Chapter 152

Name:Rebirth 2003 Author:Muzixin
Salmon and Li Jiu sit a little far away, but he also sees the scene just now, and a sense of curiosity rises in his heart. He has always collected the manuscripts of Wen Chou. He has also seen some of the first three works of Wen Chou. Unlike Li Jiu, his favorite is the legend of experts. For some time, his mantra has become "If you don't understand, you don't understand! The gap is the gap", once suspected by his colleagues that he was habitually forced.

And that sentence is a classic quote from the legend of experts.

Is this novel with killing as the main line also very good-looking?

With such curiosity in mind, after Li Jiuzuo returned to his seat, salmon made an internal call.

"Li Jiu! Did you just tell Lao Zhang that I sent you the book unlimited killing this morning?"

"Hmm! That's the one! It's so good-looking! It's more classic than the ugly book the Three Kingdoms warlords! How can you say it? You'll know it anyway, really! I won't lie to you!"

"Oh, let me see."

Put down the phone, the salmon pinched the moustache on his chin. The novel editors have a common urination, that is, they have no resistance to good-looking novels.

Anyway, as the receiving editor, he didn't do much every day. Thinking about it, he opened the manuscript in the mailbox and read it slowly.

After reading all the contents, it's lunchtime. My colleagues have gone to the canteen in twos and threes. The salmon is still sitting in his seat. It seems that he is still immersed in the story he just read. His expression is a little dull. The cigarette between his fingers is burning to his fingers, and he hasn't noticed it yet.

At this time, Li Jiu passed by him. Seeing his expression and the manuscript of infinite killing on his computer screen, he showed a knowing smile and was a little complacent. He thought: it seems that I really have a bit of vision! I found the brilliance of this book at the first sight! No, brother Yu was shocked.

"Hey! Brother Yu! Have dinner!"

Li Jiu smiled and patted the salmon on the shoulder.

"Ah? Oh."

Salmon woke up like a dream. He closed the document, turned off the computer, and when he stood up, he still said to Li Jiu: "great creativity! I don't know how the author thought of the story! It's genius! It seems that publishing is no problem. I don't know if the editor in chief will increase the price for him?"

Li Jiu listened to these words in his ears as if he were praising him. He said proudly, "don't worry! The editor in chief also went to the canteen just now. I'll ask him immediately. I'll tell you the news as soon as I have it!"



When they arrived at the canteen, Lao Zhang, the editor in chief, really had a quiet meal in a deserted corner. Li Jiu took the time to fight the meal and scraped together.

With a small smile, Li Jiu sat opposite Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang raised his drooping eyelids. He was old and his spirit was obviously not as good as that of young people. However, he had developed a sense of non anger and self prestige in this industry all his life. Therefore, even if he only raised his eyelids, Li Jiu felt a burst of tension. However, Li Jiu was very confident and a little proud in his heart. He thought that the editor in chief would praise himself So, although nervous, I'm not afraid.

"Editor in chief! Have you read the infinite killing? How do you feel? It's very creative? Should you inform the author to sign the contract as soon as possible?"

Li Jiu smiled carelessly and asked several questions at once.

Lao Zhang looked at him with muddy eyes. After he had asked for a long time, he coughed twice, frowned with thick gray eyebrows and said in a low voice: "I've read the book you mentioned. The story is a little novel, but there are also many problems. For example, in the first episode, there are too few female characters, and there are not enough emotional scenes. In the current market... You should know that even if the serious killing text is written too well, no one will buy it; in addition, the setting is too complex, what points? The rewards of main plot level s and level a , there are too many and complicated rewards for the branch plot. Now the readers who read novels read them with a relaxed attitude, and few people are willing to use their brains and bother; the most important thing is that he writes scenes of horror films, which may lead to copyright disputes with those film companies, so this book can't be signed! Let him rewrite a mainstream fantasy article! See His first three books are still selling well. I can consider publishing them for him! "

Li Jiu was stunned. He couldn't believe that these words came from the editor in chief. In the eyes of himself and brother Yu, such a classic novel was worthless. He didn't mention the possibility of price increase, and even refused to sign it?

"Editor in chief! That book is really good..."

Li Jiu wanted to try again. Lao Zhang was impatient and raised his right hand slightly, preventing Li Jiu from going on.

"I've sent the rejection comments to salmon! If the author is modest enough to get another work that meets the market demand, I'll still give him a chance."

