For the attitude of the stepmother, when Yun Lili was still a little upset before, she was still a little complacent, but now she has no idea at all.

said directly, "Mom, you can talk to Jian Wen. If you feel that you are going to do that, then I will not mind. Has the final say in building the family."

It's not that she doesn't let Xiaoyu come to help. To tell you the truth, there's really a lack of help in her shop, but she doesn't think Xiaoyu is poor in her hometown.

As for what the stepmother said to find a better mother-in-law in Jiangshui City, yunlili did not dare to answer.

Ji Jianwen frowned. He was still dissatisfied with his mother's words. He said, "Mom, don't mix in. Just let Xiaoyu stay at home, and the house is clean."

"What's good about being clean at home? It's busy in Jiangshui city. It won't be boring. If I have time, I can take her out for a walk!" The stepmother didn't agree.

"Three elder brother's arrangement is no problem, mom, you don't care so much, Yan'er will take the monthly exam tomorrow, mom, you can do something good for her." Ji Jianwen sends a way.

He didn't understand what the hell he thought.

It's very good in my hometown, and Xiaoyu is familiar with her third aunt, just like her fourth aunt. Where is it suitable to come here?

If it's suitable, he won't stop it.

The stepmother knew that he didn't agree. She sighed and went into the kitchen to cook.

Yun Lili said to Ji Jianwen, "Mom's thought is not a matter of two days. She always thinks that third sister-in-law is not good, but you don't have to worry about Jianwen. Now that mom lives here, she won't make any trouble at home."

Ji Jianwen nodded: "it's not that I don't want Xiaoyu to come here. Xiaoyu is really good in her hometown."

"I know." Yunlili nodded.

The stepmother disagrees. How can Xiaoyu, a granddaughter of this age, stay in the countryside all the time? Today's stepmother is also a long insight, but also recall those educated youth who went to the village before, one by one why they all want to go back to the city.

This is basically one in the sky and one in the ground. There is no comparability.

Especially for today's young people, they have to live outside. There is basically no way out in their hometown.

It's true that her third uncle is good now, but now there are a lot of eggs and chickens on the market, which are very cheap. They are much cheaper than those farm chickens and eggs. I'm afraid it's not easy for her third uncle to make them in the future.

The stepmother was worried, but her son didn't listen to her, and her daughter-in-law couldn't speak, so she had to talk to her daughter.

Now Ji yunyun will come here for a few days at the beginning of every month. She will come on October 1st.

When the stepmother came to yundahai with a basket of eggs, she talked to her about this.

"Xiaoyu doesn't study any more now. She quit school and makes donkey hide gelatin cakes at home. The woman of Sudan red is also upset and kind-hearted. What's the future of arranging her to come out at such a young age? I'd like to ask Xiaoyu to come to your fourth sister-in-law's shop to help. I'd like to have a long insight and practice my eloquence. If I have that life in the future, I can marry people here in Jiangshui city. " The stepmother grumbled.

She really thinks it's good that Xiaoyu's granddaughter can come here.

It's not too busy to help her four aunts in the shop. Her four aunts are well-educated and reasonable. They will never treat her badly. If they have her milk for cooking, they will certainly have a good life. Why don't they agree with her?

"Mom, you don't know the situation. Xiaoyu can't live to be 20 years old." Ji yunyun immediately said, "don't make trouble for my fourth sister-in-law. Don't do bad things with good intentions. In the future, Ji Mudan will have to find my fourth sister-in-law to compensate people!"

The stepmother was stunned: "what's your name? What do you mean Xiaoyu can't live to be 20 years old? "

Ji yunyun pursed her mouth. In her last life, Xiaoyu didn't have to be a girl for a long time?

In my life, many things are really different. The population of Lao Ji's family is not as prosperous as it is now. First of all, Su Danhong gave birth to a son in her last life. She has no four sons now. She is so able to give birth.

There is also Ji Xiaodong, a big nephew, who later failed to become a talent. He committed a crime and went to the Bureau. It seems that he has been locked up for six or seven years. How can he go to university like this? It seems that he didn't go to high school and came out after junior high school.

Then Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu came.

Xiaozhen's life is not much news, but she should not be happy, because she was married to an old bachelor by Ji Mudan, and gave more than 20000 yuan for the bride price. In their shabby village in her last life, such bride price was absolutely rich!

Xiaozhen can be happy if she marries someone like that.

Xiaoyu was kept by Ji Mudan in her last life. She found a son-in-law at home. Her fourth sister-in-law said that it was a lazy thing.

Xiaoyu got married when she was 18 years old. Within two years after that lazy man came in, Xiaoyu had no children, so she had no children.

She didn't know exactly why she didn't, but she remembered clearly that in her last life, Lao Ji's family had no two daughters.One is Yan'er, the other is Xiaoyu.

Now Yan'er is so big that she can keep up with her life, but Xiaoyu can keep up with her life.

"Yunyun, how can you say that about your niece? Although your second brother and your second sister-in-law are really not good, Xiaoyu is still a child of our old Ji family. You can't blame Xiaoyu for your second brother and sister-in-law. " Said the stepmother.

Ji yunyun came back and said, "Mom, you think I'm cursing Xiaoyu. I'm good. Why do you curse her?"

"How do you say that?" Said the stepmother.

"I just went to calculate the fate of our old Ji's family. The fortune teller said that Xiaoyu's life was not good, and she was afraid that she would not pass the 20-year-old hurdle. So she loved to interfere in this big trouble, so let her do it. Don't worry about her. It's OK for the fourth sister-in-law. It's hard for the fourth sister-in-law to stabilize. Don't make a time bomb again!" Ji yunyun said.

I can't tell what she experienced in her last life, so I can only tell a fortune teller.

"Is fortune telling reliable?" The stepmother is very anxious, even busy.

"The fortune teller, Ji yunyun, can enter the Li family's gate and be rich. Are you sure?" Ji yunyun said, but seeing that her mother's face turned pale, she said, "but it's not reliable. In a word, just let her live in her hometown. Don't bring her to Jiangshui city to make trouble for her fourth brother and sister-in-law."

"It's good not to bring it here, but I just hope that the fortune teller's calculation is wrong. Our family is full of people, and there is no reason for anything to happen!" Ji Mu said, then she got up: "no, mom has to go back to clean up, go to the temple to worship!"