons and all kinds of Kung Fu.

Lu Yang plans to draw the prototype of the phantom beast by himself. In this way, it will be much easier when the film starts shooting and special effects are made later, so as not to make some monsters completely different from Lu Yang's idea.

In the following days, Lu Yang was naturally more busy than before. Every day, in addition to coding and accompanying Cao Xue, he occasionally paid attention to the company's affairs, and also conceived the plot of dragon and snake attack.

With the background and creativity of the story, the plot of the story needs to be carefully pondered.

For Lu Yang, this film is still a commercial film. It doesn't need any depth or artistry. It only needs two words - good-looking!

Then, the rhythm of the routine text is very suitable for such a story. Through the bedding of small high tides, it will eventually push up a big high tide.

Rebirth and crossing novels and films have a common advantage, that is, the plot before and after rebirth or crossing. You can easily create a plot and put it in the film. The first ten minutes can be the plot before and after crossing.

Well, being exiled to different time and space by high technology is also a kind of crossing in a sense.

In Lu Yang's setting, at the beginning of the film, the court sentenced Wu Youdao to exile in a different world, and then told the audience through whispered comments in the court that the particularity of the different world and that he could never come back after being exiled.

In this way, after the film starts, the audience will not expect the protagonist to kill back to the original world and focus on the protagonist's actions in the different world.

When the protagonist is exiled to a different world and integrated into a different world, it is naturally a good plot, which can be warm or dangerous.

Lu Yang took out a blank manuscript and drew a line on the paper with a pencil.

The starting point of the line is in the middle of the manuscript paper, representing the height of the protagonist's life when he was judged. Then, the line directly fell to the bottom, representing that the protagonist was sentenced to exile in a different world, and his life fell to the bottom. Before entering a different world, the protagonist himself thought that if he went there, his life would be hopeless.

Then the lines rose slightly, representing that the protagonist had been exiled to a different world and saw the heroine for the first time.

Don't care if the plot is a little dog blood! Lu Yang believes that the protagonist Wu Youdao has just come to the different world and is carefree. If he does not establish social relations as soon as possible, there are some people and things he cares about, and then he can't conflict with other experts in the world of Eudemons!

Can barely arrange the conflict, it is difficult to give the audience the feeling of common hatred.

It can't arouse the common hatred of the audience. When the protagonist kills those masters, the audience can't get up, which involves a sense of substitution.

The line swam a little on the white paper, sometimes gentle, sometimes falling, sometimes suddenly rising, and finally became an irregular curve.

In each section of the line, Lu Yang's mind flashed the corresponding plot inspiration. After a curve was drawn, Lu Yang had a general grasp of the overall plot trend of the script, but it was not good enough.

Therefore, Lu Yang tore off the first paper and drew such a curve again on the second paper. This time, the ups and downs of the curve are no longer the same.

Pieces of white paper were torn off, and Lu Yang was still drawing curves.

Every creative person has his own creative habit. Drawing curves is a personal habit of Lu Yang's creation, which has just been formed recently.

In such a situation, Cao Xue, who occasionally passed by the door of the study, was confused. He didn't know what Lu Yang was doing. If he hadn't looked very serious, he would have gone up and asked.

More than a dozen curves were drawn, and the story in Lu Yang's heart was finally finalized.

Taking advantage of his clear memory, Lu Yang quickly recorded it on the computer document. He didn't care about the details. It was just the outline of the story. With less than 2000 words, Lu Yang clattered his hands on the keyboard for less than an hour.

The outline is easy to write and the details are carved. It is a water grinding effort.

Movies are different from online novels. An online novel with millions of words is harmless by occasionally injecting water, but the length of a movie is limited. Therefore, every minute on the screen is very important and can't be used at will. Time passes day by day.

In the past April, after a flash of brilliance, in May, many fans scolded Wen Chou for being a helpless ah Dou and mud!

Obviously, we have the strength to compete for the first place, and we don't support it. Now we all resign and even update it slowly. Compared with Lu Yang's book fans who are disappointed and hate iron but not steel, they are loved by the fans and authors of other authors.

Some book fans got cheap and went to the book review area of magic sword eternity to sell their good deeds, leaving several posts like this:

"Thank Wen Chou Ju for quitting the Jianghu! The world is getting bigger because of you!"

"Hello, Wen Chou! I'm a fan of XXX. On behalf of the author of XXX, I thank you! The great God is really gracious and gives the opportunity to other people who need it more!"

"Wen Chou Da! Don't compete for the monthly ticket list in the future, will you? You're so famous."


In the face of the provocation of other people's fans, many of Lu Yang's fans feel very unhappy. These fans are unhappy. They express a strong sense of health to Lu Yang in the book review area, in the group, and in their private letters to Lu Yang, and strongly ask Lu Yang to rise up again and continue to work those evil people.

There were also relevant discussions in the dark field group. When Lu Yang wrote a new script, one night, there was such a chat in the group.

Passing lamb: "I saw a good opportunity, but it's a pity that PuJie sheep can't catch it when they see the opportunity! They envy steamed stuffed buns and a pass! The literary clowns don't grab the monthly ticket list this month, they go up! PuJie sheep says they envy and are sangxin! When can they stop PuJie!"

Fried steamed stuffed bun and Guan Yue should be regarded as the two most dazzling supernovae since the beginning of 2007!

Fried steamed stuffed bun's "exotic veterinarian" and Guan Yue's "back to the Ming Dynasty as a king" are currently ranked in the top five of the monthly ticket list, while the "magic sword forever" that did not compete for the monthly ticket list once again falls in the eighth place, as if the eighth place is its lucky number. As long as Lu Yang does not compete for the monthly ticket list, it will sit firmly in the eighth position.

"Exotic veterinarian" is the first book of fried steamed stuffed bun. It began to be uploaded in February this year. After several months of popularity accumulation, it finally has the strength to compete for the monthly ticket list.

Being a king in the Ming Dynasty is also Guan Yue's first work, but it has no green and astringent new works at all. Once released, it quickly gathers a large number of loyal readers. Now, this work has become more and more phenomenal. Except for the starting point, almost all pirated websites can see the figure of this book on the ranking list.

A book becomes famous!

Both of them belong to this column!

After passing the lamb, make complaints about the big gods.

Golden bug: "street sheep? Is the local tyrant sheep's mode of showing off their wealth reversed today? However, I envy it very much. I really want to strangle the literary clown! He has the strength to win the championship and doesn't compete. The great God is capricious!"

Boiling dust: "don't you admire Yan?" the best servant "also said very well!"

Take a bath in the fog: "I'll tell you, I'm chasing the best servant. Do you like brother Lin very much?"

Big tiger: "Huiming and Jiading are very good-looking! The rhythm of the fire!"


2007 is destined to be a year of great outbreak of online classic works!

Xuehong and others left the digital station and did leave some good works in the digital station, but after they left, the vacancy left at the starting point made more talented authors soar to the sky.

Big tomato, Chendong, Jingguan, guanyue, Fuyan

Dozens of rookies have entered the view of readers. The works written by these people in this year are still unforgettable to many people after many years.

Readers of this year are happy!

The starting point and other websites have not officially embarked on commercialization. On the website, there are thousands of novel ideas, no Xiaobai works specifically aimed at Xiaobai readers, no routine works criticized by countless people later, and no shameless brushes.

In mid May, Wang Lin called again to ask about Lu Yang's new film script. This time, Lu Yang finally gave him a satisfactory answer - the script is already being written.

The only thing I'm worried about is that Lu Yang said that the investment in the film may be a little large and need a lot of computer special effects.

Wang Lin is not sure how big the investment Lu Yang said is.