With that, Lao Zhang bowed his head and continued to eat his own meal. Obviously, he didn't want to talk about this problem again.

Li left speechlessly with his food.


"How about it? What is the bottom line for the price increase?"

As soon as he sat down next to the salmon, the salmon asked him curiously. Li Jiu shook his head and said disappointed, "don't mention it! The editor in chief means that this bookmark can't be used. Let Wen Chou get a manuscript that matches the market demand again. In that case, he will still be given a chance!"


Salmon stare big eyes, also like Li Jiugang, can't believe his ears, so classic and novel novels, even if they don't increase the price, but also refuse to sign?

"The editor in chief said he had sent you the rejection comments!"


After school in the afternoon, Lu Yang returned to the rental house with Cao Xue. Cao Xue took the initiative to grab the cooking work and pushed Lu Yang out of the kitchen. It seems that he wants to be a qualified cook.

Lu Yang had nothing to do, so he went to the study to open the computer and log in to the mailbox to see if the salmon had seen his manuscript and handed it over for review.

The email login was successful, and there were two new emails in the inbox, all replied by salmon.

How did you reply to two new emails this time? Didn't you send it again? Lu Yang thought with a smile and clicked on the first reply.

Hello, Mr. Wen Chou!

Thank you for your contribution again. The manuscript has been submitted to the editorial team for review. Please wait patiently. The review cycle is about half a month.

Zhu Wensi spring, wonderful pen and flowers!


It was as like as two peas of the manuscript, Lu Yang smiled and opened another reply, and thought that the content of the mail was mostly the same.


Hello, Mr. Wen Chou!

I'm sorry to inform you that your new book unlimited killing, after careful review by our editorial team, is considered to lack publishing value and does not meet the mainstream needs of the market. However, because you are our old author, the editor in chief is willing to give you another opportunity, as long as you write a mainstream fantasy, more female characters and less killing scenes, We are still willing to continue to cooperate with you.

Zhu Wensi spring, wonderful pen and flowers!



Lu Yang's smile disappeared and his relaxed expression was no longer. The result was completely beyond his expectation. He spent more than a month to conceive his new book and his ambitious work, but he couldn't even sign a contract? Write a mainstream fantasy? How many more female roles? A boy and several female owners' kind of Marvin?

Lu Yang is in a bad mood.

In his memory, the first infinite stream work was sold in Taiwan. How can he write it himself and even sign a contract?

I write much worse than that book?

Lu Yang is not surprised if this is his first work and is rejected, because the publishing house is always more harsh on newcomers, especially the first work, which is very likely to be rejected, but he has published three works in C publishing house, and this book should pass smoothly! After all, the first three books sold well.

Let me rewrite a mainstream fantasy for you?

Lu Yang became angry and felt a naked insult. He refused to sign his carefully prepared works and asked himself to get a follow-up article to sign with himself? what do you mean? For the sake of the best-selling books in the past, give me a consolation award?


Sitting in front of the computer, he sat silently for more than half an hour. Lu Yang thought carefully about what to do? Get another copy of the mainstream fantasy "Marvin" and hand it over?

Lu Yang can't do this at all. He's not short of money now. He won't throw his dignity on the ground for tens of thousands of yuan. Once this kind of thing spreads in the author circle, how can he mix it in the future? Who still thinks highly of him? After publishing three books, the new book publishing house refused to sign, and then gave him a bite to eat for the sake of previous cooperation?

Half an hour later, Lu Yang finally made up his mind to find out the contact information of several other publishers from the email address book, and submitted the manuscript and outline one by one.

Even D publishing house, e publishing house and f publishing house, which are obviously weaker than C publishing house, have contributed a manuscript. In the past, he did not believe his painstaking work, and no publishing house was willing to publish it.

It's not that they don't read the old love and don't give the manuscript to C publishing house, but that they have too high vision. No wonder they are. Even if several other publishers don't want to publish, he won't get another mainstream fantasy article to contribute.

The dusk of publishing is coming. In the next few years, Taiwan's Publishing Society will close down one after another. Even those publishing houses that are still alive will have a much lower efficiency than before. The most profitable part of online writers will be electronic copyright! Computer and mobile reading.

Therefore, when submitting articles to these publishers, Lu Yang has made a decision in his heart. Even if no publisher is willing to publish, he will send the book to the starting point. As long as there are readers willing to read it, he will update it until the end of the book.

He won't just swallow it. As for C publishing house, he will never contribute to them in the future.