Red sister thought which school is passed down?

Listen to Sudan red ask: "red elder sister, you see me this embroider art is what price?"

Before we talk about business, we naturally need to get the price together.

Hong Jie has been in this business for so many years. She was destroyed in the early years. Now she has her own sales channels. But she lacks top embroidery products. Naturally, she doesn't want to miss folk experts like Sudan.

"What do you call me sister?" Red sister brought her to tea with a smile.

She thought she was an ordinary village woman when she just came in, but the girl sat down to embroider. It was like a new person. She really answered that sentence, you can't judge a person by his appearance, you can't judge the sea.

After all, there is nothing to hide.

Red elder sister a listen to smile: "really fate, elder sister called Zhen Miaohong, younger sister your name is Sudan red, our two names have a scarlet letter."

Sudan smiles.

"To tell you the truth, sister, I've been in this business for at least ten years. I haven't seen a master as fast as you and good at embroidery." Said red sister.

Sudan red modest way: "is red elder sister you don't dislike, my this craft how can be regarded as a master?"

"Sister, don't be modest. You have to be a top-level master. Ordinary masters are not as good as you."

Red sister is not ambiguous, but said: "so I don't hide it from you. If you take your craft outside, you can afford to buy it at a high price. But if you have to find a market by yourself, it's hard to find, and others don't believe you. Naturally, the price is too high. This embroidery can't be sold casually. Let alone our place, it's going out, There are not many embroidery shops in the nearby Jiangshui City, so if you can trust my sister, you will take the embroidery from my sister in the future. As for the embroidery, you can also take it from my sister. If you are not satisfied with it, you can discuss it with my sister. But if I take it and sell it myself, I will certainly earn you a little. What do you think, sister? "

"It all depends on what you said." After hearing the words, Sudan nodded.

Zhen Miaohong told her about it completely. She thought it had to be because Zhen Miaohong saw her embroidered Oriole Birds enough to attract her eyes and wanted to keep people. Otherwise, she would not have such treatment.

"Sister is also a pleasant person. Don't worry, red sister will never let you suffer." Seeing that she is so happy, red sister is worthy of being a folk expert of embroidery master level, which is not what ordinary people can have.

"But I'm going to have better embroidery, sister Hong." Said Su Danhong.

"It's natural. It's just for hand training." Red elder sister laughed, came in to take the best embroidered face for her.

Sudan is looking forward to it, but I still feel a little dissatisfied after watching it, but this is the best one for Hong Jie, and I can only use it reluctantly.

On this side, Sudan Red's request is extremely high, the vision is also fastidious some.

Red elder sister also saw that she was not particularly satisfied with her embroidered face, but she was not dissatisfied with it. Instead, she asked Sudan red to raise her status in her heart.

After all, whether her embroidered face is top-level or not, is it still unclear? But I didn't expect that the quality of embroidered surface could be known just by touching Sudan red.

"Sister, don't worry. Next time you come back, I will get you better embroidered noodles!" Red elder sister opens mouth to say.

Su Danhong is also not polite: "then trouble red sister."

"What's the trouble."

In the past, I didn't dare to enter the top embroidery face because I was afraid of spoiling things. Now when I found such a treasure, red sister certainly wanted to enter it. Moreover, the better the embroidery face is, the better the quality of the embroidered products is, and the more they sell at a higher price. This is a win-win situation!

From Hongjie, she didn't need any deposit, so she took away the best embroidery face and stitches from the embroidery shop. However, she was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, she went around the market and bought a lot of necessaries before she was satisfied to go home.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Sudan red quickly fried two vegetables, one was fried leek with eggs, the other was fried green pepper with sliced meat, and then came to Lao Ji's house.

"Dan Hong?" The stepfather and stepmother, who are preparing for dinner, are a little surprised when they see the old three coming.

"Dad, mom, I cooked two dishes without cooking. I'm going to come and use them with you?" Said Su Danhong.

The stepfather nodded and let her sit.

"Why do you cook when you come here?" She said that she was satisfied with the dishes. She was either greedy for these two dishes or an attitude problem of the third family.

She was so willing to bring two meat dishes. She was filial.

The stepmother brought her a bowl and asked her to sit down and eat together.

The dishes of the stepfather and the stepmother are very simple, one is pickled cabbage, one is salted peanut, and the other is Sudan red. These two dishes add two meats.

The stepfather is silent when eating, and the stepmother is not so polite. She doesn't pay attention to eating and speaking.

Su Danhong still dares to stare at Ji Jianyun, but she dares not to stare at her stepmother.

"All the clothes have been sent to Jianyun?" Asked the stepmother."Yes." Su Danhong nodded,

"did you write to Jianyun?" Asked the stepmother.

Sudan red face slightly a red, nodded gently: "wrote a few sentences."

The stepmother saw that she was still a little funny and said, "what's so shy about writing to your man? Isn't that normal? "

Su Danhong quickly changed the topic and said to her father-in-law, "Dad, I'll trouble you to make an embroidery frame for me later."

Ji Fu used to be a carpenter. That is to say, in recent years, he has not been able to work. In the early years, someone in the village wanted to make a dowry wardrobe, and would come to see her father-in-law.

"Embroidery frame?" The stepfather didn't speak, but the stepmother was stunned: "what do you want that for?"

Su Danhong said that she saw embroidery in the town two years ago and thought it was beautiful, so she learned it in the house quietly.

"It's still early to send clothes to Jianyun today. I went to Hongjie's embroidery shop and embroidered a oriole bird to Hongjie. She said that my embroidery can make money. No, I just want to be idle at home and do some manual work. No matter how much, I can earn some money to support my family."

She's going to earn some money to subsidize her family. She's ready to have children. Jianyun is outside. Although she has a salary every month, it's not a lot. If she really has children and spends money like water, how can she rely on Jianyun alone?

There is some money saved at home, but the children's food and clothing needs to be meticulous, and the children will have to go to college in the future, which will cost money.

Not to mention that the stepmother was stunned, even the stepfather was stunned.

The third daughter-in-law, who looks at her fat waist, big buttocks, thick hands and feet, does not hide her doubt: "Dan Hong, can you still embroider?"