So, when Qin Yi was doing this charity fund.

all kinds of work , no matter how big or trivial.

Liu Xinjian was also very helpful. He agreed with Qin Yi on everything.

If you have any questions, also introduce people.

After all, this is a good thing.

Liu Xinjian knows this good thing and naturally wants to help.

Therefore, Qin Yi specially told Meng feilan that they must do everything for charity.

Just like their financial accounting.

Even if it's a dime, you should find out the context of the dime.

Qin Yi is also very clear that after his ice bucket challenge is hot, it will drive 100 million microblogs.

If the microblog of 100 million people is popular, Xinxin microblog is bound to be popular, and then it will certainly take the method of attack.

And this fund is one of their black spots.

Therefore, as the saying goes, striking iron needs to be hard.

As long as there is no problem with their own, they are naturally impeccable.

Three days later, it was completely popular all over the country. Almost all people with or without microblog have opened microblog for the ice bucket challenge.

At that time, more than 5 million yuan has been raised, of which 3 million are microblogs of billion people.

He donated to the family for help at the first time.

Gao Tianyi sat in his office, looking at all kinds of comments on the Internet, and couldn't help but cooperate with Qin Yi.

This marketing is absolutely successful. First, it brings back all the stars lost before.

Second, let users present the new again.

Millions of donations may need to be invested in the future.

However, if the money is used as a promotion fee, it is definitely worth it.

Xinxin microblog realized later and began to carry out the ice bucket challenge, just changing one regardless of the reason.

However, their challenge has changed.

Although some stars were paid to participate, they also began to relay.

However, the feeling is not as hot as before.

Although for the sake of public welfare, those stars are also very hard-working.

So with the promotion of the two microblogs, this ice bucket challenge swept the world.

However, we all remember that there are more than 100 million microblogs.

Even with this event, Xinxin microblog has pulled back some traffic

However, the pay and return did not meet the expectations of Xinxin microblog.

Because of their ice bucket challenge, they hired several big stars at the beginning and spent a lot of money.

And in order to be able to suppress hundreds of millions of people's microblogs, their bonus is almost doubled

Moreover, many netizens began to question the plagiarism of Xinxin microblog.

After all, Xinxin Weibo has repeatedly said that hundreds of millions of people are plagiarizing Weibo.

But facts speak louder than words.

Billion people microblog has been innovating. Xinxin microblog sees how billion people microblog moves, they move

Users are not stupid. The reputation of millions of microblogs is better than them day by day.

Xinxin microblog relies on the microblog of black billion people, so it's also used to it.

It continued to get dark.

As Qin Yi imagined, they finally began to attack charitable funds.

Qin Yi was not in a hurry, so he let the bullet fly for a while.

Two days later, things began to ferment. At first, netizens chose to believe in the microblog of 100 million people.

But hundreds of millions of microblogs have been silent, and the of Xinxin microblog has been adding fuel to the vinegar.

Gao Tianyi actually wanted to fight back, because as Qin Yi thought, they had already prepared the information.

However, Qin Yi didn't say to let them fight back.

When things ferment to the third day, the public opinion on the Internet has become very ugly.

However, at this time, the first batch of parties, a total of 12, received hundreds of millions of microblogging assistance. They successively posted transfer records on microblogging, as well as the help of a series of charitable funds.

It was soon reprinted by some 100 million microblog fans.

Things ferment for a while, watching the wind change.

Qin Yi asked 100 million people to publish official microblogs, and published all capital transactions, uses and everything.

This is unique in China... It sets a precedent.

The 100 million people microblog did not mention Xinxin microblog, but said that it would pay more attention to charity in the future.

In the future, Weibo will inject 80% of the advertising fee recommended by hot search into charity funds.

Moreover, it is not limited to the disease of gradually freezing people, but all minors with difficulties can apply for help through charitable foundations.

As soon as this official micro blog came out, the microblog of 100 million people was immediately touted to the sky.

Some mainstream media always feel that there is a problem, so they carefully check the details of their announcement.

However, it is shameful. It's the same as what the official micro said.

"Keep a record of every penny."

The charity fund of 100 million people's microblog has done it.

Not only that, some hardcore fans of the 100 million people microblog began to question whether Xinxin microblog was also doing charity and whether they could open their accounts like the 100 million people microblog.

