The reporter also heard from female college students.

These college students from Handong were finally trapped in the ruins during the rescue.

Other students stayed up all day and night, digging and rescuing, although they were finally rescued by a professional rescue team.

But it is this love that jumps on paper.

After understanding, the reporter found that this is a very good report

These college students from Handong indirectly saved 500 teachers and students of Yingchuan primary school because of their kindness of love.

After the disaster, I stayed awake for several days and nights. Relying on my hands, I saved one life after another.

Companions are trapped, but they don't abandon or give up.

Those photos are particularly infectious.

The reporter held the manuscript overnight and released it the next day.

Once this piece of report was reported, it immediately attracted many people's attention.

Yingchuan primary school... And the lucky more than 500 teachers and students.

The media soon found those lucky teachers and students and went to Yingchuan town to shoot Yingchuan primary school, which was in ruins.

Who are the 10 college students from Handong university soon? Has become the heart of many people.

Wang Xuancheng of Handong University saw this report for the first time.

He doesn't know several other people.

But Wang Kai can't be more familiar with him.

I contacted them immediately, but I couldn't reach them.

Qin Yi was contacted on the basis that he couldn't be contacted. He didn't know until he contacted pan an. They did go to Bashan.

After confirming the number of people and their names, Qin Yi was found to be behind them.

Wang Xuancheng called the headmaster.

"OK... These people again. It really gives our students a long face. I'll contact the media now. You want to say something. This time, we must highlight our school's education for students. " The headmaster said to Wang Xuancheng.

Of course, this is just an episode in the disaster relief, and there are many more moving things and people in it.

When Qin Yi woke up, pan an and Luo Xiao had come.

They also found it according to the reporter's report.

Luo Xiao was always with Qin Yi when he was unconscious.

Pan an said with some guilt that he should come together.

Qin Yi wanted to laugh for the rest of his life. But I can't laugh at all.

Because of the surrounding environment, there are people who have lost their hands or legs because of natural disasters.

Qin Yi wants to find Bian Rou, but 603 people tell Qin Yi that Bian Rou's situation is serious, so she was transferred to another hospital. However, Bian Rou's mother called them and said she was out of danger.

After staying in the hospital all night, Qin Yi went through the discharge procedure.

Then I continued to join the local volunteer service with you.

Everywhere you go, it's full of sadness.

Qin Yi did not experience this disaster in the last life.

In this life, Qin Yi experienced this disaster.

The more he sees, the more he thinks.

After this disaster, Qin Yi's mind changed a lot.

Before, he wanted to be rich, just from the mentality of a small citizen, that is, he wanted to drive a good car, live in a good house and eat and drink all his life.

But now... He doesn't think so.

He doesn't want the world to change because of him, but he, because of his appearance, can make some light appear in some people's lives.

Yingchuan primary school is a good example.

If his ability is stronger, he may be able to save more people.

We stayed in Bashan until May 25.

Wang Xuancheng has called several times to ask when they will be back.

Because the reporter's report only caused a stir for a short time across the country.

But it was reprinted by various newspapers in Handong.

After all, it's a long face thing, and more than 500 teachers and students of Yingchuan primary school did survive because of Qin Yi.

And they kept saving people all the way.

Therefore, the school is ready to give them 9 awards. Handong city also showed full sincerity and gave a bonus of 100000 yuan, as well as the outstanding youth of Handong city.

This outstanding young man seems worthless, but in fact he is a gold lettered signboard.

Wang Xuancheng urged them several times and they went back.

Qin Yi wanted to have a look at Bian rou. Everyone was eager to return, so he didn't go.

Qin Yi still called Bian rou.

During this period, they made several phone calls. Bian Rou's mood is not very good, because his father died unfortunately in the earthquake.

As for the half unconscious I love you, Qin Yi didn't mention it.

I'm afraid Bian Rou didn't think about it at this time.

Bian Rou didn't answer. Qin Yi sent a text message.

Bian Rou didn't return.

After they returned to Handong by plane, many media and waited.

Many cameras keep shooting at them.

"Hello, who organized the event of inviting Yingshan primary school to see pandas?"

"Excuse me, when you saved people at that time, faced with the harsh environment and the aftershocks that may occur at any time, have you ever been nervous or hesitant?"

"Excuse me, it is said that you took out the rescue package immediately after the earthquake, and you have some rescue equipment. Where did you get it?"


One reporter's question after another

Moreover, this group of reporters is completely a posture of not letting them go if you don't answer.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Qin Yi.

"Old four, this is your chance to show your face. You answer a few words. If you don't answer, we really can't go. "

After Xie Xin finished, he said, "we all listen to Qin Yi."

Soon, the media all turned to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi smiled bitterly, but Xie Xin was right.

"I answered one by one. As for why I invited those students to see the giant panda, I think everyone must have seen it in the report. I met those students in the night market and did it on a whim. After all, our school often teaches us to do good things within our power." When Qin Yi answered, he found that Wang Xuancheng, who was crowded around by reporters and holding flowers.

He pulled the school inside just to let the school help him block it at the critical moment.

Among the questions raised by those reporters just now, Qin Yi also found that he made mistakes in many things.

Because the rescue package he prepared in advance and some professional rescue instruments are very targeted after the earthquake.

When I thought of saving people, I wouldn't be known. But unexpectedly, things fermented.

If you let a person with a heart grasp this question, he will also be very troublesome.

"As for, you said. Afraid? Must be afraid? But we will still do it. Being in that environment, as a person in hot summer, I believe everyone will stand up. Thank you. Please excuse me. We need a break. If you have any questions, you can contact the teacher of the Publicity Department of our school another day. "

Wang Xuancheng was very satisfied with Qin Yi's words.

After hearing what Qin Yi said, Wang Xuancheng took several students from the student union of Handong University and said, "reporter friends, these students are tired. Let them have a good rest first. We will arrange an interview another day, okay? Trouble, trouble. "