The state felt that it owed Zhang Qianxiu a lot of special treatment and honor, but most of them were declined by Zhang Qianxiu.

During the development period, Su Yuwei held up half of the sky for Zhang Qianxiu, at least half of the market was won by Su Yuwei.

Now, in order to enter the WTO, Zhang Qianxiu has given up his personal computer and system. He feels that he has lost a lot of money to Su Yuwei. This year, Zhang Qianxiu and Su Yuwei got married.

The wedding was not held in a big way, but some relatives and friends were invited to witness it, and the country also arranged people to come to celebrate.

After getting married, Zhang Qianxiu postponed his career development and prepared to live a relaxed and comfortable life with Su Yuwei.

Shortly after his marriage, he daoxun, who had been insisting on Chinese culture education in school, was critically ill.

Before he died, he took Zhang Qianxiu by the hand and told him that his life had been worth it. Many students had made good achievements in promoting Chinese Studies in the school, but he hoped to see Zhang Qianxiu continue to fulfill his dream.

Ji yinyao died a few days after he daoxun's funeral.

The death of two elderly people in a row had a great impact on Zhang Qianxiu's heart. On the other side of the company, because of the land contract signed by the United States and China, even if many people in the market wanted to buy Zhang Qianxiu's products, they were basically out of stock.

In fact, Zhang Qianxiu has the ability to produce all the components, chips, memory, graphics cards, and his own system at this time, but he can't produce them. As long as he produces them, and the country withdraws from Wo, the domestic economic development will be greatly hit. The country will not be able to complete the production transformation, and it will not be able to become the country with the most complete industry in the world, let alone have future development.

At this time, the performance of computers with the same configuration, the combination of Intel and Microsoft, is 30% lower than that of Zhang Qianxiu. Zhang Qianxiu's products are gradually moving towards the high end, and the low-end market is completely occupied by other countries.

At the end of the year, Ge Qingshan was critically ill.

Zhang Qianxiu rushed to see him.

Ge Qingshan apologized to Zhang Qianxiu because Zhang Qianxiu had a better development and had countless opportunities to become a giant in China. However, he did not develop in China and went abroad on his own before domestic enterprises could stand firm.

When Zhang Qianxiu developed abroad and was attacked by many countries and enterprises, the state could not protect him for the overall situation.

When Zhang Qianxiu successfully broke through the siege of many countries and enterprises, because the country wanted to join W-O, Zhang Qianxiu gave up the market he got.

Zhang Qianxiu said that he didn't blame anyone. From the beginning to the end, he hoped to live a safe and stable life with Su Yuwei. He didn't worry about money, and he could do whatever he wanted. Now he has a value of 100 billion yuan, and few people in the world have more money than him. He has no regrets.

Ge Qingshan holds Zhang Qianxiu's hand and tells him that he must continue to build his own PC terminal. The country can't do without its own chips and systems. If he continues to develop passively in this way, Zhang Qianxiu's market will not be able to hold on.

As the old people died one after another, Zhang Qianxiu ended his global tour with Su Yuwei.

Su Yuwei also advised Zhang Qianxiu to go back.

In the middle of 2001, Zhang Qianxiu continued to return to power with Su Yuwei as his deputy.

Zhang Qianxiu renamed all his products. Chaos, Taiji, Xuanniao and Qilin, which represent Chinese culture, are used in chips, systems, graphics cards, memory and other components.

Zhang Qianxiu made a new strategy to stick to 40% of the market and push his products to the world.

At the same time, other industries continue to make efforts, and all funds are invested in new research and mobile phone fields.

Originally, Zhang Qianxiu only planned to use 10 years to break through the PC terminal. This time, he will use another 10 years to break through the mobile terminal, and seize the mobile market before aifan4 comes out.

In order to avoid blockade, Zhang Qianxiu abandoned the existing arm architecture and re studied the architecture.

Because of Zhang Qianxiu's return, everyone is excited again to study a new chip architecture suitable for mobile phones.

When other countries knew that Zhang Qianxiu was coming back, they again put pressure on the domestic authorities, demanding that Zhang Qianxiu's share of each country must be reduced by another 10% and only 30%.

Instead of agreeing immediately, China sought Zhang Qianxiu's advice.

Zhang Qianxiu just calmly agreed to continue to shrink his PC share.

At the same time, in other areas, Zhang Qianxiu continued to be excluded.

However, when Zhang Qianxiu was excluded, in 2006, people were surprised to find that Zhang Qianxiu's business empire almost spread all over the world, entering 80% of the global industries, even military industry.

Even domestic people are afraid that Zhang Qianxiu will become a terrifying business entity and a "monster" who can control the world.

Many newspapers are talking about Zhang Qianxiu, saying that he wants to control the world through business.

Zhang Qianxiu has been under great pressure. At this time, he has the ability to launch a huge financial storm and let the global economy regress for decades, but it is inevitable at home.

All the people in Zhang Qian's self-cultivation side are working for Zhang Qian's injustice.

During this period, Zhang Qianxiu was promoted to be a father, and Su Yuwei gave birth to a daughter.

On October 1, 2008, Zhang Qianxiu released the world's first full screen smart phone, and announced that this mobile phone is called the Great Wall, which means that our people are not aggressive. We are willing to join hands with the world for common development and prosperity, but our people are like the Great Wall. No matter how many storms we have experienced, foreign enemies will never cross the Great Wall forged by our culture, flesh and blood, and spirit, The Great Wall mobile phone indicates that the world has entered the era of smart phones.

On the same day, Zhang Qianxiu announced that after his retirement, he would never participate in any business activities or manage any company, and 90% of his assets would be handed over to the state.

At the end of the press conference, foreign reporters interviewed Zhang Qianxiu: "why do you want to hand over such a big business empire to the state?"

Zhang Qianxiu just gave a light answer: "in our hearts, everything will disappear in the long river of time, only China will last forever."

Foreign reporters can't understand this sentence, but Zhang Qianxiu has left in the crowd.

After the press conference, Zhang Qian really handed over 90% of his property and company to the state. The market value of 90% of his assets was nearly 100 billion yuan, but this figure was not released.

As a result, Zhang Qianxiu also received special honor and treatment from the state, and was promised by the state that as long as Zhang Qianxiu's descendants did not betray the country, this honor and these special treatments would be inherited and coexisted with China.

After his retirement, Zhang Qianxiu held 10% of his original assets and still made trillions of yuan.

Zhang Qianxiu jokingly asked Su Yuwei, "am I giving less to the country? 90 percent, and so much more. "

Su Yuwei looked at Zhang Qianxiu with a smile: "if you get cheap, you'll sell yourself well."

In 2009, Su Yuwei again left a pair of twins.

Later, when someone studied Zhang Qianxiu's legendary history, he found that in addition to his achievements in semiconductors and systems, Zhang Qianxiu also made great contributions to the country's automobile, steel, smelting, agriculture, education and so on.

Because no one has investigated what Zhang Qianxiu's assets are, people on the Internet have been questioning whether Zhang Qianxiu really donated 90% of his assets to the state, and listed the so-called evidence.

No matter whether the public praised him or criticized him, praised him or questioned him, Zhang Qianxiu was no longer in public at this time, and no one knew what he was doing.

However, whenever someone comes forward to question, the state will take a clear stand for the first time, but will not publish any details and data about the donation, because Zhang Qianxiu's donation has become a pending case in the eyes of the public, and even no ordinary people know the honor and special treatment he has received.