After 24 hours of silence, Xinxin microblog also announced these donations.

However, this matter has been watched by many people.

Soon, Xinxin microblog made some reasonable operations to reduce the amount of money in some of its charitable donations.

It was obvious and revealed.

And there are still many problems in their accounts

People are most afraid of comparison.

After the comparison, the higher the judge.

More people began to make donations to the charity foundation with a microblog of 100 million people.

In two days, more than 600000 donations were raised.

These were donated by users for 50 cents.

On the hot search these two days, there is still a "did you donate today?"

In the face of more and more social donations, the billion people microblog Charity Foundation has actively closed the channel of donations.

The official micro blog of billion people Charity Foundation released a microblog "thank you for your support, but because there are too many donations, our charity foundation has just been established, so we have suspended accepting donations from all walks of life. When the personnel are ready, it will be opened at that time. "

As soon as this microblog came out... It immediately caused a storm in 2009.

We all heard that the donation was too small, and we heard that it was too much for the first time.

However, everyone also praised the conscience of the billion people charity foundation.

Qin Yi also immediately held a meeting.

The core of the meeting is very simple. It is urgent to create a charity fund department for 100 million people.

This department is very important. Doing well is a billboard of all Qin Yi's companies.

If you don't do well, you will naturally face the storm.

Finance, operations, and too many, too many departments.

Gao Tianyi said to Qin Yi, "if we follow the previous practice, our human resources and costs will increase. If users question it at that time..."

"As long as it is within the specified scope, we can publicize all... The purpose of my charitable fund is to do good deeds on the one hand and advertise on the other... I don't rely on him to make money... Do you understand what I mean?"

Specifically, Qin Yi gave Gao Tianyi a business card. It's a call from one of your leaders in Yanjing.

Liu Xinjian gave me the phone.

The 100 million people charity foundation, which has suspended donations, has been praised by everyone.

Of course, there are black powder talking about some different voices.

But it was soon drowned by the sound of positive energy.

Millions of people became famous in the first World War... A large number of users prefer to use millions of people's microblog.

Of course, it is not only the ice bucket challenge, but also many factors.

For example, user experience, such as advertising

Under more factors, the microblog of 100 million people showed an explosive user growth in the short term.

When Qin Yi read the microblog of 100 million people, he learned that many authors of big IP were pulled to the book reading network and yunqi novel network.

Qin Yi is very excited... Gathered these people. These big IPS will change the big IP of film, television and animation in the future.

Another point, Qin Yi talked to Gu Yu.

That is to create a Marvel Universe of our own.

After hearing Qin Yi's idea, Gu Yu quickly went to the Internet to collect writers.

Gu Yu created a universe himself, then published the universe and asked writers to write stories in the universe.

Gu Yu has created a divine universe that belongs to us.

A large number of mythical characters and newly created mythical characters are used to create novels.

In this way, many new mythological characters and new mythological stories have appeared in people's vision one by one.

This activity is jointly organized by the book reading network, yunqi reading and the microblog of 100 million people.

As soon as the story came out, it soon attracted everyone's attention. Everyone is very interested.

Some myths are stories of people, and some create new characters under this system.

Because Gu Yu has explained a big universe and a big framework. As long as the stories in this big universe and big framework can be integrated in the end.

This is the divine universe Qin Yi wants.

Although there are many participants and many stories, the quality of the story is also uneven.

One of the biographies of Nezha wrote a very special side of Nezha from a very tricky point of view... This story is very wonderful

For a time, he became a Book of tyrants, and the author was an unknown man.

At least Qin Yi has never heard of his existence in this life or in the last life.

This book of Nezha has been on the line for ten days, and it has reached 10000 collections... Only 60000 words, it has such achievements... We can see his strength completely.

And because of the rich rewards, more and more people will write stories in the Fengshen universe... Now Qin Yi and others are a newly created character... Creating an IP. People like iron man, hulk and the United States.

While doing these things, Qin Yi told Gu Yuqian that the copyright of these contents must be clear and clear

Gu Yu guessed Qin Yi's ambition, but he liked Qin Yi's ambition.

Qin Yi's idea is to put these on the big screen in the future. Of course, at present, these things are too far away.

But writing is much cheape