After being scolded by Li Laoyu, Qiao Dongliang is confused.

Li Lao said every word he could hear and understand. How can he not use his brain enough when they are combined into sentences?

"Uncle Li, it's your help that Zijin goes to affiliated middle school to study?" For a while, Qiao Dongliang asked incredulously.

"Xiaoding found me and asked me to make a phone call. She dealt with everything after that. Little Joe, you should know my temper. I never do such a thing. Even if it's my son, my daughter, you grew up with them. Have you ever seen me do this for them? Xiao Qiao, do you know how disappointed Uncle Li was with you at that time? "

Uncle Li sighs.

At the beginning, Ding Jiayi asked Li Lao to solve Qiao Zijin's problem. Li Lao really didn't like it. Li Lao never liked to do such a thing.

He loved his son and his daughter. He let them go up step by step, but he wanted to help other girls go through the back door. Li wanted to refuse Ding Jiayi very much at that time.

"Old Li, I don't know." Qiao Dongliang rubs his face hard. It turns out that old Ding carried him on his back and did it. Only in this way can he enter the affiliated middle school with his Son Jin.

"I know you don't know. You know, you won't let Xiaoding come." Uncle Li nodded, looking at the grown-up children, what is their character, he will not understand?

Hearing Uncle Li say so, Qiao Dongliang's embarrassed mood is better.

"But little Joe, little Ding is your wife. You don't know what she's doing or what she's thinking. Until your eldest daughter really went to the affiliated high school to study, you didn't even respond, which is the most disappointing place for Uncle Li. Xiao Qiao, you are a soldier. You are not in the army now. Have you even retired from the army? "

Muddleheaded, too muddleheaded!

"Do you know what I was thinking at that time? I'm thinking that you've retired, otherwise you've been in the army like you. It doesn't matter if you hurt yourself. What if you hurt your comrades? Little Joe, you are the only one who can let me down. "

Of course, the reason why Uncle Li agreed at that time was because he guessed that it must be Ding Jiayi who made up her mind to come.

Ding Jiayi is a medium made by Li Lao for Qiao Dongliang. Without Li Lao, Qiao Dongliang would marry Ding Jiayi.

Ding Jiayi has a little problem. What can Li Shu do? If he is not happy, he can only make this call.

But at that time, Uncle Li told Ding Jiayi directly that this was the first and last time.

When Qiao Dongliang heard that Li Lao was disappointed in himself, he was angry and scared. He thought that it was his wife who dragged him back and his little daughter who told Li Lao about the situation at home, which made him so embarrassed.

But after hearing Li Lao's words, Qiao Dongliang knew that the real problem was actually him. Li Lao was disappointed in his performance, which had nothing to do with his family.

"Little Qiao, tell me the truth. Did you think Nannan told Baoguo what I said just now, and Baoguo told me?"

In the face of Li Lao's question, Qiao Dongliang has a black and red face and can't say a word.

"Look at you. There's a little iron blood style of soldiers on you. You didn't check anything and didn't ask, so you convicted Nannan. When you were in the army, what did the chief teach you? It's said that Xiaoding is eccentric. In my opinion, your heart is not exactly where it is. There are some things that Baoguo told me, but there are still some things that have been spread in the courtyard for a long time. Little Joe, should you reflect? "

I don't know when to start. People in the courtyard all know that Ding Jiayi sold Qiao Nan's book, which almost made Qiao Nan unable to read it.

As for Ding Jiayi's desire to let her little daughter learn to work by mistake, one thing has not been spread.

Qiao Nan came back with a pile of old books from the waste recycling station that day. Many people in the yard saw them.

The people in the courtyard believed these words with their own eyes and hearing.

In other words, what happened to the Qiao family in the past two or three months has been treated as a drama by the people in the courtyard, which has become a negative teaching material.

"Spread, spread?" Qiao Dongliang's eyes are completely stupid. No wonder that every time he goes to and from work, other people in the courtyard look at him strangely.

"Little Joe, I'm really disappointed in you." Uncle Li hates iron but not steel: "where is your heart? How can it become like a piece of wood?"

"Well, it's late. Go back. Baoguo told me that Nannan was a mug in school. She was as quiet as you said. This weekend, you can send Nan Nan here. You don't have to worry about food or anything. "

After that, old Li waved Qiao Dongliang away.

Now he's in such a bad mood that he doesn't want to see Qiao Dongliang.

Actually, when I went to Qiao's house to thank Qiao Nan that day, Li Lao had already felt the strange atmosphere of Qiao's house.

Later, Zhu Baoguo told Li Lao about Qiao Nan's bad rumors at school, and Li Lao sent someone to check them.

Don't check don't know, a check startled, Qiao family all happened so many things, and also pile pile pile is ugly.Before the start of school, Qiao Nan was beaten by Ding Jiayi and ran out with nosebleed. After Qiao Dongliang sent her to the hospital, when the doctor diagnosed a malnutrition, Li Lao had no idea what he was going to say.

Now the country is good and the society is developing. It's not a time of famine. Qiao Dongliang raised a malnourished daughter. It's really

Li Lao remembers clearly that when he saw Qiao Nan's sisters that day, Qiao Zijin looked at them with politeness, bright clothes and sweet mouth. They would come.

At first sight, the child was well protected by his parents. On the contrary, Qiao Nan had been standing behind, silent. If he didn't mention it, Qiao Nan felt like a shadow, and Li couldn't help but feel sad.

Two girls, a full face, energetic, the other pale yellow, silent.